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API Reference

Ryan Luu edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 1 revision

Satchel is a reskin of the default BackpackGui located in CoreGui. Satchel acts very similar to the default backpack and is based on a fork on the default backpack. Behaviors between the two should remain the same with both of them managing the Backpack.



Attribute Description Default
BackgroundColor3: Color3 Determines the background color of the default inventory window and slots. [25, 27, 29]
BackgroundTransparency: number Determines the background transparency of the default inventory window and slots. 0.3
CornerRadius: UDim Determines the radius, in pixels, of the default inventory window and slots. 0, 8
EquipBorderColor3: Color3 Determines the color of the equip border when a slot is equipped. [255, 255, 255]
EquipBorderSizePixel: number Determines the pixel width of the equip border when a slot is equipped. 5
FontFace: Font Determines the font of the default inventory window and slots. Gotham SSm
InsetIconPadding: boolean Determines whether or not the tool icon is padded in the default inventory window and slots. True
OutlineEquipBorder: boolean Determines whether or not the equip border is outline or inset when a slot is equipped. True
TextColor3: Color3 Determines the color of the text in default inventory window and slots. [255, 255, 255]
TextSize: number Determines the size of the text in the default inventory window and slots. 14
TextStrokeColor3: Color3 Determines the color of the text stroke of text in default inventory window and slots. [0, 0, 0]
TextStrokeTransparency: number Determines the transparency of the text stroke of text in default chat window and slots. 0.5


IsOpened(): boolean
Returns whether the inventory is opened or not.
SetBackpackEnabled(enabled: boolean): void
Sets whether the backpack gui is enabled or disabled.
GetBackpackEnabled(): boolean
Returns whether the backpack gui is enabled or disabled.
GetStateChangedEvent(): RBXScriptSignal
Returns a signal that fires when the inventory is opened or closed.



Determines the background color of the default inventory window and slots. Changing this will update the background color for all elements excluding the search box background for visibility purposes.


Determines the background transparency of the default inventory window and slots. This will change how the hot bar looks in its locked state and the inventory background.


Determines the radius, in pixels, of the default inventory window and slots. This will affect all elements with a visible rounded corner. The corner radius for the search bar is calculated automatically based on this value.


Determines the color of the equip border when a slot is equipped. The drag outline color of the slot will not changed by this.


Determines the pixel width of the equip border when a slot is equipped. This additionally controls the padding of tool icons.


Determines the font of the default inventory window and slots. This includes all text in the Satchel UI.


Determines whether or not the tool icon is padded in the default inventory window and slots. Changing this will change how the tool icon is padded in the slot or not.


Determines whether or not the equip border is outline or inset when a slot is equipped. Changing this will make the equip border either border will outline or inset the slot.


Determines the color of the text in default inventory window and slots. This will change the color of all text.


Determines the size of the text in the default inventory window and slots. This will change the text size of the tool names and will not change other text like search text, hotkey number, and gamepad hints.


Determines the color of the text stroke of text in default inventory window and slots. This will change the color of all text strokes which are visible.


Determines the transparency of the text stroke of text in default chat window and slots. This will change all text strokes in which text strokes are visible.



Returns whether the inventory is opened or not.




Sets whether the backpack gui is enabled or disabled.


enabled: boolean




Returns whether the backpack gui is enabled or disabled.




Returns a signal that fires when the inventory is opened or closed.

