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Releases: MethodicalAcceleratorDesign/MAD-X


25 Apr 15:27
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MAD-X release 5.09.03 (2024.04.25)

Bug fix release due to makethin slicing issues with RF cavities


19 Apr 20:38
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MAD-X release 5.09.02 (2024.04.19)

  • IBS:
    • PR 1210 Fixes in IBS command behaviour (F. Soubelet)
      • Fixed an issue where the IBS table would only be created if the FILE="STRING" part of the command was provided, instead of always as documented.
      • Added an export of the ibs.coulog and ibs.const variables after calling the IBS command (see user guide).
      • Documented the IBS code.
  • Add2expr
    • PR 1211 Evaluates the expression when defined.
      • Previously it was possible to add as syntax error in the expression and this was only detected when the expression was evaluated. This PR fixes that.
  • Memory corruption
    • PR 1221 Fix dangling pointer
      • setvars leave a string variable point to data on a tables that could be delete leaving a dangling pointer


04 Dec 11:29
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MAD-X release 5.09.01 (2023.12.04)

  • PTC:

    • PR 1200 See more details in this presentation (J. M. Gray, L. Deniau)
      • A flag has been added to ptc_setswitch called nocharge.
      • ptcrbend and truerbend has been removed. Now we use true_rbend.
      • Speed up of PTC fringe fields #1160.
      • Removed sector_nmul_max inconsistency.
      • Add warning for when sector_nmul_max is insufficient.
      • Enabled integration order 8.
      • Simplified MADX-PTC fringe map flags.
      • Added many attributes to activate fringe and face maps.
      • Un-negate the k0s component in the rfmultipole element.
      • Properly weight the knl and ksl components in the rfmultipole element.
      • Force the rfmultipole and crabcavity element to have to same attributes as the rfcavity element.
      • Allowed use of all different types of rbend and therefore implement correct length scaling.
      • Add solenoid compenent to multipole and force solenoid to act like a multipole when l=0.
      • Add shortcuts for identity patches.
      • Fix patch elements when using misalignments.
      • Update documentation for these changes.
  • Actions:

    • PR 1202, PR 1203 Update the GitHub actions, add beta min max errors (J. M. Gray)
    • PR 1178, Replace deprecated ::set-output () (T. Glasse)
    • PR 1185 minor fix in numdiff to satisfy broken warnings in intel compiler (L. Deniau)
  • Track:

    • PR 1182 Fix thick dipole tracking

Full Changelog: 5.09.00...5.09.01


05 May 16:45
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MAD-X release 5.09.00 (2023.05.05)

  • Twiss
    • PR 1123 Fix errors in the time variable with EXACT flag to TWISS (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1125 Make TWISS treat [XY]ROTATION exactly, including the linear and second order map (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1129 Make track/twiss able to treat a thick solenoid exactly (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1133 Fix the Dqmin calculation when the CHROM option was used. (T. Persson)
    • PR 1136 Implements the exact translation in TWISS and TRACK (T. Persson)
    • PR 1161 Add tapering in multipole and octupoles (R. De Maria)
  • Track:
    • PR 1148 Fix to get Dynap to work with the ny space Charge module (T. Persson)
    • PR 1109 Space charge (F. Schimdt, H. Renshal, A. Latina)
    • PR_1159 Fix calls to pro_input from trupdate, adding null termination (S. Berg)
    • PR_1169 Fix undefined variable in solenoid tracking with radiation (R. De Maria)
  • PTC:
    • PR 1153, PR 1154, PR 1156 Fix mdump for map debugging and sync with MAD-NG (L. Deniau)
    • PR 1142 Fix issue-1140 generating function wrong sign from ptc_normal (P. Skowonronski)
    • PR 1111 Ensure that exact_model is set before zero_key is called in PTC (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1095 Implement more robust, optional, PTC DA map output (L. Deniau)
    • PR 1131 Add spin table (T. Persson and P. Skowonronski)
    • PR 1114 Exact option in PTC translation (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1159 Fix random errors in trupdate due to missing null termination (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1175 Revert to old PTC bend (L. Deniau, R. De Maria)
  • Aperture:
    • PR 1168 Fix regression in aperture module resulting in wrong orbit in thick kickers (R. De Maria)
  • Misc:
    • PR 1139 Remove inform forcing for seq generation (R. De Maria)
    • PR 1144 Flag to throw fatal error when missing file in interactive mode (T. Persson)
    • PR 1150 Fix issue with ESAVE after using FILL_KNOB (T. Persson)
    • PR 1081 Fix potential buffer overrun when node_name calls stoupper (J. S. Berg)
    • PR 1093 More robust aperture refinement (T. Persson)
    • PR 1113 Introduce LAST option in INSTALL and MOVE and change default behaviour [Breaking change!] (R. De Maria)
    • PR 1061 Fix k0 in dipedge in makethin (H. Burkhardt, R. De Maria)
    • PR 1137 Remove none from mad_dict for numbers (R. De Maria)
    • PR 1161 Fixing lines brake in save (R. De Maria, L. Deniau)
  • Tests:
    • PR 1107, PR 1164 Stabizes few tests due to compiler dependent numerical noise (R. De Maria)
  • Doc:
    • PR 1088 Additional explanation bv flag (J. Dilly)


25 Feb 15:44
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Fix radiation of mulitpoles in TRACK. [#1079] (Riccardo)
Fix in exact drift transfer map in TWISS [#1077]. (Tobias)
Allows disabling the scaling of TWISS in PTC by default but possible to activate it. [#1073]. (Tobias)
Fixes a bug in the dqmin calculation. [#1075]. (Tobias)


17 Jan 08:38
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A number of fixes and new features described in changes.html.


03 May 13:51
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Merge pull request #1013 from tpersson/master

update data and doc


08 Sep 08:55
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Merge pull request #951 from tpersson/versionNumbers2020sep

Update version numbers


13 Aug 08:53
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Many new features and bugfixes, can be found here:

MAD-X 5.05.01

11 Jun 07:42
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The main point of this release is a bugfix in MAKETHIN.