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A school project, where we did a game of pig, a dice game,


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------Project Pig-----

----How to prepare----

Install chocolatey: Windows Only Open your terminal and paste this:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Install make: Windows Only

choco install make

Install a virtual environment:

make venv

Activate the virtual environment in your terminal: Windows:

. .venv/Scripts/activate


. .venv/bin/activate

Install all requirements:

make install

-How to run the program-

To be able to run the program you need to export the pythonpath. This is done with this code in Git Bash:

export PYTHONPATH=”.”

After that you can start the game with the command:

python pig/

All of the program’s code is located in the directory pig/. You can choose to play against a friend or against the computer. If you choose to play against the computer you have three difficulty level to choose between. When the game prompts, you can choose:




-How to run the unittests-

To run all unittests:

make unittest

To run a single testfile:

python -m unittest test.test_game

To run a single testcase from a testfile:

python -m unittest test.test_game.TestGameClass.test_init_default_object

To run all unittests with coverage:

make coverage

To get the html address for the coverage:

coverage html

To read the coverage report locate:


in your directory.

To run all unittests with coverage and linters:

make test

-How to use linters-




make pylint


All of our documentation for this program can be found in the directory doc/.

To reproduce documentation from the code:

make doc

To generate class and package diagrams from the code:

make pyreverse

To delete all generated files:

make clean

To delete all generated files and installations:

make clean-all


When you start a game against the computer you get to choose the level of the computer. There is low, medium, hard. Your level choice will affect the gameplay. Intelligence looks at your score to make decision upon tossing or holding. It also looks at number of tosses has been done. At level hard there might even be a trick played on the dice. All of this affects how fast and aggressive the computer will play against you so chose carefully.

-Gameplay and Shell-

The gameplay class ties the shell class and the other classes together. It processes user inputs from the shell class and sends what is needed to the other classes to be processed. Whilst the Shell class handles the menu-choices and user inputs, gameplay then receives those inputs from the shell. Gameplay handles checking if user exist, update user score, saving current game and the winner method.