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Jargon File

AFAICR: As Far As I Can Recall

AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell

AFAIK: As Far As I Know - meaning to the best of your knowledge

AMA: Ask Me Anything - meaning an invitation to ask the person a freeform series of questions

BOFH: Bastard Operator From Hell

CCW: Comments and Criticism Welcome or Constructive Criticism Welcome - meaning an invitation to critique the persons work for improvement purposes

CMM and CMV: Change My Mind or Change My View - meaning an invitation to convince the person that they are wrong or perhaps there is a better way

Cake Day is the anniversary of the day a user signed-up for or otherwise joined a service

DAE: Does Anyone Else - meaning a question to see if other people agree

DILLIGAF: Do I Look Like I Give A F-ck?

ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5 (years old) - meaning to explain something in less technical or in layman's terms for easier understanding of the subject or concept

FIFY and FTFY: Fixed It For You or Fixed That For You - meaning that the reply contains a quote that has a portion changed for correctness, clarity or possibly humorous affect

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out

FSCK: File System Consistency checK - is a system utility for Unix-like operating systems. It is sometimes used as a replacement for "f-ck" in technical conversations

FUBAR: F-cked Up Beyond All Recognition

FWIW: For What It's Worth

FWP: First World Problems - meaning a relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration in comparison to the bigger picture or a larger group of those it affects

GTFO: Get The F-ck Out

H/T: See, "Hat-tip"

HAND: Have A Nice Day!

HITL: Human In The Loop - meaning that whenever possible, keep a human perspective and approval for any output performed by automation

HMB: Hold My Beer - meaning that the person is probably going to try something knowingly foolish or troublesome

HTH: Hope This Helps

Hat-tip: A reference to or gives kudos to were the source of information originally came from

Hugged to Death: A website or service that is inaccessible due to overwhelming traffic coming from a wave of current interest

IANAD: I Am Not A Doctor

IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

IIRC: If I Recall Correctly

IMO, IMHO, IMNSHO: In My Opinion, In My Humble/Honest Opinion, and In My Not So Humble Opinion

IOW: In Other Words

IRL: In Real Life - meaning how something actually works in practice as apposed to theorized on paper

IYKYK: If You Know, You Know - meaning that it doesn't need to be explained if it relates to you, otherwise it likely doesn't

J represents the smiley face emoticon emoji in the Wingdings font family. If you don't have Wingdings installed, or the font formatting is otherwise lost, a capital J will be present in the text

J/K: Just Kidding or otherwise joking

KYC: Know Your Customer - meaning that access to your services should require a registration and preferably a login of some sort

KYS: Kill Your Self - a common insult amongst irate online communications

LOL: Laugh Out Loud

Lurker is a user who reads posted content but rarely or never makes public posts or replies

Mod: Moderator - a volunteer who helps run a community

NSFL or NSFW: Not Safe For Life or Not Safe For Work - Typically used as a warning that the content should not be opened or viewed at work or in front of children

OC: Original Content - meaning the author of the post created the content shown or linked to in the post

OP: Original Poster - meaning the author of the post, or the top level comment in a comment chain being replied to

OT: Off-Topic - meaning that the post or statements are knowingly not the primary topic where the post is taking place, making it easier for some people to ignore the post completely

PFY: Pimply-Faced Youth - meaning a junior coworker or subordinate

PHB: Pointy-Haired Boss

PICNIC: Problem In Chair, Not In Computer

PSA: Public Service Announcement

RTM or RTFM: Read The Manual or Read The F-cking Manual

Repost: is content that has already been posted or submitted

SMH: Shaking My Head

SNAFU: Situation Normal, All F-cked Up

SO: Significant Other

STFW: Search The F-cking Web

Slashdotted: See, "Hugged to Death"

TARFU: Things Are Really F-cked Up

TIFU: Today I F-cked Up

TIL: Today I Learned

TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read. Sometimes used as a synonym for summary

WIP: Work In Progress

X-Post: Cross-Post - meaning a repost of something currently and actively posted on a different list or community for additional exposure

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

YSK: You Should Know

ಠ_ಠ is an emoticon that indicates disapproval

-`ღ´- is an emoticon that indicates lots of love

/S: Sarcasm - meaning that the associated statements are meant to be sarcastic - just in-case that isn't clear to the reader

/Thread: End-Thread - meaning that this should be the end of a reply thread. That nothing else can be added to improve upon or top what has already been said