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React GUI

A blazingly fast way to bootstrap react components

Create your react components quickly & easily with a straightforward GUI




Download the extension by -

  1. Searching for React GUI by pradeepselva on your vscode extensions.
  2. Visit the extension's home page at and download it.


  1. Component creation -

    Open the component creation form from sidebar and fill it up as shown in the above demo. Click create and get started with producing logic for your component, without worrying about boilerplate. visit this link if the demo doesn't load.

  2. Definition file initialization -

    • Highlight a list of props that you want to create a definition file (.d.ts) from.
    • Press ctrl+shift+p and search Initialize Definition File.
    • Press the React GUI: Initialize Definition File option.

    eg: You may highlight the props from lists like the following. The highlighted text in the following cases must be label, placeholder, value.

    1. const {label, placeholder, value} = this.props;
    2. const InputField = ({label, placeholder, value}) =>

Built Using

  • Typescript
  • Svelte
  • Yo

Steps to run locally

  • Clone the repo using git clone
  • install dependencies using yarn or npm install.
  • Run yarn watch in your root directory.
  • In your root directory press f5 and select npm compile.


MIT © Pradeep-selva