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Releases: Olical/conjure

A bunch of smaller improvements

26 Jun 11:42
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Everything seems stable and there's some nice tweaks in here so I thought I'd tag it as a release. The next one should hopefully include fully configurable mappings!

  • Don't init if Conjure isn't compiled, related to #44.
    • It'll now check for the compiled classes and dependencies for injection.
    • It won't go into a restart loop if something goes wrong
  • Reuse the ctx map throughout the code, makes some internal functions a little nicer.
  • Only evaluate the injected dependencies (just compliment at the moment) if they aren't loaded yet.
    • This may not be noticeable but for slower machines it should bring down the connection time ever so slightly.
    • As you upgrade Conjure, it'll inject the new injected deps if they're required.
    • You can run old and new versions of Conjure against the same JVM, they won't interfere with each other, even if your colleague doesn't want to upgrade yet.
  • The current version number is shown in the first line of the log.
  • Added a little badge to the README pointing to #conjure in Clojurians slack. Come say hi!

Well done for upgrading responsibly, have some doggos.

[BREAKING] Multiline result folding + many small improvents

17 Jun 20:02
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  • @justone added optional folding of multiline results!
  • Improved calculation of the current working directory of Neovim.
  • Don't load in non-Neovim or if already loaded.
  • Fixed CONJURE_LOG_PATH, it was relative to Conjure's source, not your nvim.
  • Tidy up the development workflow (see CONTRIBUTING), no longer require .localvimrc.
  • Cleaner exiting of the process, Neovim asks Conjure to exit politely rather than executing it on the spot.
  • Make the mappings silent, prevents some printing of "press enter to continue" on small screens.
  • Fix #slurp-edn and allow it to return nil if a file can't be read.
  • Allow nil :port values, mainly from #slurp-edn, the connections with a nil port are ignored.
  • Improve how the log buffer and window are upserted, fixed a subtle bug.
  • Add a mapping to eval the word under the cursor.
  • Add a mapping to toggle the log instead of just opening or closing it.


  • g:conjure_log_auto_open` is now a set of the kinds of log entries you wish to open the log. See the README for more, essentially you have to replace the 1 or 0 with an array of kinds of log entries you want to open the log for. For example:
let g:conjure_log_auto_open = ["out", "err", "tap", "doc", "test"]

[BREAKING] Declarative prepl connections and various fixes

10 Jun 11:58
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  • Various fixes and protection against some nils coming back from Neovim
  • Added g:conjure_log_auto_open config
  • #15 (declarative prepl connections) is finished!
  1. Set up your .conjure.edn
  2. Open Neovim
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

Further documentation for this new style can be found in the README.

No input required! It'll connect to what's running at the time, if you start your prepl after Neovim you can just hit <localleader>cu by default to ConjureUp which will reload the config and sync the connections.

You can also provide +some -flags to ConjureUp which will toggle on and off specific connections. Great if you set some to be :enabled? false by default (live server port forward for example) which you want to explicitly toggle on at some point.

I hope this is good for everyone and is seen as a positive change, it is breaking (no more ConjureAdd / ConjureRemove / ConjureRemoveAll) but it's the last breaking one I could think of. I've wanted to implement it for quite a while now, glad I've finally got around to it!

Get in touch with me on Clojurians Slack (#conjure @Olical) or twitter (@OliverCaldwell) if you have some questions around this change.

Safer parsing

05 Jun 21:08
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See #40 for more details, but records being returned from your REPL will cause Conjure to barf at the moment. I can't fix that until I rework how errors are managed and I can't do that until I get a patch into ClojureScript (although I might work around that...).

I've basically made it so these weird parse errors will no longer kill your connection, they'll just show you the error. You can still convert records to maps and continue with your day. I'll get this fixed as soon as I can.

Virtual text on eval and many fixes

05 Jun 21:09
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Phew! This looks like the last release before I take a swing at #15 which will be a breaking change.

  • Tidied up how quick doc worked.
  • Got quick doc working on insert mode
  • A bunch of small internal refactoring
  • Improved the compile script slightly, does less work each time now
  • Added a few options you can use to disable things like quick doc (see the README)
  • Refactored the log buffer to allow appending while it's not visible which allowed me to...
  • Show single line eval results as virtual text, only show the log if there's output that doesn't fit in virtual text

So the log buffer is going to appear a lot less now, but you still have access to it when you want and it contains the history of your evals. I think this UX is a lot nicer, your windows and splits are only messed with when there's large output or when you ask for the log buffer now.

If you don't like this change or want more config etc, hop in #conjure in the Clojurians Slack or hit me up on twitter via @OliverCaldwell. Or open an issue here and we can discuss your thoughts!

Actually fix quick doc bug

30 May 20:53
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Sorry about the patches, I thought I'd fixed it, realised I hadn't then actually fixed it. Hooray for v0... and patches! See v0.16.0 to see more about quick doc.

More guards for quick doc

30 May 20:28
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See v0.16.0 for the real update, this patch just adds some more protections just in case something goes wrong. It shouldn't, but it's more resilient now.

Virtual text doc on CursorHold

30 May 20:15
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I've added documentation lookup on CursorHold that displays with virtual text next to your current line.

It doesn't use the word under the cursor, like K, it uses the head symbol of the current form. So if your cursor is the | in this example you'll see documentation for +.

(+ 10 |10)


Log config and tidier mappings

21 May 19:03
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  • The brilliant @jlesquembre has added configuration to the log window in #35! So now you can control the size (with percentage values) and direction of the split. Exciting!
  • I rethought the mappings and added support for .edn files in #37. There's now a lot more space for adding more mappings without stepping on the toes of other parts of the tool.

I think I'm going to move to a next branch where all development happens soon. That way master should stay pointing at the latest version. I don't want to update the README with new things if they're not technically released yet.

I hope you enjoy!

Handle errors in lazy-seqs at the root

20 May 19:07
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So if you evaluated something that returned a lazy-seq that would throw when it was fully resolved it would cause an error that never displayed. This is because the error happens inside the actual internal prepl code, not inside my eval code where I try/catch. I've solved this with a doall before the pr-str which should prevent any of these in the future.

I added some more code to check for these unhandled errors in the future and log them with some information about it probably being a bug in Conjure, so you should report them if you see more!

This was raised in #33 and hopefully fixed in this patch.