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Chris edited this page Mar 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

macOS Installation

To install on macOS you will likely need to install the Homebrew package to install some dependancies (macOS uses outdated versions of some applications).

Installing Homebrew and dependancies

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install bash gnu-sed node jq [email protected]
brew services start [email protected]

Installing MediaButler

npm i -g mediabutler-server pm2
PLEX_URL= DB_URL=mongodb:// pm2 start mediabutler

You should now be able to access and be greeted with a "Hello World!" message. This completes the installation of MediaButler Server

Starting and stopping MediaButler

After the initial installation of MediaButler above, you will notice that we had to supply a PLEX_URL and DB_URL as part of the initial startup process. You should not need to set this again afterwards. You should be able to control starting and stopping of the MediaButler server with the pm2 package.

pm2 stop mediabutler
pm2 restart mediabutler
pm2 start mediabutler

We would also recommend reading the documentation of pm2 for further support with starting and stopping


Updating MediaButler is quite simple, you just run the npm installation again and tell the server to restart.

npm i -g mediabutler-server@latest
pm2 restart mediabutler