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256 lines (176 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

256 lines (176 loc) · 12.9 KB

1.20.0 [unreleased]

1.19.0 [2021-06-04]


  1. #194: Add possibility to handle HTTP response from InfluxDB server [write]
  2. #197: Optimize Flux Query for querying one time-series [LINQ]
  3. #205: Exponential random retry [write]

Bug Fixes

  1. #193: Create services without API implementation
  2. #202: Flux AST for Tag parameters which are not String [LINQ]

1.18.0 [2021-04-30]


  1. #184: Add possibility to specify WebProxy for Client
  2. #185: Use group() function in output Flux query. See details - Group function [LINQ]
  3. #186: Produce a typed HTTP exception
  4. #188: Switch pivot() and drop() function to achieve better performance

Bug Fixes

  1. #183: Propagate runtime exception to EventHandler

1.17.0 [2021-04-01]


  1. #146: Add support for querying by LINQ
  2. #171: Add QueryApiSync for synchronous querying
  3. #171: Add IDomainObjectMapper for custom mapping DomainObject from/to InfluxDB
  4. #180: Add a mutable PointData.Builder to optimize building of immutable PointData


  1. #174: Add possibility to use CancellationToken in REST API
  2. #179: Add possibility to use CancellationToken in the async write API (WriteApiAsync)

Bug Fixes

  1. #168: DateTime is always serialized into UTC
  2. #169: Fix domain structure for Flux AST
  3. #181: Remove download overhead for Queries


  1. #175: Update dependencies of InfluxDB.Client:
    • JsonSubTypes to 1.8.0
    • Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool to 5.0.4
    • Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers to 2.2.8
    • System.Collections.Immutable to 5.0.0
    • System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager to 5.0.0
    • System.Reactive to 5.0.0
  2. #182: Update test dependencies:
    • Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 16.5.0


  1. #182: Add build for dotnet5, Fix code coverage report

1.16.0 [2021-03-05]

Bug Fixes

  1. #154: Always use ConfigureAwait(false) to avoid unnecessary context switching and potential dead-locks. Avoid unnecessary await overhead.
  2. #158: Remove unnecessary dependencies: System.Net.Http and Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces


  1. #165: Updated stable image to influxdb:latest and nightly to

1.15.0 [2021-01-29]

Bug Fixes

  1. #143: Added validation that a configuration is present when is client configured via file
  2. #150: The unsigned numbers are serialized with u postfix


  1. #145: Updated RestSharp to 106.11.7
  2. #148: Updated CsvHelper to 18.0.0


  1. #140: Updated default docker image to v2.0.3

1.14.0 [2020-12-04]


  1. #136: CSV parser is able to parse export from UI


  1. #138: Updated default docker image to v2.0.2

1.13.0 [2020-10-30]


  1. #121: Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> query overloads to QueryAPI
  2. #127: Added exponential backoff strategy for batching writes. Default value for RetryInterval is 5_000 milliseconds.
  3. #128: Improved logging message for retries

1.12.0 [2020-10-02]


  1. #117: Added support for string token
  2. #121: Added IAsyncEnumerable<T> query overloads to QueryAPI


  1. #122: Default port changed from 9999 to 8086
  2. #124: Removed labels in organization API, removed Pkg* structure and package service

Bug Fixes

  1. #119: No timestamp returned via POCO based QueryAsync<T>

1.11.0 [2020-08-14]


  1. #97: Improved WriteApi performance
  2. #116: Moved api generator to separate module influxdb-clients-apigen

Bug Fixes

  1. #113: Fixed unnecessary API call when writing collection of DataPoints

1.10.0 [2020-07-17]


  1. #102: Added WriteApiAsync for asynchronous write without batching

Bug Fixes

  1. #106: Fixed serialization of \n, \r and \t to Line Protocol, = is valid sign for measurement name
  2. #108: Replaced useless .ContinueWith in Api by direct call

1.9.0 [2020-06-19]


  1. #96: The PointData builder is now immutable


  1. #94: Update swagger to latest version
  2. #103: Removed log system from Bucket, Dashboard, Organization, Task and Users API - influxdb#18459


  1. #104: Upgraded InfluxDB 1.7 to 1.8

Bug Fixes

  1. #100: Thread-safety disposing of clients
  2. #101: Use Trace output when disposing WriteApi

1.8.0 [2020-05-15]


  1. #84: Add possibility to authenticate by Basic Authentication or the URL query parameters
  2. #91: Added support "inf" in Duration
  3. #92: Remove trailing slash from connection URL

Bug Fixes

  1. #81: Fixed potentially hangs on of WriteApi.Dispose()
  2. #83: Fixed parsing error response for 1.x

1.7.0 [2020-04-17]


  1. #70: Optimized mapping of measurements into PointData

Bug Fixes

  1. #69: Write buffer uses correct flush interval and batch size under heavy load


  1. #77: Clarify how to use a client with InfluxDB 1.8


  1. #74: update CsvHelper to [15.0.4,16.0)

1.6.0 [2020-03-13]


  1. #61: Set User-Agent to influxdb-client-csharp/VERSION for all requests
  2. #64: Add authentication with Username and Password for Client.Legacy

Bug Fixes

  1. #63: Correctly parse CSV where multiple results include multiple tables

1.5.0 [2020-02-14]


  1. #57: LogLevel Header also contains query parameters


  1. #58: CircleCI builds over dotnet 2.2, 3.0 and 3.1; Added build on Windows Server 2019
  2. #60: Deploy dev version to Nuget repository

1.4.0 [2020-01-17]


  1. #52: Updated swagger to latest version


  1. #54: Added beta release to continuous integration

Bug Fixes

  1. #56: WriteApi is disposed after a buffer is fully processed

1.3.0 [2019-12-06]


  1. #49: Optimized serialization to LineProtocol


  1. #46: Updated swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #45: Assemblies are strong-named
  2. #48: Packing library icon into a package

1.2.0 [2019-11-08]


  1. #43 Added DeleteApi


  1. #42: Updated swagger to latest version

1.1.0 [2019-10-11]

Breaking Changes

  1. #34: Renamed Point class to PointData and Task class to TaskType (improving the usability of this library)
  2. #40: Added Async suffix into asynchronous methods


  1. #59: Added support for Monitoring & Alerting


  1. #36: Updated swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #31: Drop NaN and infinity values from fields when writing to InfluxDB
  2. #39: FluxCSVParser uses a CultureInfo for parsing string to double

1.0.0 [2019-08-23]


  1. #29: Added support for gzip compression of query response and write body

Bug Fixes

  1. #27: The org parameter takes either the ID or Name interchangeably


  1. #25: Updated swagger to latest version

1.0.0.M2 [2019-08-01]


  1. #18: Auto-configure client from configuration file
  2. #20: Possibility to specify default tags

Bug Fixes

  1. #24: The data point without field should be ignored



  1. Client: The reference C# client that allows query, write and InfluxDB 2.0 management
  2. Client.Legacy: The reference C# client that allows you to perform Flux queries against InfluxDB 1.7+