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Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
in: api-comms
in: api-comms
Issues communicating with the API
in: captive-portal
in: captive-portal
Issues in the captive portal frontend
in: ci
in: ci
Issues in the CI pipeline
in: logging
in: logging
in: radio
in: radio
Issues in radio communications with shockers
in: serial
in: serial
Issues in serial communications
in: settings
in: settings
Issues in settings management
in: wifi
in: wifi
Issues in connecting with WiFi
Pull requests that update Javascript code
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
status: blocked
status: blocked
An issue that is blocked by another issue or dependency
status: declined
status: declined
A suggestion or change that we don't feel we should currently apply
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
A duplicate of another issue
status: invalid
status: invalid
This doesn't seem right
status: triage
status: triage
Awaiting investigation by maintainers
type: board-compatibility
type: board-compatibility
Relates to hardware compatibility
type: board-test-report
type: board-test-report
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: documentation
type: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
type: functional-test-report
type: functional-test-report
type: optimization
type: optimization
type: question
type: question
type: task
type: task