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Utility to benchmark speed of operations of a PKCS#11 implementation.


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An utility to benchmark speed of operations of a PKCS#11 implementation.


On Nov 30th 2023, This repo has been rebased for quality reasons. Pay attention when you are fetching or pulling from it. We apologize for the inconvenience.



You will need the following:

On RedHat/Oracle, you can generally find Boost on RPMs, from the EPEL repository. Check out this link to add EPEL to your yum repositories. Note that on EPEL, boost is suffixed with a version number, like boost169.

Botan has to be compiled from scratch. Check out online instructions to compile and install it.

To boostrap the autotools environment, you will need the following packages deployed on your system:


Once you have it all, you can bootstrap, configure and compile. You will need to adapt the flags in the instruction below to adapt to your environment.

In the example below, boost library is deployed within /usr/lib64/boost169, and botan has its pkg-config configuration deployed in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

$ ./
$ ./configure -C  --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib64/boost169  CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/include/boost169 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
$ make

Note that to execute p11perftest, you may have to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path to where Botan is deployed (typically /usr/local/lib )


Keys to generate

In case session keys cannot be used (which is the default behaviour), keys must be created directly on the cryptographic token. In order to execute the test, you will need to create the following keys upfront:

key name description
ecdsa-secp256r1 a secp256r1 ECDSA key, with CKA_SIGN
ecdsa-secp384r1 a secp384r1 ECDSA key, with CKA_SIGN
ecdsa-secp521r1 a secp521r1 ECDSA key, with CKA_SIGN
ecdh-secp256r1 a secp256r1 ECDH key, with CKA_DERIVE
ecdh-secp384r1 a secp384r1 ECDH key, with CKA_DERIVE
ecdh-secp521r1 a secp521r1 ECDH key, with CKA_DERIVE
des-128 a 2DES key, with CKA_ENCRYPT
des-192 a 3DES key, with CKA_ENCRYPT
aes-128 a 128 bits AES key, with CKA_ENCRYPT
aes-192 a 192 bits AES key, with CKA_ENCRYPT
aes-256 a 256 bits AES key, with CKA_ENCRYPT
hmac-sha1 a 160 bits generic secret key, with CKA_SIGN
hmac-sha256 a 256 bits generic secret key, with CKA_SIGN
hmac-sha512 a 512 bits generic secret key, with CKA_SIGN
xorder-128 a 128 bits generic secret key, with CKA_DERIVE
rand-128 a 128 bits AES key (not used during testing), presence yet needed

There is a script at scripts/ to create these keys, using the PKCS#11 toolkit. There is also a python script, at scripts/ It requires Python 3, and you will need to deploy the dependent libraries using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

implemented tests

name measured operation allowed vectors involved mechanisms
aescbc AES encryption, in CBC mode 16*n, n>1 CKM_AES_CBC
aesecb AES encryption, in ECB mode 16*n, n>1 CKM_AES_ECB
aesgcm AES encryption, in GCM mode, IV=12 bytes, no AAD 1+ CKM_AES_GCM
descbc 3DES encryption, in CBC mode 8*n, n>1 CKM_DES3_CBC
desecb AES encryption, in ECB mode 8*n, n>1 CKM_DES3_ECB
ecdh Elliptic curve based Diffie Hellman key derivation keysize dependent CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE
ecdsa ECDSA digital signature (hashing in software) 1+ CKM_ECDSA
hmac HMAC generation 1+ CKM_SHA_1_HMAC, CKM_SHA256_HMAC, ...
jwe JWE decryption (RFC7516), using RSA OAEP and AES GCM 1+ CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP and CKM_AES_GCM
oaep RSA OAEP decryption keysize dependent CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP with C_Decrypt()
oaepunw RSA OAEP unwrapping ( a generic secret key) keysize dependent CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP with C_Unwrap()
rand Generate random numbers 1+ C_GenerateRandom()
xorder Key derivation based on exclusive OR 1+ CKM_XOR_BASE_AND_DATA


p11perftest can be invoked with only three arguments:

  • a path to a PKCS#11 library
  • a slot index
  • a password

Here is the full list of supported arguments:

  • -h [ --help ], print help message
  • -l [ --library ] arg, PKCS#11 library path
  • -s [ --slot ] arg, slot index to use
  • -p [ --password ] arg, password for token in slot
  • -t [ --threads ] arg (=1), number of concurrent threads
  • -i [ --iterations ] arg (=200), number of iterations
  • --skip arg (=0), number of iterations to skip before recording for statistics (in addition to iterations)
  • -j [ --json ], output results as JSON
  • -o [ --jsonfile ] arg, JSON output file name
  • -c [ --coverage ] arg (=rsa,ecdsa,ecdh,hmac,des,aes,xorder,rand,jwe,oaep,oaepunw), coverage of test cases
  • -v [ --vectors ] arg (=8,16,64,256,1024,4096), test vectors to use
  • -k [ --keysizes ] arg (=rsa2048,rsa3072,rsa4096,ecnistp256,ecnistp384,ecnistp521,hmac160,hmac256,hmac512,des128,des192,aes128,aes192,aes256), key sizes or curves to use
  • -f [ --flavour ] arg (=generic), PKCS#11 implementation flavour. Possible values: generic, luna , utimaco, entrust, marvell
  • -n [ --nogenerate ], do not attempt to generate session keys; instead, use pre-existing keys on token

Some arguments allow to specify more than one value. To do so, just separate values with a comma , and without space between values.

Skipping iterations

Some tokens tend to show a different performance for the first call of an API, compared to the subsequent ones. The parameter --skip allows to skip any number of iterations, i.e. these are executed but not accounted for in statistics.

algorithms descriptors

By default, coverage for des includes ECB and CBC mode; coverage for aes includes ECB, CBC and GCM modes; coverage for jwe includes RSA-OAEP and RSA-OAEP-SHA256; coverage for oaep includes OAEP decryption with SHA1 and OAEP with SHA256, and oaepunw includes OAEP key unwrapping with SHA1 and with SHA256. It is possible to narrow down to specific modes:

  • for AES, aesecb, aescbc, or aesgcm instead of aes
  • for DES, desecb or descbc for des
  • for JWE, jweoaepsha1 for RSA-OAEP or jweoaepsha256 for RSA-OAEP-SHA256
  • for OAEP decryption, oaepsha1 for OAEP with SHA1 or oaepsha256 for OAEP with SHA256
  • for OAEP unwrapping, oaepunwsha1 for OAEP with SHA1 or oaepunwsha256 for OAEP with SHA256

algorithms and key sizes

Some tests need more than one key type to operate. If specific key sizes are chosen, it is important to include all keys needed by the algorithms. Forgetting to give one of the key sizes lead to skip the test case, even if specified on the command line.

  • for JWE, both RSA and AES key sizes must be specified
  • for OAEP, both RSA and AES key sizes must be specified

Environment variables

All environment variables below can be used instead of command line options. When both are present, command line option takes precedence.

Parsing JSON output

JSON output files (when -j and/or -o options are specified) can be turned into Excel spreadsheets, using scripts/ script. To run that package, you must first deploy the dependencies, using the requirements.txt file. Once completed, the script can be executed. It takes two arguments: the source JSON file, and a file name for the target spreadsheet.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ scripts/json2xlsx myresults.json myresults.xlsx

Creating graphs

Using the spreadsheet produced at previous step, graphs can be created using from the scripts directory. Just provide the spreadhseet as argument, and graphs will be created automatically. There are two possibilities for the graphs that are generated:

  1. The effect of number of threads on latency and throughput, for fixed vector sizes (this is the default). Usage: FILE [threads] where the optional switch threads is redundant.
  2. The effect of vector size on latency and throughput, for fixed numbers of threads. Usage FILE size [--reglines], where the optional switch --reglines will draw lines of best fit for latency and throughput.

There is a further option to compare two data sets using the --comparison switch. Run python -h for usage.

Author, copyright and licensing

p11perftest originally created by Eric Devolder.

Additional contributions to by Marcel Armour.

Copyright (c) 2018 Mastercard

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Calculus of error references