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Spring Framework

  1. Spring Core

    • Dependency Injection
      1. Setter Injection
      2. Constructor Injection
    • Bean LifeCycle
    • Autowiring
    • Stereotyping Annotation based config
    • Bean Scope - Singleton(Default), Prototype, Request, Session, GlobalSession, WebSocket
    • Spring Expression Language
    • Java Configuration(no XML)
  2. Spring MVC

    • Configuring MVC Project
      1. Configure dispatcher servlet in web.xml
      2. Spring config file for view resolver
      3. create controller
      4. Create View
    • Passing Data from Controller to page
      1. via Model
      2. via ModelAndView
    • JSP Experssion Language and JSTL
    • Sending data from view to controller
      1. RequestParam Class
      2. ModelAttribute class
    • Spring MVC + Spring ORM Example
    • Redirect in Spring MVC
      1. redirect prefix
      2. redirect view
    • Data Binding Project Student Registration form
    • Handling errors in Spring MVC
    • Binding of static resources like CSS, JS and Images
    • File Upload in Spring MVC
    • Path Variable in Spring MVC
    • Exception Handling using @ExceptionHander and @ControllerAdvice
    • MVC Interceptors Example
  3. Spring JDBC

    • Spring JDBC Configuration
    • Insert, Update and delete operation using JDBC Template
    • Select using RowMapper
  4. Spring Security

    • Spring boot starter security. This enables a default login process of Springboot.
    • In memory authentication, Security Configuration, Password Encoding
    • AntMatchers
    • Role Based Authentication
    • CSRF Token
    • Form Based Authentication
    • Custom Form Authentication
    • Database Authentication
  5. Spring Boot

    • JSP in Spring Boot
    • Data JPA in Spring Boot
      1. JPQL
      2. Native Queries
    • REST APIs
      1. Mapping Get,Post,Delete and Put
      2. Response Entity
    • Database action in REST API
    • Nested Objects in REST API