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Merge c8de770
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JanBliznicenko committed Oct 15, 2021
2 parents 210ad75 + c8de770 commit fa1bfb7
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Showing 5 changed files with 223 additions and 101 deletions.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Roassal2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Class {
#name : #OPRTCanvasExporter,
#superclass : #RTCanvasExporter,
#category : #'OpenPonk-Roassal2'

{ #category : #accessing }
OPRTCanvasExporter class >> maxWidthAndHeight [

^ 10000

{ #category : #private }
OPRTCanvasExporter >> scaleToMorphLimits [

"scale down to estimated morph (maxWidthAndHeight) and exporter (maxArea) size limits"

| scaledDown |
scaledDown := false.
self extent x > self class maxWidthAndHeight ifTrue: [
scaledDown := true.
self scale:
self class maxWidthAndHeight / self extent x * self cameraScale ].
self extent y > self class maxWidthAndHeight ifTrue: [
scaledDown := true.
self scale:
self class maxWidthAndHeight / self extent y * self cameraScale ].
scaledDown ifTrue: [
openWithLabel: 'Warning'
contents: 'Image was forced to scale down to '
, (self cameraScale * 100 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0)
, ' % zoom due to technical restrictions (max resolution).'
backgroundColor: GrowlMorph theme warningBackgroundColor
labelColor: GrowlMorph theme textColor ]
79 changes: 58 additions & 21 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Roassal2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,30 +20,67 @@ OPRTStyledMultilineLabel >> trachelShapeFor: anElement [

{ #category : #'trachel shape production' }
OPRTStyledMultilineLabel >> updateFor: anElement trachelShape: trachelShape [
| lines lbl txt aColor fontSize |
aColor := self colorFor: anElement.
fontSize := self heightFor: anElement.
OPRTStyledMultilineLabel >> trachelShapeForMultiLine: anElement [

| colorForElement fontSizeForElement textForElement emphasisForElement fontNameForElement txt lines shape |
colorForElement := self colorFor: anElement.
fontSizeForElement := self heightFor: anElement.
textForElement := self textFor: anElement.
emphasisForElement := self emphasisFor: anElement.
fontNameForElement := self fontNameFor: anElement.

txt := self textFor: anElement.
txt := txt copyReplaceAll: String tab with: ' '.
lines := txt lines.
trachelShape numberOfShapes > lines size
ifTrue: [ trachelShape numberOfShapes - lines size
timesRepeat: [ trachelShape shapes last remove.
trachelShape removeLast ] ].
lines size > trachelShape numberOfShapes
ifTrue: [ lines size - trachelShape numberOfShapes
timesRepeat: [ | shape |
shape := TRLabelShape new.
shape element: anElement.
trachelShape canvas addShape: shape.
trachelShape addShape: shape ].
trachelShape positionShapesAfterBeingAdded ].
doWithIndex: [ :l :index |
lbl := (trachelShape shapes at: index) text: l.
lbl color: aColor.
lbl fontSize: fontSize ].

shape := TRCompositeShape new.
lines doWithIndex: [ :l :index |
| lbl |
lbl := TRStyledLabelShape new.
text: l;
color: colorForElement;
fontSize: fontSizeForElement;
emphasis: emphasisForElement;
fontName: fontNameForElement.
shape addShape: lbl ].
shape verticalAndLeft.

^ shape

{ #category : #'trachel shape production' }
OPRTStyledMultilineLabel >> updateFor: anElement trachelShape: trachelShape [

| lines colorForElement fontSizeForElement textForElement emphasisForElement fontNameForElement |
colorForElement := self colorFor: anElement.
fontSizeForElement := self heightFor: anElement.
textForElement := self textFor: anElement.
emphasisForElement := self emphasisFor: anElement.
fontNameForElement := self fontNameFor: anElement.
textForElement := textForElement
copyReplaceAll: String tab
with: ' '.
lines := textForElement lines.
trachelShape numberOfShapes > lines size ifTrue: [
trachelShape numberOfShapes - lines size timesRepeat: [
trachelShape shapes last remove.
trachelShape removeLast ] ].
lines size > trachelShape numberOfShapes ifTrue: [
lines size - trachelShape numberOfShapes timesRepeat: [
| shape |
shape := TRLabelShape new.
shape element: anElement.
trachelShape canvas addShape: shape.
trachelShape addShape: shape ].
trachelShape positionShapesAfterBeingAdded ].
lines doWithIndex: [ :l :index |
(trachelShape shapes at: index)
text: l;
color: colorForElement;
fontSize: fontSizeForElement;
emphasis: emphasisForElement;
fontName: fontNameForElement ].
trachelShape verticalAndLeftWithoutReset.
^ trachelShape
Expand Down
36 changes: 27 additions & 9 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,32 +111,50 @@ OPCanvasPresenter >> ensureKeyBindingsFor: aWidget [

{ #category : #toolbar }
OPCanvasPresenter >> exportAsPng [
FDSaveFileDialog new
whenSelected: [ :file | self exportCanvasTo: file ];
extensionFilters: {'Images' -> #(png)};
defaultName: self editor diagramController model name asFileName , '.png';

OPExportCanvasDialog new
whenSelected: [ :file :zoom | self exportCanvasTo: file zoom: zoom ];
extensionFilters: { ('Images' -> #( png )) };
self editor diagramController model name asFileName , '.png';

{ #category : #toolbar }
OPCanvasPresenter >> exportCanvasTo: aFile [

| gridShape gridColor selectedElements |
self exportCanvasTo: aFile zoom: TRCamera new defaultCameraScale

{ #category : #toolbar }
OPCanvasPresenter >> exportCanvasTo: aFileReference zoom: aNumber [

| gridShape gridColor selectedElements zoom |
zoom := aNumber = 1
ifTrue: [ roassalView canvas camera defaultCameraScale ]
ifFalse: [ aNumber ].
gridShape := roassalView canvas shapes detect: [ :each |
each isKindOf: TRCanvasGridShape ].
gridColor := gridShape color.
selectedElements := self selectedElements.
self diagramController deselectAll.
gridShape color: Color transparent.
(RTCanvasExporter canvas: roassalView canvas)
(OPRTCanvasExporter canvas: roassalView canvas)
format: #png;
scale: zoom;
oversizedBy: 20 @ 20;
fileName: aFile;
fileName: aFileReference;
self inform: 'Saved to ' , aFile pathString ] ensure: [
UIManager default
inform: (String streamContents: [ :s |
s << 'Saved to ' << aFileReference pathString.
s << 'Click to open location' ])
actionOnClick: [ aFileReference openInOSFileBrowser ] ] ensure: [
gridShape color: gridColor.
selectedElements do: [ :each | "self diagramController selectFigure: "
each announce: TRMouseLeftClick new ] ]
Expand Down
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
Class {
#name : #OPExportCanvasDialog,
#superclass : #FDSaveFileDialog,
#instVars : [
#category : #'OpenPonk-Spec'

{ #category : #specs }
OPExportCanvasDialog class >> defaultSpec [

^ SpecColumnLayout composed
newRow: [ :r |
newColumn: [ :c | c add: #bookmarksList ] width: 150;
newColumn: [ :c |
c add: #currentFolderLabel height: self toolbarHeight.
c add: #filesList ] ];
newRow: [ :r |
add: #nameLabel width: 50;
add: #nameText;
add: #filtersDropList width: 200 ]
height: self toolbarHeight;
newRow: [ :r |
add: #zoomLabel width: 50;
add: #zoomText width: 40;
add: #zoomPercentageLabel.
r newColumn: [ :c | ].
self dialogButtonsLayout: r ]
height: self toolbarHeight;

{ #category : #actions }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> confirm [

| zoomNumber file |
file := self selectedEntry.
file ifNil: [ ^ self ].
zoomNumber := (NumberParser
parse: zoomText text
onError: [ TRCamera new defaultCameraScale * 100 ])
/ 100.
zoomNumber < 0.01 ifTrue: [
zoomNumber := TRCamera new defaultCameraScale ].
onConfirmBlock cull: file cull: zoomNumber.
self delete

{ #category : #initialization }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> initializePresenter [

super initializePresenter.
self initializeZoom

{ #category : #initialization }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> initializeWidgets [

super initializeWidgets.
(zoomLabel := self newLabel) label: 'Zoom: '.
(zoomText := self newTextInput) autoAccept: true.
(zoomPercentageLabel := self newLabel) label: ' %'.
self focusOrder: {
confirmButton }

{ #category : #initialization }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> initializeZoom [

text: '100';
whenTextIsAccepted: [ :text |
zoomText text: ((text select: #isDigit) takeFirst: 4) ]

{ #category : #accessing }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> zoomLabel [

^ zoomLabel

{ #category : #accessing }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> zoomPercentageLabel [

^ zoomPercentageLabel

{ #category : #accessing }
OPExportCanvasDialog >> zoomText [

^ zoomText
71 changes: 0 additions & 71 deletions repository/OpenPonk-Spec/

This file was deleted.

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