diff --git a/src/webui/_locales/ar/messages.json b/src/webui/_locales/ar/messages.json index aaf8e27e1..5c1387de5 100644 --- a/src/webui/_locales/ar/messages.json +++ b/src/webui/_locales/ar/messages.json @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ "description": "The label on the checkbox that enables 'Split Tunnel'." }, "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#enable-label": { - "message": "Don't proxy Chinese websites", + "message": "لا تستعمل بروكسي مع المواقع الصينية", "description": "The label on the checkbox that enables 'Split Tunnel' for Chinese websites, regardless of what region the user is in." }, "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#note": { - "message": "WARNING: This feature uses data which may not always be reliable. Use caution when enabling this feature as some censored websites may be unintentionally excluded from the proxy.", + "message": "تحذير: تستخدم هذه الميزة بيانات قد لا تكون موثوقة دائمًا. توخ الحذر عند تفعيل هذه الميزة حيث قد يتم استبعاد بعض المواقع الخاضعة للرقابة عن غير قصد من البوكسي.", "description": "A note cautioning the user that this feature may result in some sites being unproxied unintentionally." }, "settings#disable-timeouts#heading": { @@ -376,15 +376,15 @@ "description": "Main text in the 'Local Proxy Port Conflict' dialog box. This is shown when the conflict is with the SOCKS proxy port, rather than the HTTP proxy port. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#help-text": { - "message": "If you have other devices on your network, such as a smart TV or gaming console, you can allow them to use these HTTP and SOCKS proxies while Psiphon is connected.", + "message": "إذا كانت لديك أجهزة أخرى على شبكتك، مثل التلفزيون الذكي أو وحدة التحكم في الألعاب، فيمكنك السماح لها باستخدام بروكسيات HTTP و SOCKS أثناء اتصال Psiphon.", "description": "Help text explaining the setting to allow other devices on the network to use the local Psiphon proxies. Smart TV refers to televisions that have Internet connectivity and apps that access Internet services." }, "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#hint": { - "message": "HINT: You should specify at least one of the port numbers above in order to use this feature. The addresses of the local proxies will be displayed in the logs.", + "message": " تلميح: يجب عليك تحديد واحد على الأقل من أرقام المنافذ أعلاه لإستخدام هذه الميزة. سيتم عرض عناوين البروكسيات المحليين في السجلات.", "description": "Helpful hint suggesting to set port numbers for the local Psiphon proxies when using the setting to allow other devices on the network to use the local Psiphon proxies." }, "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#enable-label": { - "message": "Allow other devices on your network to use the local Psiphon proxies", + "message": "اسمح للأجهزة الأخرى الموجودة على شبكتك باستخدام بروكسيات Psiphon المحلية", "description": "Label for the setting to allow other devices on the network to use the local Psiphon proxies." }, "settings#upstream-proxy#heading": { @@ -428,11 +428,11 @@ "description": "Label for the checkbox that allows the user to override the default 'upstream proxy' usage and totally disable the feature." }, "settings#upstream-proxy#set-hostname-error-msg": { - "message": "You must provide a Hostname, or leave all Upstream Proxy fields blank for automatic selection.", + "message": "يجب عليك تقديم اسم مضيف، أو ترك جميع حقول البروكسي Upstream فارغة للاختيار التلقائي.", "description": "Error message that is shown if the user enters a value for one of the other upstream proxy fields but not for 'hostname', which is required. Alternatively, the user can leave all fields blank to allow the automatic behaviour." }, "settings#upstream-proxy#set-username-error-msg": { - "message": "You must provide a Username if you are setting Password or Domain; or leave all authentication fields blank for no authentication.", + "message": "يجب عليك تقديم اسم مستخدم إذا كنت تقوم بتعيين كلمة السر أو نطاق؛ أو اترك كل حقول المصادقة فارغة لعدم وجود مصادقة.", "description": "Error message that is shown if the user enters a value for one of 'Password' or 'Domain', but does not provide a 'Username' -- this is not valid, as username is are required. Alternatively, the user can leave all authentication fields blank to use an upstream proxy which doesn't require authentication." }, "settings#upstream-proxy#error-modal-title": { @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ "description": "Paragraph on the 'About' page telling users that they can also get a new version of Psiphon via email. The text in this resource is then followed by an email address. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "about#license-agree": { - "message": "By using Psiphon you signal that you agree to the terms of the End-User License and Privacy Policy.", + "message": "باستخدام Psiphon، فإنك تشير إلى موافقتك على شروط ترخيص المستخدم النهائي وسياسة الخصوصية.", "description": "Paragraph on the 'About' page telling users that they agreeing to Psiphon's End-User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. The link URLs must not be modified. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "about#client-version": { @@ -636,23 +636,23 @@ "description": "Appears in the notification area balloon when Psiphon has been minimized to the Windows' notification area (aka 'system tray' aka 'systray', the area of the taskbar with the clock, battery indicator, and other icons)." }, "appbackend#os-unsupported": { - "message": "Psiphon no longer supports Windows XP or Vista.\nPlease visit our website for more information.", + "message": "Psiphon لم يعد يدعم نظام التشغيل Windows XP أو Vista.\nيرجى زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت لمزيد من المعلومات.", "description": "Appears in a message box when Psiphon is run on an unsuppoted version of Windows. Is followed by a URL." }, "psicash#transaction-error-title": { - "message": "PsiCash transaction error", + "message": "خطأ في معاملة PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-error-body": { - "message": "Your PsiCash transaction attempt failed unexpectedly.", + "message": "فشلت محاولة معاملة PsiCash الخاصة بك بشكل غير متوقع.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase already exists", + "message": "شراء PsiCash موجود بالفعل", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": { - "message": "You have an existing PsiCash purchase of this type. Another purchase of this type is not allowed until the previous one expires. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", + "message": "لديك عملية شراء PsiCash حالية من هذا النوع. لا يُسمح بشراء آخر من هذا النوع حتى تنتهي صلاحية الشراء السابق. سيتم تحديث حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك الآن.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-title": { @@ -668,39 +668,39 @@ "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase prices are out-of-date. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", + "message": "أسعار شراء PsiCash قديمة. سيتم تحديث حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك الآن.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase type not found", + "message": "نوع شراء PsiCash غير موجود", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": { - "message": "The product you are trying to buy no longer exists. You may need to update or reinstall the application.", + "message": "المنتج الذي تحاول شراءه لم يعد موجودًا. قد تحتاج إلى تحديث التطبيق أو إعادة تثبيته.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": { - "message": "Invalid PsiCash state", + "message": "حالة PsiCash غير صالحة", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. This error is extremely rare and should only occur if there's data corruption. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": { - "message": "Your PsiCash state is invalid. Try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", + "message": "حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك غير صالحة. حاول إعادة تشغيل التطبيق. إذا لم يفلح ذلك، فستحتاج إلى مسح التخزين المحلي.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. This error is extremely rare and should only occur if there's data corruption. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": { - "message": "PsiCash login expired", + "message": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل الدخول إلى PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": { - "message": "Your PsiCash login has expired. Log into your account and try again.", + "message": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل دخولك إلى PsiCash. قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك وحاول مرة أخرى.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": { - "message": "PsiCash server error", + "message": "خطأ في سيرفر PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": { - "message": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to make the purchase. Please retry your purchase later.", + "message": "استجاب سيرفر PsiCash بخطأ أثناء محاولة الشراء. يرجى إعادة محاولة الشراء لاحقًا.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-speedboost-active": { @@ -708,15 +708,15 @@ "description": "When the user has Speed Boost active, this shows them how much time they have remaining. '%s' is like 'an hour' or '30 minutes' (localized). This text will be shown on a narrow button that should have at most 3 lines. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#ui-buypsi": { - "message": "Buy PsiCash", + "message": "إشتري PsiCash", "description": "Label for a button/link that opens a store web page were users can spend money to buy PsiCash. At this point, the user has no PsiCash at all. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": { - "message": "Buy more PsiCash", + "message": "إشتري المزيد من PsiCash", "description": "Label for a button/link that opens a store web page were users can spend money to buy PsiCash. At this point, the user already has some PsiCash, but may wish to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": { - "message": "Needed for Speed Boost", + "message": "مطلوب للسرعة‮ ‪‏Speed Boost", "description": "Label on a disabled button, followed by a value in PsiCash indicating how much it costs to buy an hour of Speed Boost. When the user has enough PsiCash, the button will be enabled and the text will change. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#ui-speedboost-button": { @@ -732,11 +732,11 @@ "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 day (24 hours) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#1-week": { - "message": "1 week", + "message": "أسبوع 1", "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 week (7 days) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#1-month": { - "message": "1 month", + "message": "1 شهر", "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 month (31 days) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#ui-buyingboost-buttontext": { @@ -744,15 +744,15 @@ "description": "Label for a disabled button. The user has clicked the button in order to buy an hour of Speed Boost, and now the purchase is completing and Speed Boost is activating. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-create-account": { - "message": "Create an account to protect your PsiCash!", + "message": "قم بإنشاء حساب لحماية PsiCash الخاص بك!", "description": "Text for a link displayed when the user does not have a PsiCash account. This is an strong suggestion, hence the exclamation point -- use whatever makes sense in your language. It encourages them to make one. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-balance-header": { - "message": "Balance:", + "message": "الرصيد:", "description": "Text before showing the user's PsiCash balance. So it will appear like: 'Balance: Ⓟ100'." }, "psicash#pane-log-in": { - "message": "Log In!", + "message": "تسجيل الدخول!", "description": "Text on a button that will lead the user to log into their PsiCash account. This is an strong suggestion, hence the exclamation point -- use whatever makes sense in your language." }, "psicash#pane-log-out": { @@ -760,23 +760,23 @@ "description": "Text on a button that will log the user out of their PsiCash account." }, "psicash#pane-manage-web": { - "message": "Manage on the web", + "message": "إدارة على شبكة الإنترنت", "description": "Text for a link to a web site where users can manage their PsiCash account." }, "psicash#pane-create-account-plea": { - "message": "Creating a PsiCash account will help preserve your PsiCash if you clear the app's storage or use Psiphon on another device. Learn more.", + "message": "سيساعد إنشاء حساب PsiCash في الحفاظ على PsiCash إذا قمت بمسح مساحة تخزين التطبيق أو استخدمت Psiphon على جهاز آخر.معرفة أكثر.", "description": "Text shown below the PsiCash balance when the user does not have a PsiCash account. 'Learn more' is a link to an FAQ entry explaining the benefits of creating an account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-l2tp-incompatible": { - "message": "Speed Boost cannot be used while Psiphon is connected in L2TP/IPSec transport mode.", + "message": "لا يمكن استخدام Speed Boost أثناء توصيل Psiphon في وضع النقل L2TP / IPSec.", "description": "A message shown when L2TP/IPSec mode is enabled in Psiphon. Speed Boost cannot be used in this mode." }, "psicash#pane-must-log-in": { - "message": "You must log in to use PsiCash.", + "message": "يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لاستخدام PsiCash.", "description": "Message shown when the user was logged in with an account and then logged out. It's telling the user that they have to log in again. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-create-new-account": { - "message": "Create a New Account", + "message": "انشاء حساب جديد", "description": "Text on button that user can click to create a new account (opens an external web page)." }, "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-head": { @@ -788,35 +788,35 @@ "description": "Body of an information section explaining that there are port and speed restrictions when the user doesn't have Speed Boost active. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": { - "message": "Unleash the full potential of Psiphon with Speed Boost!", + "message": "أطلق العنان لإمكانيات Psiphon الكاملة مع ‪Speed & nbsp؛ Boost!", "description": "Text encouraging the user to purchase Speed Boost. 'Unleash' can translated to something like 'unlock', 'release', 'enable', 'amplify', or generally 'make a lot better'. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": { - "message": "You need more PsiCash!", + "message": "أنت بحاجة إلى المزيد من PsiCash!", "description": "Header for a section telling the user that they don't have enough PsiCash to buy any Speed Boost and need to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": { - "message": "In order activate Speed Boost, you need to buy more PsiCash.", + "message": "لتفعيل Speed Boost، تحتاج إلى شراء المزيد من PsiCash.", "description": "Body of a section telling the user that they don't have enough PsiCash to buy any Speed Boost and need to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": { - "message": "Need PsiCash? Visit our store to buy more!", + "message": "تحتاج PsiCash؟ قم بزيارة متجرنا لشراء المزيد!", "description": "Text encouraging the user to buy PsiCash (with real money). The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#overlay-logging-in": { - "message": "Logging in…", + "message": " جاري تسجيل الدخول…", "description": "Text on a screen shown while the user's log-in request is in progress." }, "psicash#overlay-logging-out": { - "message": "Logging out…", + "message": "تسجيل الخروج…", "description": "Text on a screen shown while the user's log-out request is in progress." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": { - "message": "Create a PsiCash Account", + "message": "قم بإنشاء حساب PsiCash", "description": "Header of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to buy PsiCash with real money but doens't have an account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-body": { - "message": "We strongly encourage you to create a PsiCash account before buying PsiCash. Having an account allows you to share your balance between devices and protect your purchases.", + "message": "نحن نشجعك بشدة على إنشاء حساب PsiCash قبل شراء PsiCash. يتيح لك امتلاك حساب مشاركة رصيدك بين الأجهزة وحماية مشترياتك.", "description": "Body of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to buy PsiCash with real money but doens't have an account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-create-button": { @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ "description": "Header of modal dialog in which the user can log in to an existing account or click a link to create a new one. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-login-body": { - "message": "Create a new account or log in below.", + "message": "إنشاء حساب جديد أو تسجيل الدخول أدناه.", "description": "Body of modal dialog in which the user can log in to an existing account or click a link to create a new one." }, "psicash#modal-login-username-field": { @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ "description": "Text on the cancel button in the PsiCash account login modal dialog." }, "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": { - "message": "Speed Boost started!", + "message": "بدأت Speed Boost", "description": "A non-modal alert shown when a new Speed Boost has been activated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#modal-logout-header": { @@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ "description": "Header of modal dialog shown when the user attempts to log out of their PsiCash account and a message results. 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-logout-error-body": { - "message": "You logout attempt failed unexpectedly. Please try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", + "message": "فشلت محاولة تسجيل الخروج بشكل غير متوقع. يرجى محاولة إعادة تشغيل التطبيق. إذا لم يفلح ذلك، فستحتاج إلى مسح التخزين المحلي.", "description": "Body of modal dialog shown when the user attempts to log out of their PsiCash account and an unexpected error occurs. Please don't modify the link URL." }, "positive-value-indicator": { @@ -900,31 +900,31 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when the user tries to use (spend, buy, etc.) PsiCash, if they not currently connected. 'Use' here means buy, spend, or otherwise interact with. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated. 'PsiCash' must not be translated/transliterated." }, "psicash#init-error-title": { - "message": "PsiCash initialization error", + "message": "خطأ في تهيئة برنامج PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when the PsiCash library fails to initialize. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#init-error-body-unrecovered": { - "message": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been lost. PsiCash will not be usable. You can try restarting the application to recover from the problem.", + "message": " PsiCash فشل في التهيئة. ربما يكون هذا بسبب مشكلة في نظام الملفات، مثل نفاد مساحة القرص. تم فقد رصيدك وحالتك الأخرى. برنامج PsiCash لن يكون قابلاً للاستخدام. يمكنك محاولة إعادة تشغيل التطبيق للتعافي من المشكلة.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when the PsiCash library fails to initialize. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#init-error-body-recovered": { - "message": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been reset.", + "message": "فشل PsiCash في التهيئة. ربما يكون هذا بسبب مشكلة في نظام الملفات، مثل نفاد مساحة القرص. تمت إعادة تعيين رصيدك والحالة الأخرى.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when the PsiCash library fails to initialize. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#psiphon-speed": { - "message": "Psiphon
Speed", + "message": "Psiphon
سرعة ", "description": "Text on a badge next to an image or gauge that will indicate 'fast' or 'slow'. This is the current Psiphon tunnel speed limit. Speed Boost is required in order to get the fastest speed. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated. The word 'Psiphon' can be dropped if necessary to get a meaning like 'speed limit'. This text must be kept narrow and short -- only two or three lines of one or two words each. Use hard breaks (like
) to separate lines (perhaps with hyphens), and soft break indicators (like ­ or or ​) to indicate were long words can be broken." }, "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": { - "message": "Psiphon Speed", + "message": "سرعة Psiphon", "description": "Text on a badge next to an image or gauge that will indicate 'fast' or 'slow'. This is the current Psiphon tunnel speed limit. Speed Boost is required in order to get the fastest speed. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated. The word 'Psiphon' can be dropped if necessary to get a meaning like 'speed limit'. This text must be kept short." }, "psicash#corner-logged-out": { - "message": "You are logged out of PsiCash", + "message": "لقد تم تسجيل خروجك من PsiCash", "description": "Message shown to the user when they have a PsiCash account, but they are logged out. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#more-ellipsis": { - "message": "More…", + "message": "المزيد ...", "description": "Label for a button that leads to more Speed Boost purchase choices. The translation can be like 'More options' or 'More choices' or 'See more'. Only use an ellipsis if it makes sense in your language." }, "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": { @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": { - "message": "Would you instead like to create an account or recover your account?", + "message": "هل ترغب بدلاً من ذلك في إنشاء حساب أو استعادة حسابك؟", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#server-error-body": { @@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash account login fails due to a server error. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": { - "message": "The PsiCash server indicated that the login request was invalid. Please re-enter your login information and try again.", + "message": "أشار سيرفر PsiCash إلى أن طلب تسجيل الدخول غير صالح. الرجاء إعادة إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول الخاصة بك وحاول مرة أخرى.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash account login fails due to a 'bad request' error. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#success-modal-title": { @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login succeeds. There is a fixed number of times that a user can merge a pre-account balance into a PsiCash account. This message indicates that the user has hit that limit and the merge that occurred is the last one allowed. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": { - "message": "PsiCash login expired. Please log back in.", + "message": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل الدخول إلى PsiCash. الرجاء تسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى.", "description": "An alert shown when the user's PsiCash account tokens expire. This is a normal occurrence (once per year), and the user needs to log into their PsiCash account again to continue to use it. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#alert#logged-out": { @@ -972,43 +972,43 @@ "description": "Title of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon disallows some non-web internet traffic. The user will be told to 'upgrade' their connection with Speed Boost (giving more speed and app compatibility). The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-body": { - "message": "

Apps not working?


Some internet traffic is not supported without an active Speed Boost. Activate Speed Boost with PsiCash to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.

", + "message": "

التطبيقات لا تعمل؟


بعض حركات المرور على الإنترنت غير مدعومة من دون Speed Boost نشط . فعل Speed Boost مع PsiCash لإطلاق العنان للإمكانات الكاملة لتجربة Psiphon الخاصة بك.

", "description": "Body text of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon disallows some non-web internet traffic. The user needs to purchase Speed Boost in order to full app compatibilty and more speed. The words 'Psiphon' and 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-title": { - "message": "Apps not working?", + "message": "التطبيقات لا تعمل؟", "description": "Appears in the notification area balloon when Psiphon disallows some non-web internet traffic. The user needs to purchase Speed Boost in order to full app compatibilty and more speed." }, "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-body": { - "message": "Activate Speed Boost to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.", + "message": "قم بتنشيط Speed Boost لفتح الإمكانات الكاملة لتجربة Psiphon الخاصة بك.", "description": "Appears in the notification area balloon when Psiphon disallows some non-web internet traffic. The user needs to purchase Speed Boost in order to full app compatibilty and more speed. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#heading": { - "message": "Disallowed Traffic Alert", + "message": "تنبيه حركة المرور غير مسموح به", "description": "Settings section heading. In this section the user can choose to enable or disable alerts telling the user when app traffic has been disallowed and they need to get Speed Boost." }, "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#help-text": { - "message": "Some types of internet traffic are not supported without an active Speed Boost. When such traffic is disallowed, an alert is shown. (Re-enabling will require a reconnection.)", + "message": "لا يتم دعم بعض أنواع حركة المرور على الإنترنت بدون تنشيط Speed Boost. عندما يتم حظر حركة المرور هذه، يتم عرض تنبيه. ( إعادة التنشيط ستتطلب إعادة الاتصال.)", "description": "Text explaining to the user what the 'Disallowed Traffic Alert' setting does if enabled. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#disable-label": { - "message": "Disable disallowed traffic alerts", + "message": "تعطيل تنبيهات حركة المرور غير المسموح بها", "description": "The label on the checkbox that disables the 'Disallowed Traffic Alert'." }, "ui#alert#url-copied-to-clipboard": { - "message": "URL copied to clipboard.
If browser fails to open, paste the URL into the browser address bar.", + "message": "تم نسخ عنوان URL إلى الحافظة.
إذا حدث فشل في فتح المتصفح، فقم بلصق عنوان URL في شريط عنوان المتصفح.", "description": "Sometimes when the Psiphon UI tries to open an external URL in the browser, it fails to open. This message indicates to the user that URL has been copied to the Windows system clipboard and is available for pasting into a browser. `
` may be used to split the message over two lines to ensure the alert doesn't take too much horizontal space." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": { - "message": "File Access Error", + "message": "خطأ في الوصول إلى الملف", "description": "Title of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": { - "message": "

Psiphon cannot access a file it needs in order to work properly.


Close the Psiphon application, delete the file listed below, and try running Psiphon again.

", + "message": "

Psiphon لا يستطيع الوصول إلى الملف الذي يحتاجه لكي يعمل بشكل صحيح.


أغلق تطبيق Psiphon ، واحذف الملف المدرج أدناه، وحاول تشغيل Psiphon مرة أخرى.

", "description": "Body text of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly. If this occurs, the user cannot connect and must take manual action to fix it. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": { - "message": "Filename and error message:", + "message": "اسم الملف ورسالة الخطأ:", "description": "Preamble text before technical details displayed in a modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly." }, "banner#sponsored-by": { diff --git a/src/webui/_locales/vi/messages.json b/src/webui/_locales/vi/messages.json index 8defb4c31..a215357f5 100644 --- a/src/webui/_locales/vi/messages.json +++ b/src/webui/_locales/vi/messages.json @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "description": "Text on the big connection button telling the user that if they click it, Psiphon will start trying to connect to the network. This is shown to the user while Psiphon is disconnected." }, "connection#egress-region-combo-label": { - "message": "Select server region", + "message": "Chọn vùng máy chủ", "description": "The label for the 'Psiphon Server Region' combo box control located on the connection tab." }, "settings#error-alert": { @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ "description": "One of the choices in the 'Psiphon Server Region' combo box. If selected, a Psiphon server in Argentina will be used." }, "settings#egress-region#select-br": { - "message": "Ba Tây", + "message": "Brazil", "description": "One of the choices in the 'Psiphon Server Region' combo box. If selected, a Psiphon server in Brazil will be used." }, "settings#egress-region#select-cl": { @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ "description": "One of the choices in the 'Psiphon Server Region' combo box. If selected, a Psiphon server in South Africa will be used." }, "settings#egress-region#select-kr": { - "message": "Korea", + "message": "Hàn Quốc", "description": "One of the choices in the 'Psiphon Server Region' combo box. If selected, a Psiphon server in Korea will be used." }, "settings#egress-region#select-tw": { @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ "description": "Text in the button that dismisses a modal dialog. It is often the only button (no 'OK' or 'Cancel', etc.)." }, "general#modal-feedback-button": { - "message": "Send Feedback", + "message": "Gửi Phản hồi", "description": "Text in a button that switches to the feedback tab and dismisses a modal dialog." }, "general#notice-modal-tech-preamble": { @@ -636,91 +636,91 @@ "description": "Appears in the notification area balloon when Psiphon has been minimized to the Windows' notification area (aka 'system tray' aka 'systray', the area of the taskbar with the clock, battery indicator, and other icons)." }, "appbackend#os-unsupported": { - "message": "Psiphon no longer supports Windows XP or Vista.\nPlease visit our website for more information.", + "message": "Psiphon không còn hỗ trợ cho Windows XP hay Vista\nXin xem trang web chúng tôi để biết thêm thông tin.", "description": "Appears in a message box when Psiphon is run on an unsuppoted version of Windows. Is followed by a URL." }, "psicash#transaction-error-title": { - "message": "PsiCash transaction error", + "message": "Lỗi giao dịch PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-error-body": { - "message": "Your PsiCash transaction attempt failed unexpectedly.", + "message": "Giao dịch PsiCash có lỗi bất ngờ.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase already exists", + "message": "Hàng mua bằng PsiCash đã có rồi", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": { - "message": "You have an existing PsiCash purchase of this type. Another purchase of this type is not allowed until the previous one expires. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", + "message": "Bạn đã món hàng loại này mua bằng PsiCash rồi. Món hàng loại này không được mua nữa cho đến khi món hàng trước hết hạn. Tình trạng PsiCash sẽ được làm mới bây giờ.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-title": { - "message": "Insufficient PsiCash balance", + "message": "Không đủ số dư PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The user doesn't have enough PsiCash to make the attempted purchase. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-body": { - "message": "You do not have sufficient PsiCash balance for this purchase.", + "message": "Bạn không đủ số dư Psicash cho món hàng này.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The user doesn't have enough PsiCash to make the attempted purchase. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-title": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase price mismatch", + "message": "Giá món hàng bằng PsiCash không khớp", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase prices are out-of-date. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", + "message": "Giá món hàng bằng PsiCash đã quá han. Tình trạng PsiCash sẽ được làm mới bây giờ.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": { - "message": "PsiCash purchase type not found", + "message": "Loại món hàng PsiCash không tìm thấy", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": { - "message": "The product you are trying to buy no longer exists. You may need to update or reinstall the application.", + "message": "Món hàng bạn muốn mua không còn tồn tại nữa. Bạn có thể phải cần cập nhật hoặc cài đặt lại ứng dụng.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": { - "message": "Invalid PsiCash state", + "message": "Trạng thái PsiCash không hợp lệ", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. This error is extremely rare and should only occur if there's data corruption. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": { - "message": "Your PsiCash state is invalid. Try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", + "message": "Tình trạng PsiCash không hợp lệ. Thử khởi động lại ứng dụng. Nếu vẫn không chạy, bạn sẽ phải cần làm sạch kho chứa cục bộ .", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. This error is extremely rare and should only occur if there's data corruption. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": { - "message": "PsiCash login expired", + "message": "Đăng nhập PsiCash hết hạn", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": { - "message": "Your PsiCash login has expired. Log into your account and try again.", + "message": "Đăng nhập PsiCash của bạn đã hết hạn. Đăng nhập lại vào tài khoản của bạn và thử lại.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": { - "message": "PsiCash server error", + "message": "Lỗi máy chủ PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": { - "message": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to make the purchase. Please retry your purchase later.", + "message": "Máy chủ PsiCash hồi đáp có lỗi trong lúc đặt mua. Xin thử mua lại sau.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash transaction (like Speed Boost purchase) fails. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-speedboost-active": { - "message": "Speed Boost active for %s", + "message": "Tăng Tốc chạy cho %s", "description": "When the user has Speed Boost active, this shows them how much time they have remaining. '%s' is like 'an hour' or '30 minutes' (localized). This text will be shown on a narrow button that should have at most 3 lines. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#ui-buypsi": { - "message": "Buy PsiCash", + "message": "Mua PsiCash", "description": "Label for a button/link that opens a store web page were users can spend money to buy PsiCash. At this point, the user has no PsiCash at all. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": { - "message": "Buy more PsiCash", + "message": "Mua thêm PsiCash", "description": "Label for a button/link that opens a store web page were users can spend money to buy PsiCash. At this point, the user already has some PsiCash, but may wish to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": { - "message": "Needed for Speed Boost", + "message": "Cần cho Tăng Tốc", "description": "Label on a disabled button, followed by a value in PsiCash indicating how much it costs to buy an hour of Speed Boost. When the user has enough PsiCash, the button will be enabled and the text will change. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#ui-speedboost-button": { - "message": "Nâng cấp Tốc Độ", + "message": "Tăng Tốc", "description": "Label on a button. The text is followed by a value in PsiCash indicating how much it costs to buy an hour of Speed Boost. Clicking the button will buy Speed Boost. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#1-hour": { @@ -728,31 +728,31 @@ "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 hour of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#1-day": { - "message": "1 day", + "message": "1 ngày", "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 day (24 hours) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#1-week": { - "message": "1 week", + "message": "1 tuần", "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 week (7 days) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#1-month": { - "message": "1 month", + "message": "1 tháng", "description": "Label on a button. Clicking this button will buy 1 month (31 days) of Speed Boost." }, "psicash#ui-buyingboost-buttontext": { - "message": "Starting Speed Boost!", + "message": "Khởi động Tăng Tốc!", "description": "Label for a disabled button. The user has clicked the button in order to buy an hour of Speed Boost, and now the purchase is completing and Speed Boost is activating. You may use ` `, `
`, ``, `­`, etc. to control word wrap. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-create-account": { - "message": "Create an account to protect your PsiCash!", + "message": "Tạo tài khoản để bảo vệ tiền PsiCash!", "description": "Text for a link displayed when the user does not have a PsiCash account. This is an strong suggestion, hence the exclamation point -- use whatever makes sense in your language. It encourages them to make one. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-balance-header": { - "message": "Balance:", + "message": "Số dư:", "description": "Text before showing the user's PsiCash balance. So it will appear like: 'Balance: Ⓟ100'." }, "psicash#pane-log-in": { - "message": "Log In!", + "message": "Đăng nhập!", "description": "Text on a button that will lead the user to log into their PsiCash account. This is an strong suggestion, hence the exclamation point -- use whatever makes sense in your language." }, "psicash#pane-log-out": { @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ "description": "Text on a button that will log the user out of their PsiCash account." }, "psicash#pane-manage-web": { - "message": "Manage on the web", + "message": "Quản lý trong trang mạng", "description": "Text for a link to a web site where users can manage their PsiCash account." }, "psicash#pane-create-account-plea": { @@ -772,47 +772,47 @@ "description": "A message shown when L2TP/IPSec mode is enabled in Psiphon. Speed Boost cannot be used in this mode." }, "psicash#pane-must-log-in": { - "message": "You must log in to use PsiCash.", + "message": "Bạn phải đăng nhập để dùng PsiCash.", "description": "Message shown when the user was logged in with an account and then logged out. It's telling the user that they have to log in again. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-create-new-account": { - "message": "Create a New Account", + "message": "Tạo Tài Khoản Mới", "description": "Text on button that user can click to create a new account (opens an external web page)." }, "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-head": { - "message": "Speed and Port Limits", + "message": "Giới hạn của Tốc độ và Cổng", "description": "Heading for an information section explaining that there are port and speed restrictions when the user doesn't have Speed Boost active." }, "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-body": { - "message": "Without active Speed Boost, your speed is limited and some internet traffic is not supported. Activate Speed Boost with PsiCash to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.", + "message": "Nếu không có Tăng Tốc, tốc độ của bạn bị giới hạn và một số lưu lượng giao thông mạng không được hỗ trợ. Mua Tăng Tốc với tiền PsiCash để có được một trải nghiệm hoàn hảo với Psiphon.", "description": "Body of an information section explaining that there are port and speed restrictions when the user doesn't have Speed Boost active. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": { - "message": "Unleash the full potential of Psiphon with Speed Boost!", + "message": "Đạt được trọn vẹn tiềm năng của Psiphon với Tăng Tốc!", "description": "Text encouraging the user to purchase Speed Boost. 'Unleash' can translated to something like 'unlock', 'release', 'enable', 'amplify', or generally 'make a lot better'. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": { - "message": "You need more PsiCash!", + "message": "Bạn cần thêm PsiCash!", "description": "Header for a section telling the user that they don't have enough PsiCash to buy any Speed Boost and need to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": { - "message": "In order activate Speed Boost, you need to buy more PsiCash.", + "message": "Để kích hoạt Tăng Tốc, bạn cần mua thêm PsiCash.", "description": "Body of a section telling the user that they don't have enough PsiCash to buy any Speed Boost and need to buy more. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": { - "message": "Need PsiCash? Visit our store to buy more!", + "message": "Cần PsiCash? Ghé vào cửa hàng chúng tôi để mua thêm!", "description": "Text encouraging the user to buy PsiCash (with real money). The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#overlay-logging-in": { - "message": "Logging in…", + "message": "Đang đăng nhập...", "description": "Text on a screen shown while the user's log-in request is in progress." }, "psicash#overlay-logging-out": { - "message": "Logging out…", + "message": "Đang đăng xuất ...", "description": "Text on a screen shown while the user's log-out request is in progress." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": { - "message": "Create a PsiCash Account", + "message": "Tạo Tài Khoản PsiCash", "description": "Header of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to buy PsiCash with real money but doens't have an account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-body": { @@ -820,19 +820,19 @@ "description": "Body of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to buy PsiCash with real money but doens't have an account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-create-button": { - "message": "Create or log into account", + "message": "Tạo hoặc đăng nhập vào tài khoản", "description": "Button in the modal dialog encouraging users to create an account when they attempt to buy PsiCash with real money without one. If they click this button, they will be taken to a screen where they can create an account or log into an existing one." }, "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-continue-button": { - "message": "Continue without account", + "message": "Tiếp tục không cần tài khoản", "description": "Button in the modal dialog encouraging users to create an account when they attempt to buy PsiCash with real money without one. If they click this button, they will continue on to the PsiCash store." }, "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-header": { - "message": "PsiCash Account Logout", + "message": "Đăng xuất Tài khoản PsiCash", "description": "Header of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to log out of their PsiCash account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-body": { - "message": "Being connected to the Psiphon network enables a more secure PsiCash logout. Would you like to connect before logging out?", + "message": "Có kết nối vào mạng Psiphon sẽ giúp đăng xuất khỏi PsiCash an toàn hơn. Bạn có muốn kết nối trước khi đăng xuất?", "description": "Body of a modal dialog that appears when the user tries to log out of thier PsiCash account while not currently connected to the Psiphon network. We don't allow PsiCash network requests when not connected, so only an inferior localy-only logout is available. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-connect-button": { @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ "description": "Button in the modal dialog shown to users when they attempt to log out of their PsiCash account with no active Psiphon tunnel. Clicking this button will abort the logout attempt and being connecting to a Psiphon server." }, "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-logout-anyway-button": { - "message": "Log out anyway", + "message": "Cứ đăng xuất ", "description": "Button in the modal dialog shown to users when they attempt to log out of their PsiCash account with no active Psiphon tunnel. Clicking this button will cause a local-only logout to be performed." }, "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-cancel-button": { @@ -848,27 +848,27 @@ "description": "Button in the modal dialog shown to users when they attempt to log out of their PsiCash account with no active Psiphon tunnel. Clicking this button will cancel the attempt." }, "psicash#modal-login-header": { - "message": "PsiCash Account", + "message": "Tài khoản PsiCash", "description": "Header of modal dialog in which the user can log in to an existing account or click a link to create a new one. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-login-body": { - "message": "Create a new account or log in below.", + "message": "Tạo tài khoản mới hoặc đăng nhập dưới đây.", "description": "Body of modal dialog in which the user can log in to an existing account or click a link to create a new one." }, "psicash#modal-login-username-field": { - "message": "PsiCash username", + "message": "Tên người dùng PsiCash", "description": "Label for a username field in the PsiCash account login modal dialog." }, "psicash#modal-login-password-field": { - "message": "Mật mã", + "message": "Mật khẩu", "description": "Label for a password field in the PsiCash account login modal dialog." }, "psicash#modal-login-forgot-password-link": { - "message": "Forgot your password or username?", + "message": "Quên mật khẩu hoặc tên người dùng?", "description": "Link for text in the PsiCash account login modal dialog. Clicking it will bring the user to a page where they can recover their account." }, "psicash#modal-login-submit-button": { - "message": "Đệ nạp", + "message": "Gửi", "description": "Text on the submit button in the PsiCash account login modal dialog." }, "psicash#modal-login-cancel-button": { @@ -876,11 +876,11 @@ "description": "Text on the cancel button in the PsiCash account login modal dialog." }, "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": { - "message": "Speed Boost started!", + "message": "Tăng Tốc bắt đầu!", "description": "A non-modal alert shown when a new Speed Boost has been activated. 'Speed Boost' is a reward that can be purchased with PsiCash credit. It provides unlimited network connection speed through Psiphon. Other words that can be used to help with translation are: 'turbo' (like cars), 'accelerate', 'warp speed', 'blast off', or anything that indicates a fast or unrestricted speed." }, "psicash#modal-logout-header": { - "message": "PsiCash Account Logout", + "message": "Đăng xuất Tài khoản PsiCash", "description": "Header of modal dialog shown when the user attempts to log out of their PsiCash account and a message results. 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#modal-logout-error-body": { @@ -892,15 +892,15 @@ "description": "This is used to indicate when a numeric value is positive -- like '+500'. This will show when a number is going to be increased by another number. '%d' is a placeholder for an integer for decimal value." }, "psicash#mustconnect-modal#title": { - "message": "Psiphon Connection Required", + "message": "Cần có Kết nối Psiphon", "description": "Title text of a modal dialog shown when the user tries to use (spend, buy, etc.) PsiCash, if they not currently connected. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated." }, "psicash#mustconnect-modal#body": { - "message": "In order to use PsiCash, you must be connected to the Psiphon network.", + "message": "Để dùng PsiCash, bạn phải kết nối vào mạng Psiphon.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when the user tries to use (spend, buy, etc.) PsiCash, if they not currently connected. 'Use' here means buy, spend, or otherwise interact with. 'Psiphon' must not be translated/transliterated. 'PsiCash' must not be translated/transliterated." }, "psicash#init-error-title": { - "message": "PsiCash initialization error", + "message": "Có lỗi khởi đầu PsiCash", "description": "Title of a modal dialog shown when the PsiCash library fails to initialize. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#init-error-body-unrecovered": { @@ -912,11 +912,11 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when the PsiCash library fails to initialize. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#psiphon-speed": { - "message": "Psiphon
Speed", + "message": "Tốc độ
Psiphon", "description": "Text on a badge next to an image or gauge that will indicate 'fast' or 'slow'. This is the current Psiphon tunnel speed limit. Speed Boost is required in order to get the fastest speed. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated. The word 'Psiphon' can be dropped if necessary to get a meaning like 'speed limit'. This text must be kept narrow and short -- only two or three lines of one or two words each. Use hard breaks (like
) to separate lines (perhaps with hyphens), and soft break indicators (like ­ or or ​) to indicate were long words can be broken." }, "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": { - "message": "Psiphon Speed", + "message": "Tốc độ Psiphon", "description": "Text on a badge next to an image or gauge that will indicate 'fast' or 'slow'. This is the current Psiphon tunnel speed limit. Speed Boost is required in order to get the fastest speed. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated. The word 'Psiphon' can be dropped if necessary to get a meaning like 'speed limit'. This text must be kept short." }, "psicash#corner-logged-out": { @@ -924,19 +924,19 @@ "description": "Message shown to the user when they have a PsiCash account, but they are logged out. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#more-ellipsis": { - "message": "More…", + "message": "Thêm...", "description": "Label for a button that leads to more Speed Boost purchase choices. The translation can be like 'More options' or 'More choices' or 'See more'. Only use an ellipsis if it makes sense in your language." }, "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": { - "message": "PsiCash Login Failed", + "message": "Đăng nhập PsiCash Thất bại ", "description": "Title of modal dialog shown when the PsiCash account login attempt fails for some reason. Text within the modal will explain why. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#catastrophic-error-body": { - "message": "Your PsiCash login attempt failed unexpectedly.", + "message": "Đăng nhập vào PsiCash có lỗi bất ngờ.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails without a specific reason. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body": { - "message": "The username or password entered was incorrect.", + "message": "Tên người dùng hoặc mật khẩu không đúng.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": { @@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#server-error-body": { - "message": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to log you in. Please try again later.", + "message": "Máy chủ PsiCash hồi đáp có lỗi khi đăng nhập bạn vào. Xin thử lại sau.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash account login fails due to a server error. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": { @@ -952,11 +952,11 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash account login fails due to a 'bad request' error. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#success-modal-title": { - "message": "PsiCash Login Success", + "message": "Đăng nhập vào PsiCash Thành công", "description": "Title of modal dialog shown when the PsiCash account login attempt succeeds, if additional information needs to be conveyed. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": { - "message": "You are logged into your PsiCash account. The preexisting balance from this device has been transferred into your account, but this is the last time a balance merge will occur.", + "message": "Bạn đã đăng nhập vào tài khoản PsiCash. Số dư tồn đọng từ thiết bị này đã được chuyển giao vào tài khoản của bạn, nhưng đây là lần cuối cùng số dư được sát nhập lại.", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login succeeds. There is a fixed number of times that a user can merge a pre-account balance into a PsiCash account. This message indicates that the user has hit that limit and the merge that occurred is the last one allowed. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": { @@ -964,11 +964,11 @@ "description": "An alert shown when the user's PsiCash account tokens expire. This is a normal occurrence (once per year), and the user needs to log into their PsiCash account again to continue to use it. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#alert#logged-out": { - "message": "PsiCash account logout complete.", + "message": "Đăng xuất khỏi tài khoản PsiCash xong.", "description": "An alert shown when the user logs out of their PsiCash account. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-title": { - "message": "Upgrade your Psiphon connection", + "message": "Nâng cấp kết nối Psiphon", "description": "Title of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon disallows some non-web internet traffic. The user will be told to 'upgrade' their connection with Speed Boost (giving more speed and app compatibility). The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-body": { @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ "description": "Sometimes when the Psiphon UI tries to open an external URL in the browser, it fails to open. This message indicates to the user that URL has been copied to the Windows system clipboard and is available for pasting into a browser. `
` may be used to split the message over two lines to ensure the alert doesn't take too much horizontal space." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": { - "message": "File Access Error", + "message": "Lỗi Truy cập Tập tin", "description": "Title of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": { diff --git a/src/webui/_locales/zh/messages.json b/src/webui/_locales/zh/messages.json index 01f56ae43..8db9192e1 100644 --- a/src/webui/_locales/zh/messages.json +++ b/src/webui/_locales/zh/messages.json @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": { - "message": "Would you instead like to create an account or recover your account?", + "message": "您想创建一个账户还是恢复您的账户?", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login fails due to bad username or password." }, "psicash#login#server-error-body": { @@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ "description": "Title of modal dialog shown when the PsiCash account login attempt succeeds, if additional information needs to be conveyed. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": { - "message": "您已经登陆您的PsiCash账户。预先存在在这个设备上的余额已经转入您的帐户,但是这是最后一次余额合并。", + "message": "您已经登陆您的PsiCash账户。预先存在在这个设备上的余额已经转入您的账户,但是这是最后一次余额合并。", "description": "Body text of a modal dialog shown when a PsiCash login succeeds. There is a fixed number of times that a user can merge a pre-account balance into a PsiCash account. This message indicates that the user has hit that limit and the merge that occurred is the last one allowed. The word 'PsiCash' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": { @@ -1000,15 +1000,15 @@ "description": "Sometimes when the Psiphon UI tries to open an external URL in the browser, it fails to open. This message indicates to the user that URL has been copied to the Windows system clipboard and is available for pasting into a browser. `
` may be used to split the message over two lines to ensure the alert doesn't take too much horizontal space." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": { - "message": "File Access Error", + "message": "文件访问错误", "description": "Title of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": { - "message": "

Psiphon cannot access a file it needs in order to work properly.


Close the Psiphon application, delete the file listed below, and try running Psiphon again.

", + "message": "

Psiphon 无法访问正常工作所需的文件。


关闭 Psiphon 应用程序,删除下面列出的文件,然后尝试再次运行 Psiphon。

", "description": "Body text of modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly. If this occurs, the user cannot connect and must take manual action to fix it. The word 'Psiphon' must not be translated or transliterated." }, "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": { - "message": "Filename and error message:", + "message": "文件名和错误消息:", "description": "Preamble text before technical details displayed in a modal error message shown to user when Psiphon cannot read/write/delete a file that it needs to access in order to function properly." }, "banner#sponsored-by": { diff --git a/src/webui/js/locales.js b/src/webui/js/locales.js index 50eeb51c7..0e41178c7 100644 --- a/src/webui/js/locales.js +++ b/src/webui/js/locales.js @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ "settings#split-tunnel#help-text": "لو تم تفعيله فلن يتم تمرير الطلبات الموجهة لخوادم في بلدك عبر Psiphon.", "settings#split-tunnel#reason": "المواقع في بلدك غير محجوبة بشكل عام، لذلك إذا فعلت هذا الخيار فسيعطيك وصول أسرع إلى هذه المواقع وفي بعض الأحيان سيخفف من تكلفة إستهلاك البيانات من موفر خدمة الإنترنت خاصتك.", "settings#split-tunnel#enable-label": "لا تستعمل بروكسي للمواقع في بلدك.", - "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#enable-label": "Don't proxy Chinese websites", - "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#note": "WARNING: This feature uses data which may not always be reliable. Use caution when enabling this feature as some censored websites may be unintentionally excluded from the proxy.", + "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#enable-label": "لا تستعمل بروكسي مع المواقع الصينية", + "settings#split-tunnel-chinese-sites#note": "تحذير: تستخدم هذه الميزة بيانات قد لا تكون موثوقة دائمًا. توخ الحذر عند تفعيل هذه الميزة حيث قد يتم استبعاد بعض المواقع الخاضعة للرقابة عن غير قصد من البوكسي.", "settings#disable-timeouts#heading": "تعطيل المهلات بالنسبة للشبكات البطيئة", "settings#disable-timeouts#help-text": "إذا تم تمكين الاتصال بخادم سايفون فانه لن يتوقف.", "settings#disable-timeouts#reason": "عند تفعيل هذا الإعداد على اتصال بالشبكة بطيء جدا، فسوف تقلل من احتمالية تعرض اتصالك للإنقطاع الغير متوقع.", @@ -355,9 +355,9 @@ "settings#local-proxy-ports#error-modal-title": "تضارب في منفذ البروكسي المحلي ", "settings#local-proxy-ports#error-modal-body-http": "

\nلقد ضبطت سايفون لإستعمال منفذ محلي خاص لبروكسي أل HTTP.
\nمع الأسف يظهر أن هذا المنفذ في طور الإستعمال حاليا ولا يمكن لسايفون إستعماله . \n


الرجاء تغيير قيمة منفذ بروكسي HTTP المضبوطة \"configured HTTP proxy port value \" والمحاولة من جديد. ننصح بإزالة القيمة كي يستطيع سايفون إختيار منفذ متوفر أوتوماتيكيا. \n

", "settings#local-proxy-ports#error-modal-body-socks": "

لقد ضبطت سايفون لإستعمال منفذ محلي خاص للبروكسي سوكس SOCKS\" \nمع الأسف ظهر أن هذا المنفذ في طور الإستعمال حاليا ولا يمكن لسايفون إستعماله .\n


\nالرجاء تغيير قيمة منفذ بروكسي سوكس (SOCKS) المضبوطة \"configured SOCKS proxy port value \" والمحاولة من جديد. ننصح بإزالة القيمة كي يستطيع سايفون إختيار منفذ متوفر أوتوماتيكيا.

", - "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#help-text": "If you have other devices on your network, such as a smart TV or gaming console, you can allow them to use these HTTP and SOCKS proxies while Psiphon is connected.", - "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#hint": "HINT: You should specify at least one of the port numbers above in order to use this feature. The addresses of the local proxies will be displayed in the logs.", - "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#enable-label": "Allow other devices on your network to use the local Psiphon proxies", + "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#help-text": "إذا كانت لديك أجهزة أخرى على شبكتك، مثل التلفزيون الذكي أو وحدة التحكم في الألعاب، فيمكنك السماح لها باستخدام بروكسيات HTTP و SOCKS أثناء اتصال Psiphon.", + "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#hint": " تلميح: يجب عليك تحديد واحد على الأقل من أرقام المنافذ أعلاه لإستخدام هذه الميزة. سيتم عرض عناوين البروكسيات المحليين في السجلات.", + "settings#expose-local-proxies-to-lan#enable-label": "اسمح للأجهزة الأخرى الموجودة على شبكتك باستخدام بروكسيات Psiphon المحلية", "settings#upstream-proxy#heading": "أبستريم بروكسي ", "settings#upstream-proxy#by-default": "إذا كان جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لديه بروكسي مثبت، سايفون سيستعمل أوتوماتيكيا هذا البروكسي عندما ينشئ النفق. يمكنك تجاوز هذا السلوك عن طريق تحديد بروكسي للإستعمال، أو بتحديد عدم جواز إستعمال \"أبستريم بروكسي\" كهذا .", "settings#upstream-proxy#reason": "ألأبستريم بروكسي مطلوبين أحيانا في المدارس، الجامعات، وأماكن العمل. إذا كنت تعلم إعدادات الأبستريم بروكسي المطلوب من موفر خدمة الإنترنت خاصتك فقد يكون إدخالهم يدويا هنا مطلوب للإتصال.", @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ "settings#upstream-proxy#password-label": "كلمة المرور", "settings#upstream-proxy#domain-label": "النطاق", "settings#upstream-proxy#skip-label": "لا تستعمل أبستريم بروكسي ", - "settings#upstream-proxy#set-hostname-error-msg": "You must provide a Hostname, or leave all Upstream Proxy fields blank for automatic selection.", - "settings#upstream-proxy#set-username-error-msg": "You must provide a Username if you are setting Password or Domain; or leave all authentication fields blank for no authentication.", + "settings#upstream-proxy#set-hostname-error-msg": "يجب عليك تقديم اسم مضيف، أو ترك جميع حقول البروكسي Upstream فارغة للاختيار التلقائي.", + "settings#upstream-proxy#set-username-error-msg": "يجب عليك تقديم اسم مستخدم إذا كنت تقوم بتعيين كلمة السر أو نطاق؛ أو اترك كل حقول المصادقة فارغة لعدم وجود مصادقة.", "settings#upstream-proxy#error-modal-title": "خطأ بروكسي أبستريم.\nUpstream Proxy Error ", "settings#upstream-proxy#error-modal-body-default": "سايفون مضبوط حاليا لإستعمال بروكسي نظامك كأبستريم بروكسي ”.
\nومع ذلك، يظهر إننا غير قادرين على الإتصال بسيرفر سايفون من خلال هذا البروكسي .
\nالرجاء تفعيل \"لا تستخدم أبستريم بروكسي\" “Don't use upstream proxy” والمحاولة من جديد.", "settings#upstream-proxy#error-modal-body-configured": "لقد ضبطت سايفون ليستعمل أبستريم بروكسي upstream proxy\" .\nومع ذلك، يظهر إننا غير قادرين على الإتصال بسيرفر سايفون من خلال هذا البروكسي.
\nالرجاء إعادة ضبط الإعدادات والمحاولة من جديد .", @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ "about#description": "سايفون هو أداة لتجاوز الرقابة على الإنترنت. — لقد صمم لكي يساعد على الوصول إلى الإنترنت المفتوح، متجاوزا الرقابة والجدران النارية سايفون مصدر مفتوح جرى تصميمه في تورنتو، كندا", "about#visit-download-site": "الرجاء زيارة الموقع لتحميل نسخة جديدة أو لكي تحصل على مساعدة ومعلومات and. سايفون متوفر للأندرويد والويندوز.", "about#get-by-email": "إذا كنتم لا تستطيعون الدخول إلى الموقع , يمكنكم الحصول على نسخة جديدة من سايفون عبر إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى: ", - "about#license-agree": "By using Psiphon you signal that you agree to the terms of the End-User License and Privacy Policy.", + "about#license-agree": "باستخدام Psiphon، فإنك تشير إلى موافقتك على شروط ترخيص المستخدم النهائي وسياسة الخصوصية.", "about#client-version": "سايفون لإصدارات أجهزة سطح مكتب من ويندوز (Windows Client Version)", "general#modal-close-button": "أغلق ", "general#modal-feedback-button": "أرسل ملاحظاتك", @@ -420,52 +420,52 @@ "appbackend#state-connected-reminder-body-2": "ساهم في إبقاء سايفون مجاني بزيارة مواقع داعمينا!", "appbackend#minimized-to-systray-title": "لقد تّم تصغير سايفون إلى منطقة الإعلام ", "appbackend#minimized-to-systray-body": "إضغط الأيقونة لإسترجاع التطبيق ", - "appbackend#os-unsupported": "Psiphon no longer supports Windows XP or Vista.\nPlease visit our website for more information.", - "psicash#transaction-error-title": "PsiCash transaction error", - "psicash#transaction-error-body": "Your PsiCash transaction attempt failed unexpectedly.", - "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": "PsiCash purchase already exists", - "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": "You have an existing PsiCash purchase of this type. Another purchase of this type is not allowed until the previous one expires. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", + "appbackend#os-unsupported": "Psiphon لم يعد يدعم نظام التشغيل Windows XP أو Vista.\nيرجى زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت لمزيد من المعلومات.", + "psicash#transaction-error-title": "خطأ في معاملة PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-error-body": "فشلت محاولة معاملة PsiCash الخاصة بك بشكل غير متوقع.", + "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": "شراء PsiCash موجود بالفعل", + "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": "لديك عملية شراء PsiCash حالية من هذا النوع. لا يُسمح بشراء آخر من هذا النوع حتى تنتهي صلاحية الشراء السابق. سيتم تحديث حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك الآن.", "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-title": "رصيد PsiCash غير كاف", "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-body": "ليس عندك ما يكفي من رصيد PsiCash لاتمام هذا الشراء.", "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-title": "عدم توافق في سعر شراء PsiCash", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": "PsiCash purchase prices are out-of-date. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": "PsiCash purchase type not found", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": "The product you are trying to buy no longer exists. You may need to update or reinstall the application.", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": "Invalid PsiCash state", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": "Your PsiCash state is invalid. Try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": "PsiCash login expired", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": "Your PsiCash login has expired. Log into your account and try again.", - "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": "PsiCash server error", - "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to make the purchase. Please retry your purchase later.", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": "أسعار شراء PsiCash قديمة. سيتم تحديث حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك الآن.", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": "نوع شراء PsiCash غير موجود", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": "المنتج الذي تحاول شراءه لم يعد موجودًا. قد تحتاج إلى تحديث التطبيق أو إعادة تثبيته.", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": "حالة PsiCash غير صالحة", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": "حالة PsiCash الخاصة بك غير صالحة. حاول إعادة تشغيل التطبيق. إذا لم يفلح ذلك، فستحتاج إلى مسح التخزين المحلي.", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل الدخول إلى PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل دخولك إلى PsiCash. قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك وحاول مرة أخرى.", + "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": "خطأ في سيرفر PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": "استجاب سيرفر PsiCash بخطأ أثناء محاولة الشراء. يرجى إعادة محاولة الشراء لاحقًا.", "psicash#ui-speedboost-active": "Speed Boost active for %s", - "psicash#ui-buypsi": "Buy PsiCash", - "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": "Buy more PsiCash", - "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": "Needed for Speed Boost", + "psicash#ui-buypsi": "إشتري PsiCash", + "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": "إشتري المزيد من PsiCash", + "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": "مطلوب للسرعة‮ ‪‏Speed Boost", "psicash#ui-speedboost-button": "زيادة السرعة", "psicash#1-hour": "ساعة", "psicash#1-day": "1 يوم", - "psicash#1-week": "1 week", - "psicash#1-month": "1 month", + "psicash#1-week": "أسبوع 1", + "psicash#1-month": "1 شهر", "psicash#ui-buyingboost-buttontext": "جارٍ البدء في السرعةnbsp;الفائفة!", - "psicash#pane-create-account": "Create an account to protect your PsiCash!", - "psicash#pane-balance-header": "Balance:", - "psicash#pane-log-in": "Log In!", + "psicash#pane-create-account": "قم بإنشاء حساب لحماية PsiCash الخاص بك!", + "psicash#pane-balance-header": "الرصيد:", + "psicash#pane-log-in": "تسجيل الدخول!", "psicash#pane-log-out": "تسجيل الخروج", - "psicash#pane-manage-web": "Manage on the web", - "psicash#pane-create-account-plea": "Creating a PsiCash account will help preserve your PsiCash if you clear the app's storage or use Psiphon on another device. Learn more.", - "psicash#pane-l2tp-incompatible": "Speed Boost cannot be used while Psiphon is connected in L2TP/IPSec transport mode.", - "psicash#pane-must-log-in": "You must log in to use PsiCash.", - "psicash#pane-create-new-account": "Create a New Account", + "psicash#pane-manage-web": "إدارة على شبكة الإنترنت", + "psicash#pane-create-account-plea": "سيساعد إنشاء حساب PsiCash في الحفاظ على PsiCash إذا قمت بمسح مساحة تخزين التطبيق أو استخدمت Psiphon على جهاز آخر.معرفة أكثر.", + "psicash#pane-l2tp-incompatible": "لا يمكن استخدام Speed Boost أثناء توصيل Psiphon في وضع النقل L2TP / IPSec.", + "psicash#pane-must-log-in": "يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لاستخدام PsiCash.", + "psicash#pane-create-new-account": "انشاء حساب جديد", "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-head": "حدود السرعة والمنافذ", "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-body": "إن غياب « معزز السرعة » سيجعل سرعتك محدودة، كما أن حركة مرورك غير مدعومة. يُرجى تفعيل منتج « معزز السرعة » مع PsiCash للتمكين الكامل خلال استخدامك Psiphon.", - "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": "Unleash the full potential of Psiphon with Speed Boost!", - "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": "You need more PsiCash!", - "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": "In order activate Speed Boost, you need to buy more PsiCash.", - "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": "Need PsiCash? Visit our store to buy more!", - "psicash#overlay-logging-in": "Logging in…", - "psicash#overlay-logging-out": "Logging out…", - "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": "Create a PsiCash Account", - "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-body": "We strongly encourage you to create a PsiCash account before buying PsiCash. Having an account allows you to share your balance between devices and protect your purchases.", + "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": "أطلق العنان لإمكانيات Psiphon الكاملة مع ‪Speed & nbsp؛ Boost!", + "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": "أنت بحاجة إلى المزيد من PsiCash!", + "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": "لتفعيل Speed Boost، تحتاج إلى شراء المزيد من PsiCash.", + "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": "تحتاج PsiCash؟ قم بزيارة متجرنا لشراء المزيد!", + "psicash#overlay-logging-in": " جاري تسجيل الدخول…", + "psicash#overlay-logging-out": "تسجيل الخروج…", + "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": "قم بإنشاء حساب PsiCash", + "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-body": "نحن نشجعك بشدة على إنشاء حساب PsiCash قبل شراء PsiCash. يتيح لك امتلاك حساب مشاركة رصيدك بين الأجهزة وحماية مشترياتك.", "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-create-button": "إنشاء حساب أو الولوج إليه", "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-continue-button": "اﻻستمرار بدون حساب", "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-header": "الخروج من حساب PsiCash", @@ -474,46 +474,46 @@ "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-logout-anyway-button": "الخروج في كل اﻷحوال", "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-cancel-button": "إلغاء", "psicash#modal-login-header": "حساب PsiCash", - "psicash#modal-login-body": "Create a new account or log in below.", + "psicash#modal-login-body": "إنشاء حساب جديد أو تسجيل الدخول أدناه.", "psicash#modal-login-username-field": "اسم مستخدم Psicash", "psicash#modal-login-password-field": "كلمة السّر", "psicash#modal-login-forgot-password-link": "نسيت اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور؟", "psicash#modal-login-submit-button": "أرسل", "psicash#modal-login-cancel-button": "إلغاء", - "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": "Speed Boost started!", + "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": "بدأت Speed Boost", "psicash#modal-logout-header": "الخروج من حساب PsiCash", - "psicash#modal-logout-error-body": "You logout attempt failed unexpectedly. Please try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", + "psicash#modal-logout-error-body": "فشلت محاولة تسجيل الخروج بشكل غير متوقع. يرجى محاولة إعادة تشغيل التطبيق. إذا لم يفلح ذلك، فستحتاج إلى مسح التخزين المحلي.", "positive-value-indicator": "+%d", "psicash#mustconnect-modal#title": "يلزم الاتصال ب Psiphon", "psicash#mustconnect-modal#body": "للتمكن من استخدام PsiCash، يجب عليك الاتصال بشبكة Psiphon.", - "psicash#init-error-title": "PsiCash initialization error", - "psicash#init-error-body-unrecovered": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been lost. PsiCash will not be usable. You can try restarting the application to recover from the problem.", - "psicash#init-error-body-recovered": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been reset.", - "psicash#psiphon-speed": "Psiphon
Speed", - "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": "Psiphon Speed", - "psicash#corner-logged-out": "You are logged out of PsiCash", - "psicash#more-ellipsis": "More…", + "psicash#init-error-title": "خطأ في تهيئة برنامج PsiCash", + "psicash#init-error-body-unrecovered": " PsiCash فشل في التهيئة. ربما يكون هذا بسبب مشكلة في نظام الملفات، مثل نفاد مساحة القرص. تم فقد رصيدك وحالتك الأخرى. برنامج PsiCash لن يكون قابلاً للاستخدام. يمكنك محاولة إعادة تشغيل التطبيق للتعافي من المشكلة.", + "psicash#init-error-body-recovered": "فشل PsiCash في التهيئة. ربما يكون هذا بسبب مشكلة في نظام الملفات، مثل نفاد مساحة القرص. تمت إعادة تعيين رصيدك والحالة الأخرى.", + "psicash#psiphon-speed": "Psiphon
سرعة ", + "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": "سرعة Psiphon", + "psicash#corner-logged-out": "لقد تم تسجيل خروجك من PsiCash", + "psicash#more-ellipsis": "المزيد ...", "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": "فشل الولوج إلى PsiCash", "psicash#login#catastrophic-error-body": "لقد فشلت محاولة ولوجك إلى PsiCash بصورة غير متوقعة.", "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body": "اسم المستخدم غير صحيح أو كلمة السر غير صحيحة.", - "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": "Would you instead like to create an account or recover your account?", + "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": "هل ترغب بدلاً من ذلك في إنشاء حساب أو استعادة حسابك؟", "psicash#login#server-error-body": "لقد أجابك خادم PsiCash بحدوث خطأ أثناء محاولة ولوجك إليه. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى لاحقا.", - "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": "The PsiCash server indicated that the login request was invalid. Please re-enter your login information and try again.", + "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": "أشار سيرفر PsiCash إلى أن طلب تسجيل الدخول غير صالح. الرجاء إعادة إدخال معلومات تسجيل الدخول الخاصة بك وحاول مرة أخرى.", "psicash#login#success-modal-title": "نجح الولوج إلى PsiCash", "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": "لقد ولجت حسابك في PsiCash. لقد نُقل رصيدك السابق من هذا الجهاز إلى حسابك، لكن هذه هي آخر مرة سيحدث دمج الرصيد.", - "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": "PsiCash login expired. Please log back in.", + "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": "انتهت صلاحية تسجيل الدخول إلى PsiCash. الرجاء تسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى.", "psicash#alert#logged-out": "لقد تم الخروج من حساب PsiCash.", "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-title": "ترقية اتصال Psiphon", - "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-body": "

Apps not working?


Some internet traffic is not supported without an active Speed Boost. Activate Speed Boost with PsiCash to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.

", - "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-title": "Apps not working?", - "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-body": "Activate Speed Boost to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.", - "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#heading": "Disallowed Traffic Alert", - "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#help-text": "Some types of internet traffic are not supported without an active Speed Boost. When such traffic is disallowed, an alert is shown. (Re-enabling will require a reconnection.)", - "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#disable-label": "Disable disallowed traffic alerts", - "ui#alert#url-copied-to-clipboard": "URL copied to clipboard.
If browser fails to open, paste the URL into the browser address bar.", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "File Access Error", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": "

Psiphon cannot access a file it needs in order to work properly.


Close the Psiphon application, delete the file listed below, and try running Psiphon again.

", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": "Filename and error message:", + "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-body": "

التطبيقات لا تعمل؟


بعض حركات المرور على الإنترنت غير مدعومة من دون Speed Boost نشط . فعل Speed Boost مع PsiCash لإطلاق العنان للإمكانات الكاملة لتجربة Psiphon الخاصة بك.

", + "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-title": "التطبيقات لا تعمل؟", + "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-body": "قم بتنشيط Speed Boost لفتح الإمكانات الكاملة لتجربة Psiphon الخاصة بك.", + "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#heading": "تنبيه حركة المرور غير مسموح به", + "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#help-text": "لا يتم دعم بعض أنواع حركة المرور على الإنترنت بدون تنشيط Speed Boost. عندما يتم حظر حركة المرور هذه، يتم عرض تنبيه. ( إعادة التنشيط ستتطلب إعادة الاتصال.)", + "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#disable-label": "تعطيل تنبيهات حركة المرور غير المسموح بها", + "ui#alert#url-copied-to-clipboard": "تم نسخ عنوان URL إلى الحافظة.
إذا حدث فشل في فتح المتصفح، فقم بلصق عنوان URL في شريط عنوان المتصفح.", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "خطأ في الوصول إلى الملف", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": "

Psiphon لا يستطيع الوصول إلى الملف الذي يحتاجه لكي يعمل بشكل صحيح.


أغلق تطبيق Psiphon ، واحذف الملف المدرج أدناه، وحاول تشغيل Psiphon مرة أخرى.

", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": "اسم الملف ورسالة الخطأ:", "banner#sponsored-by": "برعاية " } }, @@ -10379,7 +10379,7 @@ "connection#wait-btn": "Xin chờ...", "connection#stopped-msg": "Psiphon đã ngắt kết nối ", "connection#connect-btn": "Kết nối", - "connection#egress-region-combo-label": "Select server region", + "connection#egress-region-combo-label": "Chọn vùng máy chủ", "settings#error-alert": "Có Lỗi! Vui lòng điều chỉnh các con số sai trước khi tiếp tục.", "settings#reset-button": "Thiết lập lại mặc định", "settings#apply-button": "Áp dụng các thay đổi", @@ -10428,7 +10428,7 @@ "settings#egress-region#select-rs": "Serbia", "settings#egress-region#select-au": "Úc", "settings#egress-region#select-ar": "Argentina", - "settings#egress-region#select-br": "Ba Tây", + "settings#egress-region#select-br": "Brazil", "settings#egress-region#select-cl": "Chile", "settings#egress-region#select-fi": "Phần Lan", "settings#egress-region#select-is": "Iceland", @@ -10436,7 +10436,7 @@ "settings#egress-region#select-ke": "Kenya", "settings#egress-region#select-mx": "Mexico", "settings#egress-region#select-za": "Nam Phi", - "settings#egress-region#select-kr": "Korea", + "settings#egress-region#select-kr": "Hàn Quốc", "settings#egress-region#select-tw": "Đài Loan", "settings#egress-region#select-ae": "United Arab Emirates", "settings#egress-region#select-ee": "Estonia", @@ -10506,7 +10506,7 @@ "about#license-agree": "By using Psiphon you signal that you agree to the terms of the End-User License and Privacy Policy.", "about#client-version": "Phiên bản trình Psiphon cho Windows:", "general#modal-close-button": "Đóng", - "general#modal-feedback-button": "Send Feedback", + "general#modal-feedback-button": "Gửi Phản hồi", "general#notice-modal-tech-preamble": "Đây là thông tin kỹ thuật về lỗi:", "notice#systemproxysettings-setproxy-error-title": "Lỗi Proxy Hệ Thống", "notice#systemproxysettings-setproxy-error-body": "

Psiphon thất bại khi lập các thiết đặt proxy hệ thống.


Đây có thể vì xung khắc với phần mềm chống vi-rút. Bạn cần cấu hình lại các thiết đặt của ứng dụng hoặc của proxy hệ thống để dùng proxy Psiphon địa phương.

", @@ -10521,90 +10521,90 @@ "appbackend#state-connected-reminder-body-2": "Giữ Pisphon miễn phí bằng cách vào thăm trang của các nhà bảo trợ!", "appbackend#minimized-to-systray-title": "Psiphon đã được thu nhỏ vào vùng thông báo", "appbackend#minimized-to-systray-body": "Bấm vào biểu tượng để phục hồi ứng dụng", - "appbackend#os-unsupported": "Psiphon no longer supports Windows XP or Vista.\nPlease visit our website for more information.", - "psicash#transaction-error-title": "PsiCash transaction error", - "psicash#transaction-error-body": "Your PsiCash transaction attempt failed unexpectedly.", - "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": "PsiCash purchase already exists", - "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": "You have an existing PsiCash purchase of this type. Another purchase of this type is not allowed until the previous one expires. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", - "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-title": "Insufficient PsiCash balance", - "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-body": "You do not have sufficient PsiCash balance for this purchase.", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-title": "PsiCash purchase price mismatch", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": "PsiCash purchase prices are out-of-date. Your PsiCash state will be refreshed now.", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": "PsiCash purchase type not found", - "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": "The product you are trying to buy no longer exists. You may need to update or reinstall the application.", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": "Invalid PsiCash state", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": "Your PsiCash state is invalid. Try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": "PsiCash login expired", - "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": "Your PsiCash login has expired. Log into your account and try again.", - "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": "PsiCash server error", - "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to make the purchase. Please retry your purchase later.", - "psicash#ui-speedboost-active": "Speed Boost active for %s", - "psicash#ui-buypsi": "Buy PsiCash", - "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": "Buy more PsiCash", - "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": "Needed for Speed Boost", - "psicash#ui-speedboost-button": "Nâng cấp Tốc Độ", + "appbackend#os-unsupported": "Psiphon không còn hỗ trợ cho Windows XP hay Vista\nXin xem trang web chúng tôi để biết thêm thông tin.", + "psicash#transaction-error-title": "Lỗi giao dịch PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-error-body": "Giao dịch PsiCash có lỗi bất ngờ.", + "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-title": "Hàng mua bằng PsiCash đã có rồi", + "psicash#transaction-ExistingTransaction-body": "Bạn đã món hàng loại này mua bằng PsiCash rồi. Món hàng loại này không được mua nữa cho đến khi món hàng trước hết hạn. Tình trạng PsiCash sẽ được làm mới bây giờ.", + "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-title": "Không đủ số dư PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-InsufficientBalance-body": "Bạn không đủ số dư Psicash cho món hàng này.", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-title": "Giá món hàng bằng PsiCash không khớp", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionAmountMismatch-body": "Giá món hàng bằng PsiCash đã quá han. Tình trạng PsiCash sẽ được làm mới bây giờ.", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-title": "Loại món hàng PsiCash không tìm thấy", + "psicash#transaction-TransactionTypeNotFound-body": "Món hàng bạn muốn mua không còn tồn tại nữa. Bạn có thể phải cần cập nhật hoặc cài đặt lại ứng dụng.", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-tracker": "Trạng thái PsiCash không hợp lệ", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-tracker": "Tình trạng PsiCash không hợp lệ. Thử khởi động lại ứng dụng. Nếu vẫn không chạy, bạn sẽ phải cần làm sạch kho chứa cục bộ .", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-title-account": "Đăng nhập PsiCash hết hạn", + "psicash#transaction-InvalidTokens-body-account": "Đăng nhập PsiCash của bạn đã hết hạn. Đăng nhập lại vào tài khoản của bạn và thử lại.", + "psicash#transaction-ServerError-title": "Lỗi máy chủ PsiCash", + "psicash#transaction-ServerError-body": "Máy chủ PsiCash hồi đáp có lỗi trong lúc đặt mua. Xin thử mua lại sau.", + "psicash#ui-speedboost-active": "Tăng Tốc chạy cho %s", + "psicash#ui-buypsi": "Mua PsiCash", + "psicash#ui-buymorepsi": "Mua thêm PsiCash", + "psicash#ui-nsfbalance-buttontext": "Cần cho Tăng Tốc", + "psicash#ui-speedboost-button": "Tăng Tốc", "psicash#1-hour": "1 tiếng", - "psicash#1-day": "1 day", - "psicash#1-week": "1 week", - "psicash#1-month": "1 month", - "psicash#ui-buyingboost-buttontext": "Starting Speed Boost!", - "psicash#pane-create-account": "Create an account to protect your PsiCash!", - "psicash#pane-balance-header": "Balance:", - "psicash#pane-log-in": "Log In!", + "psicash#1-day": "1 ngày", + "psicash#1-week": "1 tuần", + "psicash#1-month": "1 tháng", + "psicash#ui-buyingboost-buttontext": "Khởi động Tăng Tốc!", + "psicash#pane-create-account": "Tạo tài khoản để bảo vệ tiền PsiCash!", + "psicash#pane-balance-header": "Số dư:", + "psicash#pane-log-in": "Đăng nhập!", "psicash#pane-log-out": "Đăng xuất", - "psicash#pane-manage-web": "Manage on the web", + "psicash#pane-manage-web": "Quản lý trong trang mạng", "psicash#pane-create-account-plea": "Creating a PsiCash account will help preserve your PsiCash if you clear the app's storage or use Psiphon on another device. Learn more.", "psicash#pane-l2tp-incompatible": "Speed Boost cannot be used while Psiphon is connected in L2TP/IPSec transport mode.", - "psicash#pane-must-log-in": "You must log in to use PsiCash.", - "psicash#pane-create-new-account": "Create a New Account", - "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-head": "Speed and Port Limits", - "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-body": "Without active Speed Boost, your speed is limited and some internet traffic is not supported. Activate Speed Boost with PsiCash to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.", - "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": "Unleash the full potential of Psiphon with Speed Boost!", - "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": "You need more PsiCash!", - "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": "In order activate Speed Boost, you need to buy more PsiCash.", - "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": "Need PsiCash? Visit our store to buy more!", - "psicash#overlay-logging-in": "Logging in…", - "psicash#overlay-logging-out": "Logging out…", - "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": "Create a PsiCash Account", + "psicash#pane-must-log-in": "Bạn phải đăng nhập để dùng PsiCash.", + "psicash#pane-create-new-account": "Tạo Tài Khoản Mới", + "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-head": "Giới hạn của Tốc độ và Cổng", + "psicash#pane-speed-port-limits-body": "Nếu không có Tăng Tốc, tốc độ của bạn bị giới hạn và một số lưu lượng giao thông mạng không được hỗ trợ. Mua Tăng Tốc với tiền PsiCash để có được một trải nghiệm hoàn hảo với Psiphon.", + "psicash#pane-speed-boost-cta": "Đạt được trọn vẹn tiềm năng của Psiphon với Tăng Tốc!", + "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-header": "Bạn cần thêm PsiCash!", + "psicash#pane-need-more-psicash-body": "Để kích hoạt Tăng Tốc, bạn cần mua thêm PsiCash.", + "psicash#pane-need-psicash-visit-store": "Cần PsiCash? Ghé vào cửa hàng chúng tôi để mua thêm!", + "psicash#overlay-logging-in": "Đang đăng nhập...", + "psicash#overlay-logging-out": "Đang đăng xuất ...", + "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-header": "Tạo Tài Khoản PsiCash", "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-body": "We strongly encourage you to create a PsiCash account before buying PsiCash. Having an account allows you to share your balance between devices and protect your purchases.", - "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-create-button": "Create or log into account", - "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-continue-button": "Continue without account", - "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-header": "PsiCash Account Logout", - "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-body": "Being connected to the Psiphon network enables a more secure PsiCash logout. Would you like to connect before logging out?", + "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-create-button": "Tạo hoặc đăng nhập vào tài khoản", + "psicash#modal-create-psicash-account-continue-button": "Tiếp tục không cần tài khoản", + "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-header": "Đăng xuất Tài khoản PsiCash", + "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-body": "Có kết nối vào mạng Psiphon sẽ giúp đăng xuất khỏi PsiCash an toàn hơn. Bạn có muốn kết nối trước khi đăng xuất?", "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-connect-button": "Kết nối", - "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-logout-anyway-button": "Log out anyway", + "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-logout-anyway-button": "Cứ đăng xuất ", "psicash#modal-psicash-logout-offline-cancel-button": "Hủy", - "psicash#modal-login-header": "PsiCash Account", - "psicash#modal-login-body": "Create a new account or log in below.", - "psicash#modal-login-username-field": "PsiCash username", - "psicash#modal-login-password-field": "Mật mã", - "psicash#modal-login-forgot-password-link": "Forgot your password or username?", - "psicash#modal-login-submit-button": "Đệ nạp", + "psicash#modal-login-header": "Tài khoản PsiCash", + "psicash#modal-login-body": "Tạo tài khoản mới hoặc đăng nhập dưới đây.", + "psicash#modal-login-username-field": "Tên người dùng PsiCash", + "psicash#modal-login-password-field": "Mật khẩu", + "psicash#modal-login-forgot-password-link": "Quên mật khẩu hoặc tên người dùng?", + "psicash#modal-login-submit-button": "Gửi", "psicash#modal-login-cancel-button": "Hủy", - "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": "Speed Boost started!", - "psicash#modal-logout-header": "PsiCash Account Logout", + "psicash#alert#buyspeedboost-purchase-complete": "Tăng Tốc bắt đầu!", + "psicash#modal-logout-header": "Đăng xuất Tài khoản PsiCash", "psicash#modal-logout-error-body": "You logout attempt failed unexpectedly. Please try restarting the application. If that doesn't work, you will need to clear your local storage.", "positive-value-indicator": "+%d", - "psicash#mustconnect-modal#title": "Psiphon Connection Required", - "psicash#mustconnect-modal#body": "In order to use PsiCash, you must be connected to the Psiphon network.", - "psicash#init-error-title": "PsiCash initialization error", + "psicash#mustconnect-modal#title": "Cần có Kết nối Psiphon", + "psicash#mustconnect-modal#body": "Để dùng PsiCash, bạn phải kết nối vào mạng Psiphon.", + "psicash#init-error-title": "Có lỗi khởi đầu PsiCash", "psicash#init-error-body-unrecovered": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been lost. PsiCash will not be usable. You can try restarting the application to recover from the problem.", "psicash#init-error-body-recovered": "PsiCash failed to initialize. This is probably due to a file system problem, such as being out of disk space. Your balance and other state have been reset.", - "psicash#psiphon-speed": "Psiphon
Speed", - "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": "Psiphon Speed", + "psicash#psiphon-speed": "Tốc độ
Psiphon", + "psicash#psiphon-speed-nobreak": "Tốc độ Psiphon", "psicash#corner-logged-out": "You are logged out of PsiCash", - "psicash#more-ellipsis": "More…", - "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": "PsiCash Login Failed", - "psicash#login#catastrophic-error-body": "Your PsiCash login attempt failed unexpectedly.", - "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body": "The username or password entered was incorrect.", + "psicash#more-ellipsis": "Thêm...", + "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": "Đăng nhập PsiCash Thất bại ", + "psicash#login#catastrophic-error-body": "Đăng nhập vào PsiCash có lỗi bất ngờ.", + "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body": "Tên người dùng hoặc mật khẩu không đúng.", "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": "Would you instead like to create an account or recover your account?", - "psicash#login#server-error-body": "The PsiCash server responded with an error while trying to log you in. Please try again later.", + "psicash#login#server-error-body": "Máy chủ PsiCash hồi đáp có lỗi khi đăng nhập bạn vào. Xin thử lại sau.", "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": "The PsiCash server indicated that the login request was invalid. Please re-enter your login information and try again.", - "psicash#login#success-modal-title": "PsiCash Login Success", - "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": "You are logged into your PsiCash account. The preexisting balance from this device has been transferred into your account, but this is the last time a balance merge will occur.", + "psicash#login#success-modal-title": "Đăng nhập vào PsiCash Thành công", + "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": "Bạn đã đăng nhập vào tài khoản PsiCash. Số dư tồn đọng từ thiết bị này đã được chuyển giao vào tài khoản của bạn, nhưng đây là lần cuối cùng số dư được sát nhập lại.", "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": "PsiCash login expired. Please log back in.", - "psicash#alert#logged-out": "PsiCash account logout complete.", - "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-title": "Upgrade your Psiphon connection", + "psicash#alert#logged-out": "Đăng xuất khỏi tài khoản PsiCash xong.", + "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-title": "Nâng cấp kết nối Psiphon", "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-body": "

Apps not working?


Some internet traffic is not supported without an active Speed Boost. Activate Speed Boost with PsiCash to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.

", "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-title": "Apps not working?", "appbackend#disallowed-traffic-notification-body": "Activate Speed Boost to unlock the full potential of your Psiphon experience.", @@ -10612,7 +10612,7 @@ "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#help-text": "Some types of internet traffic are not supported without an active Speed Boost. When such traffic is disallowed, an alert is shown. (Re-enabling will require a reconnection.)", "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#disable-label": "Disable disallowed traffic alerts", "ui#alert#url-copied-to-clipboard": "URL copied to clipboard.
If browser fails to open, paste the URL into the browser address bar.", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "File Access Error", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "Lỗi Truy cập Tập tin", "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": "

Psiphon cannot access a file it needs in order to work properly.


Close the Psiphon application, delete the file listed below, and try running Psiphon again.

", "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": "Filename and error message:", "banner#sponsored-by": "Được tài trợ bởi" @@ -10856,11 +10856,11 @@ "psicash#login#failure-modal-title": "PsiCash登录失败", "psicash#login#catastrophic-error-body": "您的PsiCash登录尝试失败。", "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body": "输入的用户名或者密码不正确", - "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": "Would you instead like to create an account or recover your account?", + "psicash#login#invalid-credentials-body-multiple-attempts": "您想创建一个账户还是恢复您的账户?", "psicash#login#server-error-body": "当尝试登录时,PsiCash服务器返回一个错误。请稍后再尝试。", "psicash#login#badrequest-error-body": "PsiCash服务器显示登录要求无效。请重新输入您的登录信息并再次尝试。", "psicash#login#success-modal-title": "PsiCash登录成功", - "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": "您已经登陆您的PsiCash账户。预先存在在这个设备上的余额已经转入您的帐户,但是这是最后一次余额合并。", + "psicash#login#last-tracker-merge-body": "您已经登陆您的PsiCash账户。预先存在在这个设备上的余额已经转入您的账户,但是这是最后一次余额合并。", "psicash#alert#tokens-expired": "PsiCash登录已过期。请重新登录。", "psicash#alert#logged-out": "PsiCash账户已完全登出", "notice#disallowed-traffic-alert-title": "升级您的赛风链接", @@ -10871,9 +10871,9 @@ "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#help-text": "有些网络流量必须有加速服务的支持。当这样的流量被禁止时,一个警告将会弹出。(重新启用这样的流量需要重新连接。)", "settings#disallowed-traffic-alert#disable-label": "禁止禁用流量警告", "ui#alert#url-copied-to-clipboard": "链接已复制至剪贴板。
如果浏览器无法打开,复制链接到浏览器地址栏。", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "File Access Error", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": "

Psiphon cannot access a file it needs in order to work properly.


Close the Psiphon application, delete the file listed below, and try running Psiphon again.

", - "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": "Filename and error message:", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-title": "文件访问错误", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-error-body": "

Psiphon 无法访问正常工作所需的文件。


关闭 Psiphon 应用程序,删除下面列出的文件,然后尝试再次运行 Psiphon。

", + "notice#psiphonui-fileerror-detail-preamble": "文件名和错误消息:", "banner#sponsored-by": "赞助者:" } }, diff --git a/src/webui/main-inline.html b/src/webui/main-inline.html index 97e803354..c94509816 100644 --- a/src/webui/main-inline.html +++ b/src/webui/main-inline.html @@ -13459,14 +13459,14 @@ "object"!=typeof JSON&&(JSON={}),function(){"use strict";var rx_one=/^[\],:{}\s]*$/,rx_two=/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,rx_three=/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,rx_four=/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,rx_escapable=/[\\"\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,rx_dangerous=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,gap,indent,meta,rep;function f(t){return t<10?"0"+t:t}function this_value(){return this.valueOf()}function quote(t){return rx_escapable.lastIndex=0,rx_escapable.test(t)?'"'+t.replace(rx_escapable,function(t){var e=meta[t];return"string"==typeof e?e:"\\u"+("0000"+t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+t+'"'}function str(t,e){var r,n,o,u,f,a=gap,i=e[t];switch(i&&"object"==typeof i&&"function"==typeof i.toJSON&&(i=i.toJSON(t)),"function"==typeof rep&&(i=rep.call(e,t,i)),typeof i){case"string":return quote(i);case"number":return isFinite(i)?String(i):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(i);case"object":if(!i)return"null";if(gap+=indent,f=[],"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(i)){for(u=i.length,r=0;r