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REDCap External Module: Add extra functions for use in calculated fields.


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This REDCap module adds extra functions for use in calculated fields.


  • datalookup( name, param1, param2, ... )
    supply a lookup name followed by parameters to invoke a REDCap data lookup defined in the module project settings
    • The behaviour of this function will depend on the defined custom data lookups in the module settings.
  • ifenum( comparator, default, value1, result1, value2, result2, ... )
    if-enumerated: returns the result corresponding to the first value which is equal to the comparator, or the default value if none of the values are equal
  • ifnull( arg1, arg2, ... )
    returns the first argument supplied which is not null
    • e.g. ifnull( [field1], [field2] ) will return the value of field1 unless it is empty, in which case it will return the value of field2.
  • loglookup( type, field, record, event, instance )
    lookup the first or last entry in the project log, filtered by field, record, event and instance, and return a metadata value
    • Valid lookup types are:
      • first-user (username from first log entry)
      • last-user (username from latest log entry)
      • first-user-fullname (user's full name from first log entry)
      • last-user-fullname (user's full name from latest log entry)
      • first-user-email (user's primary email from first log entry)
      • last-user-email (user's primary email from latest log entry)
      • first-ip (user's IP address from first log entry)
      • last-ip (user's IP address from latest log entry)
      • first-date (date of first log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • last-date (date of latest log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • first-date-dmy (date of first log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • last-date-dmy (date of latest log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • first-date-mdy (date of first log entry - M-D-Y format)
      • last-date-mdy (date of latest log entry - M-D-Y format)
      • first-datetime (date/time of first log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • last-datetime (date/time of latest log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • first-datetime-dmy (date/time of first log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • last-datetime-dmy (date/time of latest log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • first-datetime-mdy (date/time of first log entry - M-D-Y format)
      • last-datetime-mdy (date/time of latest log entry - M-D-Y format)
      • first-datetime-seconds (date/time w/seconds of first log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • last-datetime-seconds (date/time w/seconds of latest log entry - Y-M-D format)
      • first-datetime-seconds-dmy (date/time w/seconds of first log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • last-datetime-seconds-dmy (date/time w/seconds of latest log entry - D-M-Y format)
      • first-datetime-seconds-mdy (date/time w/seconds of first log entry - M-D-Y format)
      • last-datetime-seconds-mdy (date/time w/seconds of latest log entry - M-D-Y format)
    • Example: get the date/time that the initials field was last updated
      • loglookup( 'last-datetime', 'initials', [record-name] )
  • makedate( format, year, month, day )
    returns the date value for the supplied year, month and day components, according to the specified format ('dmy', 'mdy', or 'ymd')
  • randomnumber()
    returns a cryptographically secure random number between 0 and 1
    • Note that this function will return a different value each time the calculation is run. To preserve a generated random number, consider pairing this function with the ifnull function, so that the calculated field's current value (once set) is preferred over a new value.
      e.g. ifnull( [calc_field_name], randomnumber() )
  • sysvar( varname )
    returns the value for the specified system variable as defined in the module system settings

Note that where the arguments to ifenum and ifnull are themselves functions, they will all be evaluated prior to the ifenum or ifnull logic execution (eager evaluation), even if those arguments are not needed. Using REDCap's built-in if function instead will avoid this issue, at the expense of more complicated calculation logic.

Project-level configuration options

Automatically update calculated values

If this setting is enabled, the data quality rule for Incorrect values for calculated fields will be automatically run to fix calculated values on page load if at least 15 minutes has passed since it was last run.

The following settings are only available to administrators.

Enable custom data lookup

This setting enables the datalookup function and provides the options to configure data lookup settings. If custom data lookup is enabled, at least one custom data lookup must be defined.

Lookup name

This is a unique name for the data lookup. The lookup name is supplied as the first parameter in the datalookup function.

Project in which to perform lookup

Specifies which REDCap project the lookup is applied to. If this is not set, the current project is used.

Record filter logic

Criteria to filter the records. Any ? characters in the filter logic act as placeholders and will be replaced by the values specified as parameters in the datalookup function.

The number of placeholders in the filter logic and the number of placeholder values supplied in the datalookup function should be equal. If there are more placeholders in the logic, the remaining placeholders will be replaced by the empty string. If there are more placeholder values, the surplus values will be ignored.

Lookup field

The value of this field (from the returned record) will be returned by the datalookup function.

Return label instead of raw value

If checked, the datalookup function will return the label instead of the value when looking up a multiple choice field.

Type of lookup

If multiple records are returned by the filter logic, this option specifies how the result is to be returned.

List separator

If a list of items is to be returned, specify the separator character/string here.

System-level configuration options

Enable system variables

This setting enables the sysvar function and provides the options to set the variable names and values. If system variables are enabled, at least one must be defined.

Variable name

The name of the system variable. This is used as the parameter to the sysvar function.

Variable value

The value of the system variable. This is the value returned by the sysvar function.