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MTD edited this page Apr 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

Web applications often work in different contexts or environments like development, staging or production.

This handle can be specified with a system property / environment variable JAWN_ENV. By using this convention, a server can be set to be a production server and your own computer to be development, and you would never need to handle any configuration files during launch or deployment, because it will automatically fetch the information from its environment.


During development it can be useful to let the framework do automatic reload of classes, in order to prevent the need for constant re-deploy / restart of server.

This is a built-in functionality activated by specifying another system property / environment variable jawn_reload to true.

It is generally also encouraged to use one of the LogRequest*Filters (Filters) as they outputs short statements in the log of every request.

Running server

See the Using Jetty for a more concise survey on how to set these properties when running the framework.

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