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Svelte Inject

Svelte action to inject elements into the DOM


yarn add -D @mibu/svelte-inject
	import {inject} from "@mibu/svelte-inject"


Useful when injectig Svelte into exising code at runtime, e.g. GreaseMonkey userscripts.

You can already inject Svelte components, but only with one injection point per component:

new App({
	target: ..., // Insert into target
	anchor: ... // Insert before child of target

Consider modifying a webiste by adding a toggle to the navbar and some toggleable content to an existing content container:

<nav id="navbar">
  <button id="toggle"/> <!-- toggle we want to inject -->
<div id="container">
  <div id="content"/> <!-- content we want to inject -->

You would have to create a component for each and then inject them:

new Toggle({target: document.getElementById("navbar")});
new Content({target: document.getElementById("container")});

But now you are outside the domain of the Svelte compiler and its harder to add reactivity. Lets instead create a App.svelte component and use the inject action:

	import inject from "@mibu/svelte-inject"
	let showContent = false;

<button use:inject={"#navbar"} on:click={() => showContent = !showContent}/>
<div use:inject={"#container"} class:hidden={showContent}/>

Now everything is inside one Svelte component and its also reactive.


The inject action takes one argument {<mode>: <target>}:

  • <mode>: Where the element will be injected
  • <target>: Either an HTMLElement or a query selector string
<!-- Inject after target -->
<div use:inject={{after: document.getElementById("example")}}>

<!-- Inject before target -->
<div use:inject={{before: "#example"}}>

<!-- Append to target -->
<div use:inject={{append: "li.example"}}>

When you pass just the HTMLElement or a query string, the element will be appended:

<!-- Append to target -->
<div use:inject={document.getElementById("example")}>

<!-- Append to target -->
<div use:inject={""}>

If you don't pass any arguments, the element will be appended to the body:

<!-- Append to document.body -->
<div use:inject>