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How to Run lichess bot

Đinh Hoàng Việt edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 1 revision

How to control


To start the bot, type:


The bot automatically accepts challenges. Which challenges are accepted is defined in the config in the section challenge.

To see all commands, type:



To challenge other players with similar ratings, type:


Change the settings in matchmaking in the config to change how this bot challenges other players. The bot will pause matchmaking for incoming challenges. To exit the matchmaking mode type:


To exit the bot completely, type:


The bot will always wait until the current game is finished.

Non interactive mode

This mode is used automatically when BotLi is used without an interactive terminal, for example as a service. In this case, the bot is controlled by setting flags at start time.


To let the bot challenge other bots in non interactive mode, start it like this:

python --matchmaking

CAUTION: Lichess will rate limit you if you let matchmaking run too long without adjusting the delay accordingly.

Upgrade to Bot account

When the bot is running in interactive mode it will ask for an account upgrade if necessary.

In non interactive mode the --upgrade flag must be set at start.

python --upgrade

The account cannot have played any game before becoming a Bot account. The upgrade is irreversible. The account will only be able to play as a Bot.