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Using Custom Emojis

techy edited this page Dec 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Melody allows custom emojis to be used in parts of the bot if do not like the default Discord emojis. Some images are provided in PNG format in this repository, but you can use your own custom emojis if you wish to. The process is still the same, just with the names and IDs replaced with your own ones.

  1. Upload the custom emojis do your Discord server. (If you want to just use different Discord default emojis, you can skip this step)
  2. Enable developer mode on Discord.
  3. Send the emoji in a message with a backslash in front of it. (For example: \:Stop:)
  4. Copy the number part of the ID and paste it into the Melody configuration file.
  5. Restart Melody

NOTE: For Discord default emojis, you wont get an ID, instead you'll get a unicode character. Just paste this into the configuration file and Melody will convert it into Discord's emoji format.

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