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SIMIT Yong Xiang edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 44 revisions


Welcome to the webapi wiki, you can find up to date web api for simbiz business management system here. Below is some guide line for our API:

  1. All API return result in JSON form.
  2. All API required parameter module and action
  3. To access sensitive data, you required to authenticate into specific organization, specific token will provide to you. All subsequent API you shall use supply module, action, uid,token to access the resources.
  4. Each token have expired date (refer Login)

System API (Before Authenticate)

  1. Check API Availability
  2. Login/Obtain Token

Retrieve Available Records

  1. Retrieve Master Data
  2. Insert Transaction
  3. Get Available Stocks

API Data Documentation

  1. Get Data - Official Receipt
  2. Create Data - Official Receipt
  3. Get Data - Sales Invoice
  4. Create Data - Sales Invoice
  5. Create Data - Purchase Invoice
  6. Get Data - Business Partner
  7. Create Data - Business Partner
  8. Update Data - Business Partner
  9. Get Data - Item
  10. Create Data - Item
  11. Update Data - Item
  12. Get Data - Debtor Debit Note
  13. Create Data - Debtor Debit Note
  14. Get Data - Debtor Credit Note
  15. Create Data - Debtor Credit Note
  16. Get Debtors Aging Detail
  17. Get Creditors Aging Detail
  18. Create Data - Journal Entry