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Discord bot for the LundProd server


  • npm run build Compile the TypeScript into Javascript to be executed with Node

  • npm run generate-cards Create the card assets

  • npm run start-bot Execute the compiled code built earlier for the bot

  • npm run start-lundprod Execute the compiled code built earlier for the website

  • npm run test Run tests. Currently, they are not written.

Bot features

The bot provides several slash commands :

Command Description
/help Display the bot features
/birthday Register your birth date
/google Return a google search link for the subject specified
/howlongtobeat Display the informations of a game
/join Display when you joined the server
/ping Answer pong
/pong Answer ping
/poll Create a poll (10 answers max.)
/pp Get the profile picture of someone
/shifumi To play rock-paper-cissors with the bot
/tellme To ask a question to Maurice (OpenAI integration)

You can be warn for some sports :

Command Description
/sport help Display the bot features for the sport commands
/sport followleague Allow to follow a league to be notified
/sport followteam Allow to follow a team to be notified
/sport unfollowleague Allow to unfollow a league to be notified
/sport unfollowteam Allow to unfollow a team to be notified
/sport viewleagues Display all the leagues in the database
/sport viewteams Display all the teams from a league in the database

To fill the database with sport event, take a look at the README in the cli folder

A game is also available thanks to this slash commands :

Command Description
/gacha help Display the gacha commands
/gacha join Register in the game
/gacha buy Use points to get cards
/gacha cards Display the cards of the user
/gacha daily Get a free card for the day
/gacha fusion Use several cards into a special one
/gacha gift Use a code to get some gift
/gacha gold Convert 5 same basic cards into a gold one
/gacha points Display the points of the user
/gacha profile Display some profile data and the url to the profile
/gacha sell Sell a card to get points
/gacha twitch Link a twitch account to your gacha account
/gacha view Display a card by its id

Another feature : A meme channel is created or the bot attached to one depending on the env variable (see below)

The meme channel accepts urls finishing by .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png and .bmp, the message with an image (and no text) or the link from the whitelist which is,, and

For the ping/pong, you have 1% chance to miss the table and you have 0.1% to win

Initialization of the project

How to create and add the bot to your server

Go to your discord applications and create a new app Find your bot token in the bot menu To make your bot join your server, go in the OAuth menu Check "Bot" In the url provided, replace permissions=0 to permissions=122406693968 Your url should look like<your client id>&permissions=122406693968&scope=bot%20applications.commands ⚠ Be careful to have the applications.commands in the scope Copy the url and use it to add the bot to your server

Setup the channel ids

When we notify for some feature or monitor a channel, we need their channel id. They are set in the DiscordNotificationChannel table of the database. You have 6 cases :

  • BIRTHDAY : The channel where the birthday wish will be done
  • MEME : The meme channel we are monitoring to check the messages
  • SHOP : The shop channel for the gacha where the threads are created
  • FOOTBALL : The sport channel to warn for football events
  • NBA : The sport channel to warn for NBA events
  • MOTORSPORT : The sport channel to warn for motorsport events

To enable the developper mode in your settings, then right click on the channel and copy the id

Environment variables

Copy the .env.dist as a .env

Explanation of the variables :


The mysql url to connect to the database


The port used by the proxy


The env used for the proxy. If 'dev' => it ignores the https


The token of your bot. Can be found here > Select application > Bot



The token of your bot. Can be found here > Select application > OAuth2


Enable the developper mode in your settings, then right click on the name of your server and select "Copy ID"


The name of the meme channel if it's not found with the MEME_CHANNEL_ID. Be careful, the second time you start the bot, if you didn't register the MEME_CHANNEL_ID with the newly created channel, a new one will be created again.




The informations from the twitch console to communicate with the reward system


The domain url (ex: for the Let's Encrypt ssl folder. Not used in dev mode (because it's localhost so not https)


The website url to generate links for the discord webhooks


Same value of WEBSITE_URL, used by Next-Auth to redirect to the right url, otherwise it's localhost:3000 which is used


The webhook to post the link when a blog post is published


The webhook to post the updates on the backlog


The CDN url to redirect to when calling the proxy with the cdn subdomain


Secret used for the JWT. Mandatory otherwise unstable_get_session doesn't work


The API key from


The webhook to post when an expected game is released


The API key from


A docker image for a database is available in the config folder