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File metadata and controls

54 lines (47 loc) · 2.41 KB

Vulf Base Design

  • Includes all the project include dependencies in a single palace pre-configures by the macros for them to work
  • Consists of a command line parses to take options from the command line
  • Utility Macros for main() method for easy runnning of examples
    • This is automatically included by the base class onto the example file that derives this, this all the examples can be built concurrently
  • Provides default vulkan objects to render simple geometry such as
    • default Command Pool to allocate command buuffers, default descriptorsets, default swapchain images and framebuffers
    • All these can be customized by overriding the virtual methods
  • Draw() is used for recording the command buffers, renderpasses and actual draw commands. They are called everyframe
  • Automatic synchronization management for swapchain and framebuffers, the primitives and image index are passed properly to the BuildSwapchain and BuildFramebuffer methods to be completely customizable. Broken further into
    • RenderFrame : Default image acquire + submission and command buffer submission function
    • PresentFrame : Presents the current image to the swap chain
  • All the methods as well their entire children calls are Virtual with default fool-proof behavior, this provides way for reusable and completely customizable application

App flow

Initxxxx --> InitVulkan --> Prepare (Virtual) --> RenderLoop (Virtual) --> Implicit resources clean up --> Client CleanUp

In-detail function calls flow


  1. Instance
  2. Device Init
  3. Command Pool Init (default)
  4. [Optional] Shaders Reflection
  5. SetupSynchronization primitives


  1. BuildSwapchain
  2. BuildCommandPool
  3. Build Pipeline Fixed Functions or cache
  4. CreateTextureResources
  5. CreateBufferResources
  6. BuildShaders
  7. ReflectShaders [Used later need to refactor this]
  8. BuildGraphicsPipeline
  9. BuildCommandBuffers
  10. BuildDescriptors
  11. BuildRenderpasses


  1. Init while loop
  2. Calculation of delta time, fps etc. + Profiling
  3. ImGuiFrameInit
  4. OnUpdate + Camera Update
  5. OnRender - Begins and records draw commands and render passes
    • Default Behaviour (Virtual and can be overridden by the Client application)
    1. Query for descriptorsets and Command buffers
    2. Being recording render pass and command buffer
    3. Draw
    4. RenderFrame
    5. PresentFrame