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Håkan Edling edited this page Nov 25, 2016 · 2 revisions


// Gets the startpage as a dynamic model.
DynamicPage GetStartpage()

// Gets the startpage as a strongly typed model.
T GetStartpage<T>() where T : Page<T>

Get the startpage of the site. In Piranha the startpage is the first page on the first level of the page hierarchy.


// Gets the dynamic model with the specified id.
DynamicPage GetById(Guid id)

// Gets the strongly typed model with the specified id.
T GetById<T>(Guid id) where T : Page<T>

Gets the page with the specified unique id. If no page is found with the specified id, null is returned.


// Gets the dynamic model with the specified slug.
DynamicPage GetBySlug(string slug)

// Gets the strongly typed model with the specified slug.
T GetBySlug<T>(string slug) where T : Page<T>

Gets the page with the specified unique slug. If no page is found with the specified slug, null is returned.


// Gets the dynamic models with the specified parent id.
IList<DynamicPage> GetByParentId(Guid? parentId);

Gets the pages with the specified parent id. If null is given as parent id the pages on the first level in the hierarchy is returned.


// Saves the given page model.
void Save<T>(T model) where T : Page<T>

Saves the given page model. This method works for both strongly typed and dynamic page models.


// Deletes the given page model
void Delete<T>(T model) where T : Page<T>

// Deletes the page with the given id
void Delete(Guid id)

Deletes the specified page.

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