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Blot Theme: Jot

This is my personal theme for Blot. It's a fork of the Index theme.


  • Light and dark themes(!!)
  • Navigational keyboard shortcuts (h, j, k, and l)
  • Hash ids for each header
  • is-active class for active menu links
  • Outlined footnotes & refs when :targeted
  • Canonicalized URLs
  • OpenGraph image <meta> from thumbnails
  • Display last-modified date in entries
  • for just-in-time preloading
  • /tags page to list all tags
  • Non-permalink RSS <guid>s
  • CSS hyphenation
  • Deploy script


Blog Light

Blog Dark

Post Light

Post Dark


    Changes I make directly to this codebase modify a "staging" template I have enabled in Blot. To "deploy", I use the script to move files into an adjacent directory that is the "live" template within Blot. This allows me to use template preview URLs to view any changes before they impact live visitors, in an ideal world.


    Generate the screenshots featured in this README.


Blot, including the base Index theme, is licensed by David Merfield under CC0.

Modifications by myself, Paul Esch-Laurent, are licensed under MIT.