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Before You Begin

	* You need to have created an RPX application. 
	* You'll need a token_url to extract the token and pass it into the auth_info 

Get the Library

	Option 1: Download from GitHub (stable)

	Option 2: Pull from GitHub (edge) - git clone

Get the JSON SDK

	The library uses sbrautaset's json-framework library. Our library follows
	Option 2 of the installation instructions included in the json SDK. You must
	download and install the json library for the libJRAuthenticate to work. To
	enable your app with the JSON library, follow the first 5 instructions, listed

	1. Create a directory ~/Library/SDKs/, if it does not already exist. 
	2. Copy the SDKs/JSON folder from this disk image into the directory 
	   you just created.
	3. In your Project, select your target in the left-hand menu and click 
	   the blue Info button (Apple-i) and select the "Build" tab. 
	4. Make sure "All Configurations" is selected in the "Configuration" drop-down. 
	5. Add the following new line to the "Additional SDKs" 
	6. Add the following two options to the "Other Linker Flags" 
	   option:-ObjC -all_load

	Steps 3-6 have already been completed in the demo application the library
	comes bundled with.

	You should configure your project's "Additional SDKs" option to point to the
	install location of the json library. If you installed the library somewhere
	other than your $HOME directory, please make sure that you change the path
	variable for "Additional SDKs" in both the JRAuthenticate project as well as
	your project. 

Add the Library to Your Xcode Project

	1. Open your project in Xcode. 
	2. Open the JRAuthenticate library in Xcode.
	3. Drag the JRAuthenticate group into your application's Xcode project. In the
	   dialog, do NOT check the "Copy items" box and make sure the "Recursively 
	   create groups..." option is selected, then click "Add". 
	4. Make sure that the JRAuthenticate headers are in the include path. Go 
	   into your project's settings and enter the relative or absolute path to 
	   the "src" directory. 
	5. Include the headers in your code: #import "JRAuthenticate.h"

	For more detailed instructions on adding the library to your project see: 
Using JanRain Authenticate

	Sign in to RPX to get your 20-character Application ID from the Application
	Info box.

	To initialize an instance of the library, you can store the Application ID
	as an NSString* and pass it to the class method 
	andTokenUrl:(NSString*)tokenUrl delegate:(id)delegate

	Make sure that your delegate class implements the JRAuthenticateDelegate

	static NSString *appId = @"<your app id>";


	JRAuthenticate* jrAuthenticate = [[JRAuthenticate initWithAppID:appId
										delegate:self] retain];

	In the section of code where you wish to launch the library's authentication
	process, send the showJRAuthenticateDialog message from your JRAuthenticate

	[jrAuthenticate showJRAuthenticateDialog];

	After the user authenticates with the provider, the JRAuthenticate library
	will post the - (void)jrAuthenticate:(JRAuthenticate*)jrAuth
	didReceiveToken:(NSString*)token message to your delegate, containing the
	session token for the user.

	If you provide the initWithAppID: function with a token URL, the library
	will post the - (void)jrAuthenticate:(JRAuthenticate*)jrAuth
	didReceiveToken:(NSString*)token message to your delegate and then continue 
	to post the token to the token URL that was provided.

	It is on your token URL that you should make the call to auth_info with your
	Application Key. After the library receives a response from the token URL, it
	will send the -(void)jrAuthenticate:(JRAuthenticate*)jrAuth
	didReachTokenURL:(NSString*)tokenURL withPayload:(NSString*)tokenUrlPayload
	message to your delegate with the contents of that response. It is your
	application's responsibility to parse the response for the user's information.

	We recommend that you make at least one token URL specific to your mobile
	application, and have its response contain only the information your iPhone
	application needs.

	Unlike the RPX web-based widget, the library will not redirect the user to
	the token URL. Instead, it will close the view controller containing the web
	view, and perform the action of posting the token to the token URL headlessly.

	If you did not instantiate the library with a token URL, the library will
	remove its view controller at this point, and it is your responsibility to 
	post the token to your token URL and process the response.

	Optionally, you can call the message
	-(void)makeCallToTokenUrl:(NSString*)tokenURL WithToken:(NSString *)token 
	with any tokenURL and token.

	Whether the library posts the token to the token URL or your application
	does, your token URL should be making the call to auth_info with your
	40-character Application Key. Your iPhone application should not contain 
	the Application Key.

	If there were any problems authenticating, or if the user canceled the
	authentication, the -(void)jrAuthenticate:(JRAuthenticate*)jrAuth
	didFailWithError:(NSError*)error or the
	messages may be called instead of the didReceiveToken: message.


JanRain Authenticate for the iphone






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