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Free and collaborative Catalan - Catalan Sign Language (LSC) Dictionary.

Our mission

We want to create a free and collaborative dictionary to translate from catalan to LSC, and make it accessible from both web browser and app.

This comes after studying LSC and realizing there's no platform with sufficient vocabulary to be used as a reference. From there we undertook the mission to create such a tool, so it can grow along with people interested in LSC. For that, Signepedia must allow users to post new videos and edit the existing ones, making sure every entry is correct and up to date.

We understand this as a supporting learning tool, not a methodoligy on itself that teaches LSC.

Also, our dream is to make Signepedia as little language-dependant as possible so it can be used for any Sign Language that has a community willing to create new content.

Collaborate with the project

Best way to collaborate is to use the Signepedia.

But if you are here, you are probably looking for a deeper form of collaboration. We need many people to make this project work:

  • Check the Issues and give your oppinion regarding enything being discussed.
  • Create new Issues if you see a problem or a missing feature for which there's no Issue already.
  • And if you want to develop, you'll be really welcomed. Best way to start is to read the documentation for contributing.


The official language for this project is english. Even though, when the project begun we used catalan for everything. We apologize for any Issue, Comment, Pull-Request or anything else that you might find not in english. Do not hesitate to open an Issue or create a Comment for anything that you don't understand because it's not written in english.

Questions and comments

Any question or comment for which you feel creating an Issue doesn't apply, can be send to our mail: [email protected]


Copyright © 2018 Albert Masclans

Distributed under MIT License.