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quick 411 on a USA stock ticker of your choice with latest news and charts built using finnhub api (free tier)

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How to run


export FLASK_ENV=development && flask run

In docker on local machine

$ docker build <path_to_folder_with_dockerfile> -t <name_you_want_for_container>
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 <name_you_gave_container>:latest


export && flask run

Today I Learned

Logging to console

from flask import Flask, request, render_template, url_for, flash, redirect, request, session, jsonify
import logging

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():'healthy')
    app.logger.warning("testing testing warning 123")
    app.logger.error("thsi is an error log from the user")
    return "<h1>HEllO WORLD</h1>"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Calling local endpoint

Apparently it's possible, there a re better ways of structuring your server-client archiotecture and this is possibly not a wise move but if you're in a pinch it is possible

A more sophisticated understanding can be gotten from stackoverflow

//js file calling internal endpoint
fetch("http://localhost:5000/ticker/" + searchTerm)
  // .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => {
    console.log("Success:", data);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error:", error);
#flask endpoint that js is being served from
def hello():'healthy')
    return render_template("index.html")

String literals

Your can put functions in Template literals not just display values

Template literals allow you to add conditional rendering using ternary operator in es6 (New-ish js with fat arrows and stuff)

if you are returning a string from within the ternary operator use different quotes i.e double and single qoutes matching sort of like opening and closing tags

Extracted code example

    <td id="d">${data.d} ${Number(data.d) > 0 ?
    '<span class="material-icons green">keyboard_arrow_up</span>':
    '<span> class="material-icons red">keyboard_arrow_down</span>'}
  <th>Change Percentage</th>
    <td id="dp">${data.dp} ${Number(data.dp) > 0 ?
    '<span class="material-icons green">keyboard_arrow_up</span>':
    '<span class="material-icons red">keyboard_arrow_down</span>'}

Optional chaining in a try-catch

So you are getting data in a try catch but keep getting undefined warnings or errors and want to get rid of them.something like this ,Apparently called a null reference. You can do optional chaining.Optional chaining allows you to check if the dat yopure expecting is there then continue along the chain, otherwise stop. It can be used as a check null if statement. but more elegant

very useful for fetching or any other promise based or High Order Fucntions heavy workflow

fetch("http://localhost:5000/ticker/" + searchTerm)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => {
  //optional chaining
  ?.catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error:", error);


Say you're iterating through a couple of objects and outputting an array of html nodes or strings so that you can add them to the DOM mostly using most likely .innerHTML . Suddenly they render with commas in-between , bummer. The solution is array.join

document.querySelector("#news-container").innerHTML =
  .map((item) => {
    return `
          <div class="news-card">
          <img src=${item.image} >
          <ul><li class="news-title">${item.headline}</li>
          <li class="time">${new Date(item.datetime * 1000)}</li>
          <li> <a class="original-post"href=${
          } >See original post</a> </li>
  //remove commas in array of news components

Get a package.json in python

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

The command creates a requirements.txt file with all the pip packages used in the project

Python Datetime

To use you need to import it at the top of the python file as such import datetime

Get today date

Get today date in epoch time

Format date"%Y-%m-%d")

capital letters in .strftime are longer forms eg "Y" is 2010 "y" is 10 more information can be found here

Javascript Dates

Dead simple inbuilt way of formatting dates in javascript is .toDateString() it gives you a simple date eg Mon Apr 25 2022 and not the TMI that is the default i.e. Mon Apr 25 2022 10:08:54 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time) more info about dates can be found on W3 schools excelent Date Reference

Add heroku cli

To add heroku to existing git

Gain Access

heroku login

Add remote repository

heroku git:remote -a <name of application>

Deploy to heroku

git push heroku

Github Actions

I tried using github actions to automate pushing to heroku when master branch is updated. In the process learned how to use github actions. Its a nifty thing for CI/CD. Best Tutorial I fround for my usecase was this one

name: Deploy

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      SECRET_KEY: ${{secrets.HEROKU_TOKEN}}
      EMAIL: ${{secrets.HEROKU_EMAIL}}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install git
        run: sudo apt install git
      - name: Install heroku
        run: sudo wget -qO- | sh
      - name: Create heroku login file credentials
          echo "machine\n  login $EMAIL\n  password $SECRET_KEY\nmachine\n  login $EMAIL\n  password $SECRET_KEY" >~/.netrc
          cat ~/.netrc
      - name: Add heroku remote repo
        run: heroku git:remote -a <App Name on Heroku>
      - name: Push to Heroku
        run: git push heroku master

How to setup docker

after install on anything with a terminal

run the following:

sudo systemctl start docker.service
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

First line is to start the docker daemon

Second Line is to setup docker daemon to start at start-up so you don't need to touch systemctl again

Third line allows the non-root user(you my guy) to do docker stuff without sudo infront of every command, That pesky "access denied" will weigh on your very soul

Highly encourage you to read this short article to get back to speed