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Releases: MuMiN-dataset/mumin-build


18 Oct 11:23
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  • Now catches SSLError and OSError when processing images.
  • Now catches ReadTimeoutError when processing articles.
  • The (:Tweet)-[:MENTIONS]->(:User) was missing in the dataset. It has now
    been added back in.
  • Added tokenizer truncation when adding node embeddings.
  • Fixed an issue with embedding user descriptions when the description is not


  • Changed the download link to the dataset, which now fetches the dataset from
    a specific commit, enabling proper dataset versioning.
  • Changed the timeout parameter when downloading images from five seconds to
    ten seconds.
  • Now processing 50 articles and images on each worker, compared to the
    previous 5.
  • When loading in an existing dataset, auxilliaries and islands are removed.
    This ensures that to_dgl works properly.


  • Removed the review warning from the README and when initialising the
    dataset. The dataset is still not complete, in the sense that we will add
    retweets and timelines, but we will instead just keep versioning the dataset
    until we have included these extra features.


12 Oct 17:20
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  • Added claim embeddings to Claim nodes, being the transformer embeddings of
    the claims translated to English, as described in the paper.
  • Added train/val/test split to claim nodes. When exporting to DGL using the
    to_dgl method, the Claim and Tweet nodes will have train_mask, val_mask
    and test_mask attributes that can be used to control loss and metric
    calculation. These are consistent, meaning that tweets connected to claims
    will always belong to the same split.
  • Added labels to both Tweet and Claim nodes.


  • Properly embeds reviewers of claims in case a claim has been reviewed by
    multiple reviewers.
  • Load claim embeddings properly.
  • Catches TooManyRequests exception when extracting images.
  • Load dataset CSVs with Python engine, as the C engine caused errors.
  • Disable tokenizer parallelism, which caused warning messages during
    rehydration of tweets.
  • Ensure proper quoting of strings when dumping dataset to CSVs.
  • Enable truncation of strings before tokenizing, when embedding texts.
  • Convert masks to integers, which caused an issue when exporting to a DGL
  • Bug when computing reviewer embeddings for claims.
  • Now properly shows compiled=True when printing the dataset, after


  • Changed disclaimer about review period.


13 Sep 17:18
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  • Include (:User)-[:POSTED]->(:Reply) in the dataset, extracted from the
    rehydrated reply and quote tweets.


13 Sep 14:47
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  • Compilation error when including images.
  • Only include videos if they are present in the dataset.
  • Ensure that article embeddings can properly be converted to PyTorch tensors
    when exporting to DGL.


13 Sep 12:56
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  • The replies were not reduced correctly when the small or medium variants
    of the dataset was compiled.
  • The reply features were not filtered and renamed properly, to keep them
    consistent with the tweet nodes.
  • Users without any description now gets assigned a zero vector as their
    description embedding.
  • If a relation does not have any node pairs then do not try to create a
    corresponding DGL relation.
  • Reset nodes and rels attributes when loading dataset.
  • Add embeddings for Reply nodes.


08 Sep 11:53
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  • Changed installation instructions in readme to pip install mumin.


08 Sep 11:53
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  • First release, including a MuminDataset class that can compile the dataset
    dump the compiled dataset to local csv files, and export it as a dgl