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Shams Asari edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Conclave documentation. These pages cover what problems Conclave can solve, concepts and architecture, and how you can get started using Conclave.

Why Conclave?

Data owners lose absolute control over their information when they share it with third parties. Conclave helps data owners to regain control by enabling users to build, deploy, and integrate privacy-first applications at scale.

With Conclave, you can build:

  • Applications that safeguard data while in use.
  • Applications that provide digital evidence that no one has tampered with the data.
  • Solutions for secure multi-party data sharing.

What is Conclave?

Conclave is a software development kit for the rapid development of privacy-first applications using hardware-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) known as enclaves. Conclave makes Confidential Computing using Intel® Security Guard Extension (SGX) more accessible for developers. Take a look at the source code on this GitHub repository.

Advantages of Conclave

  • Developer-friendly: You don't have to be a cryptography expert to use Conclave. A high-level, intuitive API helps you write secure applications on any operating system.
  • Code in many languages: Write your code in Java, Kotlin, or any other JVM (Java Virtual Machine) language. You can also use Javascript and basic Python to write your application.
  • Open Source:: You can verify the source code and remove Conclave from your trust model.
  • Focus on business logic: Interact with secure enclaves easily using an intuitive API. Conclave Mail takes care of the end-to-end encrypted messaging.
  • Everything in one platform: The Core SDK tightly integrates with a complementary cloud offering.
  • Cloud-based Key Derivation Service (KDS): Create stable applications that maintain Intel SGX security guarantees even when the enclave runs on multiple physical machines.
  • Enhanced security, performance, and capabilities: Conclave uses the GraalVM native image technology for incredibly tight memory usage, support for GraalVM languages, and instant startup time.
  • Quickly deploy to Microsoft Azure: Run Conclave apps on Microsoft Azure VMs with minimal setup.
  • Audit your enclaves remotely: Verify the source code of the remotely running enclave.
  • Convenient Gradle plugin: Automate compiling, signing, and calculating the code hash of enclaves using a simple Gradle plugin.
  • Powerful unit testing framework: Verify remote attestation and the operation of enclaves using JUnit.

Getting started

Take a look at the hello world sample to get started with Conclave.