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Using Beta Versions

techy edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

If you're feeling like trying out some new Melody features before they're deemed stable enough to be in the main branch, you can check out the other branches of the repository to get early access to them.

It's worth a quick disclaimer that these features are in their own branch for a reason, and that they are most certainly not stable. If you just want a stable bot, stick to the main branch of the repository. The beta branches are purely there for our development, and shouldn't be trusted in a production environment. With that being said, if you find a problem with something in a beta branch, feel free to open an issue about it - We might not know about it!

Current Beta Branches

  • develop - This branch is where all non-major features are developed. The code is written, the changes are pushed to this branch, then our test bot pulls from this branch for testing. Once the features have been tested, and all the bugs have been squashed, a pull request is made and it's merged back into the master branch.