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LTS Release

Sebastian Hofmann edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 1 revision

differences to the mycore lts release


prepare the release

Before you make the release set <mycore.version>2019.06.1-SNAPSHOT</mycore.version> in the pom to the mycore release version <mycore.version>2019.06.1</mycore.version> and the mycore parent:


to the release version:


after release:prepare

After running mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Darguments="-Djetty" you change <mycore.version>2019.06.1</mycore.version> to <mycore.version>2019.06.2-SNAPSHOT</mycore.version> and run git add pom.xml and git commit --amend to add the next mycore lts snapshot version to the

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

commit which maven just created. Now just continue as usual with:

git push
git push  --tags
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