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MTDdk edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 18 revisions


jawn strives to be a simple framework for web MVC development.

It is an abbreviation of the original title: "java-web-planet", and pronounced like the homophone of "yawn", as this project is supposed to be so simple to use that you can do it almost in your sleep.

Personal motivation

I was tired of the limits and troublesome HTML tags of standard JSPs, and not satisfied with existing frameworks, so I set down in the endeavour of combining technologies to get close to a full stack web development platform with all the features I believe a web framework should have:

  • Fewer extensive XML files for configuration. Preferring to get as much into the code as possible.
  • Exert convention over configuration. Whenever the framework needs guidance it ought to be by convention - hopefully this will increase readability and productivity.
  • Keep close to Java standards. The framework is useless if it is just another language you have to learn, and is not something you can use in an existing environment/container.
  • Commonly needed functionality in one place. I often have the need for image manipulation, JSON-marshalling, AJAX, and many other things.
  • Extremely close to full stack web development. The development has to be seamless, and it should be possible to deploy the service either as a self-contained service or as a part of a container.
  • Pluginable. Developers ought to be able to write their own plugins - either for extending existing functionality, or to overwrite standard behaviour.

This framework combines a series of other tools in the attempt to reach these goals.

Get it

Current version: Maven Central


compile "net.javapla.jawn:jawn:$version"




This started out as a fork of ActiveWeb, but it has moved pretty far away from the original way of thinking of ActiveWeb, and instead uses the mechanics from a range of Java frameworks.

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