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Releases: LoginRadius/node-js-sdk

Released Version 11.6.0

03 Jul 10:33
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Added following APIs:

  • MFAValidateAuthenticatorCode
  • MFAVerifyAuthenticatorCode
  • RevokeAllRefreshToken
  • MultipurposeEmailTokenGeneration
  • MultipurposeSMSOTPGeneration
  • MFAReAuthenticateByAuthenticatorCode
  • AuthSendVerificationEmailForLinkingSocialProfiles
  • SlidingAccessToken
  • AccessTokenViaCustomJWTToken
  • MFAResetAuthenticatorByToken
  • MFAResetAuthenticatorByUid


  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in ResetPhoneIDVerificationByUid API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in MFAConfigureByAccessToken API
  • Added isVoiceOtp and options parameter in MFAUpdatePhoneNumberByToken API
  • Added isVoiceOtp, emailTemplate2FA and options parameter in MFALoginByEmail API
  • Added isVoiceOtp and emailTemplate2FA parameter in MFALoginByUserName API
  • Added isVoiceOtp , emailTemplate2FA and options parameter in MFALoginByPhone API
  • Added isVoiceOtp and options parameter in MFAUpdatePhoneNumber API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in MFAResendOTP API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in MFAReAuthenticate API
  • Added isVoiceOtp and options parameter in UpdateProfileByAccessToken API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in UserRegistrationByEmail API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in UserRegistrationByCaptcha API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in OneTouchLoginByPhone API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in PasswordlessLoginPhoneVerification API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in PasswordlessLoginByPhone API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in ForgotPasswordByPhoneOTP API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in PhoneVerificationByOTP API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in PhoneVerificationOTPByAccessToken API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in PhoneResendVerificationOTP API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in UpdatePhoneNumber API
  • Added isVoiceOtp and emailTemplate parameter in UserRegistrationByPhone API
  • Added isVoiceOtp parameter in SendForgotPINSMSByPhone API
  • Added uuid parameter in VerifyEmail API

Removed the following parameter

  • smsTemplate2FA parameter in MFAConfigureByAccessToken API

Removed (Deprecated) APIs:

  • MFAValidateGoogleAuthCode
  • MFAReAuthenticateByGoogleAuth
  • MFAResetGoogleAuthByToken
  • MFAResetGoogleAuthenticatorByUid
  • MFAUpdateByAccessToken

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 11.5.0...11.6.0

Released Version 11.5.0

20 Jan 06:24
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  • We have updated some of the dependencies to the latest Version.
  • Added emailTemplate parameter in userRegistrationByPhone Api

Removed (Deprecated) APIs:

  • AuthGetRegistrationData
  • ValidateRegistrationDataCode
  • GetRegistrationData
  • AddRegistrationData
  • UpdateRegistrationData
  • DeleteRegistrationData
  • DeleteAllRecordsByDataSource
  • GetAccessTokenByVkontakteAccessToken
  • GetAlbum
  • GetAlbumsWithCursor
  • GetAudios
  • GetAudiosWithCursor
  • GetCheckIns
  • GetCheckInsWithCursor
  • GetContacts
  • GetEvents
  • GetEventsWithCursor
  • GetFollowings
  • GetFollowingsWithCursor
  • GetGroups
  • GetGroupsWithCursor
  • GetLikes
  • GetLikesWithCursor
  • GetMentions
  • PostMessage
  • GetPage
  • GetPhotos
  • GetPosts
  • StatusPosting
  • TrackableStatusPosting
  • GetTrackableStatusStats
  • TrackableStatusFetching
  • GetVideos
  • GetRefreshedSocialUserProfile

Released Version 11.4.0

01 Jun 11:52
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  • We have standardized thegetSott() function and added additional parameter timeDifferencein the getSott() function to get the SOTT using the time difference.
  • Enhancement in the file.

Released Version 11.3.0

27 Jan 12:44
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  • Added linting and formatting toolchains
  • Added Licence and Contribution Guideline files

Released Version 11.2.0

06 Sep 06:09
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  • Updated Jquery with the latest version(3.6.0) in SDK Demo

Added new multiple APIs for better user experience

  • MFAEmailOtpByAccessToken
  • MFAValidateEmailOtpByAccessToken
  • MFAResetEmailOtpAuthenticatorByAccessToken
  • MFASecurityQuestionAnswerByAccessToken
  • MFAResetSecurityQuestionAuthenticatorByAccessToken
  • MFAEmailOTP
  • MFAValidateEmailOtp
  • MFASecurityQuestionAnswer
  • MFASecurityQuestionAnswerVerification
  • MFAResetEmailOtpAuthenticatorByUid
  • MFAResetSecurityQuestionAuthenticatorByUid
  • ReAuthValidateEmailOtp
  • ReAuthSendEmailOtp
  • ReAuthBySecurityQuestion

Removed (Deprecated) API:

  • GetSocialUserProfile

Added EmailTemplate2FA parameter in the following API

  • MFALoginByEmail
  • MFALoginByUserName
  • MFALoginByPhone

Added RbaBrowserEmailTemplate, RbaCityEmailTemplate ,RbaCountryEmailTemplate , RbaIpEmailTemplate parameter in the following API

  • MFAValidateOTPByPhone
  • MFAValidateGoogleAuthCode
  • MFAValidateBackupCode

Added emailTemplate, verificationUrl ,welcomeEmailTemplate parameter in the following API

  • GetProfileByAccessToken

Removed smsTemplate2FA parameter from the following API

  • mfaValidateGoogleAuthCode

Released Version 11.1.0

08 Apr 10:56
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  • Added X-Origin-IP header support.
  • Added 429 error code handling for "Too Many Request in a particular time frame".

Added new multiple APIs for better user experience

  • Get Profile By Ping.
  • Passwordless Login Verification By Email And OTP.
  • Passwordless Login Verification By User Name And OTP.

Version 11.0.0

06 Aug 11:48
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Merge pull request #2 from akshay-s-770/master

Version 11.0.0

Released Version 10.0.0

30 Sep 11:09
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This full-version release includes major breaking changes with improvements and optimizations.


  • Enhanced the coding standards of SDK to follow industry programming styles and best practices.
  • Enhanced security standards of SDK.
  • Reduced code between the business layer and persistence layer for optimization of SDK performance.
  • Added internal parameter validations in the API function.
  • ApiKey and ApiSecret usage redundancy removed.
  • All LoginRadius related features need to be defined once only and SDK will handle them automatically.
  • Improved the naming conventions of API functions for better readability.
  • Better Exception Handling for LoginRadius API Response in SDK.
  • Revamped complete SDK and restructured it with latest API function names and parameters.
  • Added detailed description to API functions and parameters for better understanding.
  • Updated the demo according to latest SDK changes.
  • Used path module for OS independent.
  • Added PIN Authentication feature APIs.
  • Added Consent Management feature APIs.

Added new multiple APIs for better user experience

  • Update Phone ID by UID
  • Upsert Email
  • Role Context profile
  • MFA Resend OTP
  • User Registration By Captcha
  • Get Access Token via Linkedin Token
  • Get Access Token By Foursquare Access Token
  • Get Active Session By Account Id
  • Get Active Session By Profile Id
  • Delete User Profiles By Email
  • Verify Multifactor OTP Authentication
  • Verify Multifactor Password Authentication
  • Verify Multifactor PIN Authentication
  • Update UID
  • MFA Re-authentication by PIN
  • PIN Login
  • Forgot PIN By Email
  • Forgot PIN By UserName
  • Reset PIN By ResetToken
  • Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Email
  • Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Username
  • Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Phone
  • Forgot PIN By Phone
  • Change PIN By Token
  • Reset PIN by Phone and OTP
  • Reset PIN by Email and OTP
  • Reset PIN by Username and OTP
  • Set PIN By PinAuthToken
  • Invalidate PIN Session Token
  • Submit Consent By ConsentToken
  • Get Consent Logs
  • Submit Consent By AccessToken
  • Verify Consent By AccessToken
  • Update Consent Profile By AccessToken
  • Get Consent Logs By Uid
  • Album With Cursor
  • Audio With Cursor
  • Check In With Cursor
  • Event With Cursor
  • Following With Cursor
  • Group With Cursor
  • Like With Cursor

Removed APIs:

  • GetCompanies API
  • Getstatus API

Released Version 10.0.0-beta

05 Aug 11:24
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Enhancements :

This beta version release includes major changes with several improvements and optimizations

  • Enhanced the coding standards of SDK to follow industry programming styles and best practices.
  • Enhanced security standards of SDK.
  • Reduced code between the business layer and persistence layer for optimization of SDK performance.
  • Added internal parameter validations in the API function
  • ApiKey and ApiSecret usage redundancy removed
  • All LoginRadius related features need to be defined once only and SDK will handle them automatically
  • Improved the naming conventions of API functions for better readability.
  • Better Error and Exception Handling for LoginRadius API Response in SDK
  • Revamped complete SDK and restructured it with latest API function names and parameters
  • Added detailed description to API functions and parameters for better understanding
  • Updated the demo according to latest SDK changes
  • Used path module for OS independent

Added new multiple APIs for better user experience

  • Update Phone ID by UID
  • Upsert Email
  • Role Context profile
  • MFA Resend OTP
  • User Registration By Captcha
  • Get Access Token via Linkedin Token
  • Get Access Token By Foursquare Access Token
  • Get Active Session By Account Id
  • Get Active Session By Profile Id

Removed APIs:

  • GetCompanies API

Release version 4.5.0

14 Mar 08:42
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  • Enabled gZip Compression.
  • Resolved JShint detected warnings.