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Repository files navigation

Build a website about beer :)

Demo (video) of app can be seen here

You're free in choosing languages and frameworks and how much you want to use from the following API:


  1. The application should run without any additional (manual) tweaks
  2. You should be able to search for beer, sort and filter the results and show detail information about the beer.
  3. Display the results in an organized way and make it look good ;)
  4. Nice to have: using a source control system like GitHub with multiple check-ins and of course, tests!

Step 1

Analyze API more specific and and json structure of Beer entity. See also form for adding beer to get better understanding about beer entity(model).

Step 2

Use convert json into C# classes Beer.cs (and dependent classes like Style.cs) in order to create model.

Step 3

Add projects for Beer Repositories (IRepository and is implementations: In memory, Json file, and Rest wrapper for )

Add Rest API project BeerSearch.Api and demonstrate DI with injecting different Repositories in Global.asax.cs using AutoFac as IoC Container Make Tests for BeerController and implement BeerController in SearchBeer.Api Api has search by name and get by Id functionality.

Step 3

Implemented BrewerydbBeerRepository by using HttpClient - wraper (adapter) around (save secret API key in ENV variable BREWERYDB_KEY)


Step 4

Added GUI project ASP.NET core Angular template. Used in order to "make it look good". Added simple angular service and page for searching beers by name. Also enabled CORS on BeerSearch.Api

Step 5

Display of results in grid, on click display more details about beer in modal dialog.

Step 6

Implemented paging, sorting by name and is beer organic. Filtering by description.