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Quick start: Julia (stdio)

Oliver Caldwell edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Scientific computing has traditionally required the highest performance, yet domain experts have largely moved to slower dynamic languages for daily work. We believe there are many good reasons to prefer dynamic languages for these applications, and we do not expect their use to diminish. Fortunately, modern language design and compiler techniques make it possible to mostly eliminate the performance trade-off and provide a single environment productive enough for prototyping and efficient enough for deploying performance-intensive applications. The Julia programming language fills this role: it is a flexible dynamic language, appropriate for scientific and numerical computing, with performance comparable to traditional statically-typed languages.

Conjure starts a Julia REPL within Neovim when you first open a Julia file.

You should be able to evaluate files and forms as you would with other Conjure supported languages right away. You will only be able to evaluate blocks of code kind of like you would with Lisp languages if you have tree sitter support enabled. If you do not have tree sitter set up then you’ll have to use motions and visual selections to evaluate.


Open and edit!

You should now be able to open any .jl file and evaluate as you would normally.

If you’re unsure how to evaluate things with Conjure, please refer to :help conjure, :help conjure-client-julia-stdio and :ConjureSchool (an interactive tutorial).