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Yahoo Finance API

This API helps to query for all information about finance summary, stocks, quotes, movers, etc… as on

This API reproduces live PUBLIC data and features of The response data is always live and synced with the site at request time. You are going to get almost everything that you see PUBLICLY on the site.


  • In this project I applied Clean architecture with (MVVM Pattern + State Management) to apply Separation of concerns.
  • Using kotlin coroutines to handle heavy operations on the background thread.
  • Using Hilt for dependency injection that will make code cleaner and more readable and handy when creating dependecies and testable easier.
  • I have used a compination of Compose and Normal XML.
  • Using Retrofit to implement Api calls.

Clean Architecture


Clean Architecture layers

clean_architecture_reloaded_layers (1)

Tech Stack

  • kotlin.
  • Compose
  • Clean Architecure with (MVVM + StateManagement).
  • Coroutines.
  • Retrofit2.
  • recycler view.
  • ConstraintLayout.
  • viewmodel and MutableStateFlow.
  • view binding.
  • Dagger Hilt for DI.