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Michael Hawkins edited this page Oct 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the RESTful-lenny wiki!


Donged Features:

  • Basic lenny endpoint
  • Random lenny endpoint
  • Return multiple lenniez (both random and basic).
    • User can specify a query parameter to determine how many different lenniez should be generated.
  • Return "seed" with randomly generated lenny.
  • Customisation- user can pass in query parameters to the random endpoint to determine what parts to use
    • Both ears- Can specify individual ears
    • Both eyes- Can specify individual eyes
    • Mouth
    • Any parts not specified will be randomly picked
    • This could also be applied to the /lenny endpoint and instead of using random parts for the non-specified parts, the default lenny's parts will be used

Proposed Features:

  • Named lenny's- can POST to /lenny to save a lenny face with a name
    • We should save some famous people as lenniez
  • Selection by mood-
    • User can pass a mood to the random lenny generator to get a lenny best suited for that mood
  • Face-to-lenny using image recognition
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