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Welcome! This nodejs library - @RimuTec/node-git-info - is a simple wrapper around the git command line tool. It provides an interface for getting information about the current git repository.

It is meant to be a replacement for the original node-git-info which was last published in November 2016. Since then things have changed in particular in terms of dependencies. This has resulted in the following issues. It appears as if the original node-git-info is no longer maintained and now has several issues.


As of writing, the original node-git-info has 2 vulnerabilities, both with high severity:

$ npm audit
│ high                │ Regular Expression Denial of Service in moment         │
│ Package             │ moment                                                 │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <2.19.3                                                │
│ Patched versions    │ >=2.19.3                                               │
│ Paths               │ . > [email protected] > [email protected]                │
│ More info           │      │
│ high                │ Path Traversal: 'dir/../../filename' in moment.locale  │
│ Package             │ moment                                                 │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <2.29.2                                                │
│ Patched versions    │ >=2.29.2                                               │
│ Paths               │ . > [email protected] > [email protected]                │
│ More info           │      │
2 vulnerabilities found
Severity: 2 high

These two high severity vulnerabilities are present in the moment package version that the original node-git-info depends on. The vulnerabilities are:

  1. Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in versions of moment before 2.19.3. More info can be found here.
  2. Path Traversal vulnerability in versions of moment before 2.29.2. More info can be found here.

There are different ways to resolve the vulnerabilities in the original node-git-info. For example, you could just clone the repo and upgrade the moment dependency to the most recent version (2.30.1 as of writing) using the command

pnpm update moment

However, as of writing (Jan 2024) moment is considered legacy (see below), so a better option would be avoiding moment altogether. This is the approach taken here. As a result @RimuTec/node-git-info has no vulnerabilities as of writing (01 Jan 2024).

Legacy Dependencies

moment is a library that is considered legacay since September 2020 according to their website (see One of their recommendations is to use luxon. This project uses the TypeScript variant ts-luxon.

Deprecated Dependencies

Furthermore, the original node-git-info references packages which in turn have subdependencies that have been deprecated:

  • har-validator
  • istanbul
  • request
  • uuid

@RimuTec/node-git-info does not use any of these packages.

Example Output

Running node-git-info in a git repository will produce the following output

[@RimuTec/node-git-info] has been created successfully.

It will create or update the file in the root of the repository with content similar to the following:
[email protected]
git.commit.message.full=first commit
git.commit.message.short=first commit Name

Dev Environment

This repository uses a dev container.

If you don't use a dev container, the setup may not work for you. Generally speaking all repositories provided by RimuTec use a dev container. The setup of the dev environment is the same for all of them.

There are 3 prerequisites that are comment across the three supported host OSes (operating systems), Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are some additional notes for Windows users at the end of this section. The setup has been tested on Linux and on Windows only, but is expected to work on MacOS as well.

All Host OSes


  1. VS Code with extention "Remote Development"
  2. Docker Desktop
  3. Git command line interface (CLI)

Windows Only

If your host computer uses Windows, then you need to install WSL2 with a Linux distro. Generally, I use the latest LTS version of Ubuntu (22.04 as of writing).

Also, if you are on Windows, then you need to clone the repo into the Linux file system. If you don't then you are likely to encounter problems such as synchronization issues.

To check whether you've clone into a Linux files system on Windows, run the following command in the terminal (bash):


If the output starts with /home, then you are in the Linux file system, i.e. you are in the correct place. If the output starts with /mnt or /c, then you are in the Windows file system and you are likely to experience issues with notifications of file changes.

Note that MinGW-w64 for Windows will not suffice either, regardless of how good their bash implementation might be. MinGW-w64 is not a full Linux operating system. It's a runtime environment for GCC and LLVM.


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