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Nils Wogatzky edited this page Apr 14, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the docker-proxy-command wiki!

I hope you like this tool and can get some benefit out of it.

I currently use droxy to integrate custom PHP images in PHPStorm.
This makes sense to me since the docker integration lacks in some important cases.
By using droxy I can workaround using PHPStorm integration for docker or docker-compose by just integrating a local php version (which is not installed, but proxied to the approrpiate container)

I hope this tool can help in some other ways as well and I'm happy to see some of your examples.

Demo Project for PHPStorm integration

Take a look at the demo project which is used to develop the required droxy settings for PHPStorm integration.
This is a "always in progress" repo, walk through the commits.
demo project