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Releases: NTBEL/PARM


24 Feb 17:48
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What's Changed

  • Updates to release as version 0.3.0 by @blakeaw in #16

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


05 Feb 19:04
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  • Moved the parm.parm model to parm.variants.classic. This model also uses gaq_activated_calcium_signaling_simplified now instead of gaq_activated_calcium_signaling.
  • Moved the parm.variants.heterogprot_cycle model to be parm.parm, so that this model is now the main model. This model also uses gaq_activated_calcium_signaling_simplified now instead of gaq_activated_calcium_signaling.
  • The calcium_modules.gaq_activated_calcium_signaling_simplified module-function was updated to use the calcium_extrusion_and_influx_single along with the cytosolic_calcium_positive_feedback.
  • The util.expand_times function no longer uses np.linspace but instead just uses np.arange to make time points at 1 second intervals. This works with the experimental time points because they are all whole number times.


  • Created new calcium_modules.calcium_extrusion_and_influx_single module-function that defines a single 1st order reaction to pump excess Ca2+ from the cytosol.
  • Created new calcium_modules.cytosolic_calcium_positive_feedback module-function that just defines the positive feedback of Ca2+ on PLC catalysis of PIP2 to IP3.
  • New parm.variants.LR model variant that just defines ligand-receptor binding using the receptor_modules.single_state_par2_activation module-function. This model can be used to test the binding/dissociation.


27 Oct 20:45
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Release of v0.1.0, the first semantic version of the model code. This release includes additions of a setuptools install script, updates to the README, as well new/updated utility functions, and more.

What's Changed

  • Add a setuptools install script, cond env file, and make updates to the run_model function in the utils module. by @blakeaw in #13
  • v0.1.0 prepared for release. by @blakeaw in #14

Full Changelog: april2022_parm_parm...v0.1.0


29 Apr 13:49
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April2022_parm_parm Pre-release

This is an updated version of the model after significant restructuring and updates to the model code and mechanisms. It is being calibrated via PSO and PyDREAM in April 2022 to generate results for summer conferences and potentially the PAR2 MH paper.