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379 lines (320 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

379 lines (320 loc) · 11.3 KB

Release Notes

Version 2.1.0

  • Upgrade dependencies

Version 2.0.0

  • remove support for .NET 5.0 as it is deprecated

Version 1.12.0

  • upgrade dependencies
  • add net7.0 as supported target framework
  • upgrade dev container to SDK 7.0.401

Version 1.11.0

  • upgrade dependencies
  • upgrade dev container to SDK 5.0.102
  • add github action to deploy new package versions when version number is bumped

Version 1.10.0

  • Upgraded package reference for YamlDotNet to version 9.1.1

Version 1.9.0

  • Smaller fixes for Name generator that affected a small number of locales

Version 1.8.0

Version 1.7.0

Version 1.6.0

Version 1.5.0

  • Updated dependencies

Version 1.4.0

  • FIX: bug in class RandomNumber that caused internal static variable to not being initialized in multithreaded case.

Version 1.3.0

  • New Feature: Added Weather for generating random weather forecasts

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.1.0

  • Updated depencencies

Version 1.0.0

  • First release

Version 0.42.0

New Features

  • None

Other Changes

  • Attached license (MIT License). This is the license RimuTec.Faker has always used.

Version 0.42.0

New Features

  • None

Other Changes

  • Updated release notes

Version 0.41.0

New Features

  • None

Other Changes

  • Updated all NuGet Packages to latest released

Version 0.40.0

New Features

  • Color.ColorName()
  • Color.HexColor()
  • Color.RgbColor()

Version 0.39.0

Breaking Change

  • Class IDNumber has been renamed to IdNumber(). A find-replace for something like "IDNumber." should help with the transition.

New Features

  • Added instructions to describing how to build Faker from sources.
  • Class Job supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class Lorem supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class PhoneNumber supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales

Version 0.38.0

Breaking Change

  • Method IDNumber.SSN_Valid() has been renamed to IDNumber.SsnValid(). A fairly straight forward find-raplace should help with the transition, e.g. you could do a find-all for ".SSN_Valid("

New Features

  • Class IDNumber supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class Internet supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales

Version 0.37.0

New Features

  • Class Educator supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class Finance supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales

Bug Fixes

  • FIX: Finance.Finance.CreditCard(CreditCardType.Mastercard) did not replace "[1-5]" with single digit in this range

Version 0.36.0

New Features

  • Class Business supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class Code supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales
  • Class Company supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales

Version 0.35.0

New Features

  • Class Address supports all 51 built-in as well as custom locales

Version 0.34.0


Class Name is now on par with Faker Gem including support for localization, 51 locales out of the box plus support for custom locales.

New Features

  • Name.Prefix() supports localization
  • Name.Suffix() supports localization
  • Name.FullName() supports localization
  • Name.MiddleName() supports localization
  • Name.NameWithMiddle() supports localization

Version 0.33.0

New Features

  • Enabled SourceLink. For more details regarding SourceLink see
  • Now supports 51 locales out of the box
  • Address.City() can be localized
  • Address.CitySuffix() can be localized
  • Address.CityPrefix() can be localized
  • Name.FirstName() can be localized
  • Name.LastName() can be localized
  • Added basic infrastructure for custom locale files (yml)

Version 0.32.0


Class Code is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Code.Asin()
  • Code.Sin()

Version 0.31.0

New Features

  • Code.Imei()

Version 0.30.0

New Features

  • Code.Nric(int minAge = 18, int maxAge = 65)

Version 0.29.0

New Features

  • Code.Ean(int @base = 13)
  • Code.Rut()

Version 0.28.0

New Features

  • Code.Isbn(int @base = 10)
  • Code.Npi()

Version 0.27.0


Date and Business are now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Business.CreditCardExpiryDate()
  • Business.CreditCardNumber()
  • Business.CreditCardType()
  • Date.Birthday(int minAge = 18, int maxAge = 65)

Version 0.26.0

New Features

  • Date.Backward(int days = 365)
  • Date.Forward(int days = 365)

Version 0.25.0

New Features

  • Date.Between(DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate)
  • Date.BetweenExcept(DateTime from, DateTime to, DateTime excepted)

Version 0.24.0


Educator is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Educator.Campus()
  • Educator.Course()
  • Educator.SecondarySchool()
  • Educator.University()

Version 0.23.0


Finance is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Finance.CreditCard(params CreditCardType[] types)

Version 0.22.0


Internet is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Internet.MacAddress(string prefix = "")
  • Internet.Slug(string words = null, string glue = null)
  • Internet.Url(string host = null, string path = null, string scheme = "http")
  • Internet.UserAgent(string vendor = null)

Version 0.21.0

New Features

  • Internet.IPv4CIDR()
  • Internet.IPv6Address()
  • Internet.IPv6CIDR()

Version 0.20.0

New Features

  • Internet.IPv4Address()
  • Internet.PrivateIPv4Address()
  • Internet.PublicIPv4Address()

Version 0.19.0

New Features

  • Internet.FreeEmail(string name = null)
  • Internet.Password(int minLength = 8, int maxLength = 15, bool mixCase = true, bool specialChars = true)
  • Internet.SafeEmail(string name = null)

Version 0.18.0

New Features

  • Internet.Email(string name = null, string separators = null)
  • Internet.UserName(int minLength, int maxLength = int.MaxValue)
  • Internet.UserName(string name = null, string separators = null)

Version 0.17.0

New Features

  • Internet.DomainName()
  • Internet.DomainSuffix()
  • Internet.DomainWord()
  • Internet.UserName()

Version 0.16.0


IDNumber is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • IDNumber.SpanishForeignCitizenNumber()
  • IDNumber.Invalid()
  • IDNumber.SpanishCitizenNumber()
  • IDNumber.Valid()

Version 0.15.0


Address is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Address.City()
  • Address.CountryCodeLong()
  • Address.FullAddress()
  • Address.Latitude()
  • Address.Longitude()
  • RandomNumber.NextDouble()

Version 0.14.0

New Features

  • Address.CityPrefix()
  • Address.Country()
  • Address.CountryCode()
  • Address.State()
  • Address.StateAbbr()

Version 0.13.0

New Features

  • NuGet package now also deploys XML documentation file for RimuTec.Faker.
  • Address.CitySuffix()
  • Address.Postcode(string stateAbbreviation = "")
  • Address.StreetSuffix()
  • Address.TimeZone()
  • Address.Zip(string stateAbbreviation = "")

Version 0.12.0

New Features

  • Address.BuildingNumber()
  • Address.Community()
  • Address.ZipCode(string stateAbbreviation = "")

Version 0.11.0

New Features

  • Address.SecondaryAddress()
  • Address.StreetAddress(bool includeSecondary = false)
  • Address.StreetName()

Version 0.10.0


Company is now on par with Ruby Faker for default local ("en").

New Features

  • Company.AustralianBusinessNumber()
  • Company.CzechOrganizationNumber()
  • Company.FrenchSirenNumber()
  • Company.FrenchSiretNumber()
  • Company.NorwegianOrganizationNumber()
  • Company.PolishRegisterOfNationalEconomy(int length = 9)
  • Company.PolishTaxpayerIdentificationNumber()
  • Company.SpanishOrganizationNumber()

Version 0.9.0


Lorem is now on par with Ruby Faker for default locale ("en").

New Features

  • Lorem.Paragraph(int sentenceCount = 3, bool supplemental = false, int randomSentencesToAdd = 0): Optional parameters and default values added.
  • Lorem.ParagraphByChars(int chars = 256, bool supplemental = false)
  • Lorem.Paragraphs(int paragraphCount = 3, bool supplemental = false): Optional parameters and default values added.
  • Lorem.Question(int wordCount = 4, bool supplemental = false, int randomWordsToAdd = 0)
  • Lorem.Questions(int questionCount = 3, bool supplemental = false)
  • PhoneNumber.LandLine(): Equivalent to Ruby Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number
  • Company.Bs()
  • Company.Buzzword()
  • Company.CatchPhrase()
  • Company.DunsNumber()
  • Company.Ein()
  • Company.Industry()
  • Company.Logo()
  • Company.Profession()
  • Company.Suffix()
  • Company.SwedishOrganizationNumber()
  • Company.Type()

Version 0.8.0

New Features

  • Lorem.Sentence(int wordCount = 4, bool supplemental = false, int randomWordsToAdd = 0): Optional parameters and default values added.
  • Lorem.Sentences(int sentenceCount = 3, bool supplemental = false): Optional parameters and default values added.

Bug Fixes

  • FIX: Lorem.Words() does not consider list of supplementary words.

Other Changes

  • Updated package YamlDotNet to version 5.0.1

Version 0.7.0

New Features

  • Lorem.Character()
  • Lorem.Characters(int charCount = 255)
  • Lorem.Multibyte()

Version 0.6.0

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Lorem.GetFirstWord(). If you need to generate a defined word, use RandomNumber.ResetSeed(int) and then Lorem.Word() instead. We believe the impact of this change is minimal as the method was used for testing only. It does not exist in the Roby gem.

New Features

  • Company.Name()
  • Lorem.Word()
  • Lorem.Words(int count = 3, bool supplemental = false): Optional parameters and default values added.

Version 0.5.0

New Features

  • Job.Field()
  • Job.Seniority()
  • Job.Position()
  • Job.EmploymentType()
  • Job.EducationLevel()

Version 0.4.0

New Features

  • Name.FullName() (equivalent to Ruby's
  • Name.NameWithMiddle()
  • Name.MiddleName()
  • Name.Prefix()
  • Name.Suffix()
  • Name.Initials(int characterCount)

Version 0.3.0

New Features

  • Job.KeySkill()

Version 0.2.0

New features

  • Job.Title()
  • Lorem.Words(int count)
  • Lorem.GetFirstWord()
  • Lorem.Sentence(int minWordCount)
  • Lorem.Sentences(int sentenceCount)
  • Lorem.Paragraph(int minSentenceCount)
  • Lorem.Paragraphs(int paragraphCount)
  • PhoneNumber.CellPhone()

Version 0.1.0

New features

  • RandomNumber.Reset(int seed)
  • RandomNumber.Next()
  • RandomNumber.Next(int maxValue)
  • RandomNumber.Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
  • Name.First()
  • Name.Last()