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Version guide

Dreamy Cecil edited this page May 28, 2024 · 3 revisions

A unified & simplified changelog of all release versions of Serious Sam Classics Patch, including their patches for easier understanding of what has been added in each version.

1.8 - "Steamy Observation"

Extended support of levels from Revolution, observer camera system, voting sysmem and extra features for Steam players.

  • Separate switches in the patch config for toggling mounting of each game directory.
  • Experimental command for automatically replacing missing resources with placeholders.
  • Observer camera system (a.k.a. "OCAM") for advanced spectating, high quality screenshots and camera movement recording in demos.
    • Works in demos and while observing an active game in most mods.
    • Also works in Singleplayer & Cooperative modes in vanilla game with "Custom mod libraries" turned on.
  • Steam-exclusive features:
    • Automatic game pause upon opening Steam overlay mid-game.
    • Ability to take high quality screenshots using observer camera.
    • Ability to join the same server via a friend by using "Join game" button.
  • Built custom Entities library for The First Encounter v1.05 and The Second Encounter v1.05.
  • New entity pack that implements missing entities: new enemies from Alpha and Revolution, new entities from Revolution and terrain entity for TSE v1.07.
  • "Monster" Arachnoid and new projectile types for levels from Revolution.
  • Commands for extra scaling of big fonts in console and NETRICSA.
  • Put the same restrictions on the vanilla FOV command in Deathmatch and fixed Sniper Rifle overriding custom FOV.
  • Ability to edit buttons of common game controls in the same menu as personal player controls.
  • Added "Extreme" option to rendering preferences in video options for setting best possible graphics.
  • Allowed typing characters from different ANSI code pages instead of only Latin characters in any textbox and console.
  • Voting system via chat commands for players and observers to use. Map changing, client kicking & muting, round skipping.
  • New built-in extension packets: world changing, session property modification, gameplay extension modification.
  • New buttons for undocumented Serious Editor features for exporting entities and their placements in Serious Engine 2+ ASCII formats.
  • Tags above players that display their names and relative distance to them for Advanced HUD plugin.
  • Implemented "packet" and "timer" events for plugins.
  • Steamworks SDK updated to v1.59.

1.7 ~ 1.7.2 - "Compatibility Mode"

Support for most content from Revolution, better support for tools & mods and introduction of gameplay extensions.

  • Support for content from Serious Sam: Revolution in The Second Encounter:
    • Mounting of Revolution game files.
    • Mounting of content from Revolution's Steam Workshop.
    • Dynamic conversion of Revolution worlds in Serious Editor and from inside the game.
  • Full integration of patch functionality into tool applications (including vanilla/unpatched executables):
    • Extra content directories.
    • 64-bit system support.
  • Gameplay extensions for customizing gameplay experience:
    • Elimination of the slowdown bug after 4096 in-game seconds.
    • Customization of the player movement and gravity.
  • Detection of specific seasonal events that can be used for cosmetic purposes.
  • Local customization of blood & gibs.
  • Weapon viewmodel customization: position, rotation, FOV, left-handed mode and power-up particles.
  • Enhanced compatibility with TFE levels in TSE.
  • "Serious Jump" powerup for Revolution levels.
  • New options for filtering levels in the list: by world format and by display title.
  • Support for server administrators and server operators that can log in during the game.
  • Draggable slider gadgets in the menu.
  • Automatic loading of the patch upon loading the Classics Patch mod from vanilla game.
  • Support for vanilla master server functionality and replacement of hardcoded GameSpy master server with Legacy.
  • Preset scripts under "Execute addon" for automatic configuration of the patch.

1.6 ~ 1.6.2 - "Anniversary Update"

Improvements to the features from "Platinum Edition" and extended server & gameplay manipulation.

  • Built a custom mod that directly replaces vanilla logic.
    • Text in NETRICSA scales with larger resolutions.
    • Support for custom game themes in the menu, console and NETRICSA.
    • Ability to display advanced observer view windows on the side rather than over the main view.
  • Level categories for separating one huge level list into smaller groups.
  • GUID masking of player characters to prevent clients from stealing them.
  • Built-in extension packets for extended entity manipulation.
  • Option to make patched servers exclusive to clients that run the same version of the patch.
  • Customizable connection setting.
  • A separate config file for customizing patch behavior before initializing the engine.
  • Fixed broken shadows after loading a game.
  • Automatic checks for new patch updates.
  • New "listener" and "demo" events for user plugins.

1.5 ~ 1.5.1 - "Platinum Edition"

Unification of both classic games under The Second Encounter.

  • Support for content from The First Encounter in The Second Encounter:
    • Mounting of TFE game files.
    • Dynamic conversion of TFE worlds from inside the game.
  • Ability to load GRO files from extra content directories outside the game.
  • Plugin that reworks and improves the HUD and adds customizable themes: TFE, Warped, TSE and Revolution.
  • More characters per line in the console with dynamic scaling depending on the resolution.
  • New "game" and "world" events for user plugins.

1.4 ~ 1.4.2 - "Modernization"

Native resolution support and a number of convenient features.

  • Fixed rendering of SKA models in fog & haze in The Second Encounter v1.07.
  • Support for in-game chat commands.
  • Client logging system that keeps track of all clients that have ever connected to the server.
    • Client restriction system that allows banning and muting clients.
  • DPI awareness for the game window.
  • "Textbox" setting type for modifying string properties and an optional "Hidden:" parameter.
  • Button in the level selection list for toggling visibility of all world files.
  • EngineGUI library changes from Serious Engine 1.50.
  • Local auto-kill and item creation cheats.
  • Larger font in the server browser for larger resolutions.
  • Official support for Russian localization of the patch.

1.3 ~ 1.3.1 - "Modular Modding"

Improved API for user plugins and extended server control.

  • Patched Serious Editor executable with 64-bit support and features from 1.10.
  • Plugin with useful server utilities for customizing the world.
  • Protection against multiplayer packet flood.
  • Protection against split-screen clients.
  • Custom rendering support in plugins for Serious Modeler and Serious SKA Studio.
  • Networking events for plugins using custom packets.

1.2 - "A Fresh Start"

Major refactoring of the project with support for more projects outside of the game executable.

  • Modular user plugin system via DLLs for the game & engine tools.
  • Executable patch for the dedicated server.

1.1 ~ 1.1.2 - "Multilayered Multiplayer"

Patched executable for each relevant game version with various improvements.

  • Additional executables for v1.05 games (TFE and TSE).
  • New options menu for customizing the patch.
  • Separation of config options into groups under different option tabs.
  • Local server cheats that work across any gamemode and any mod.
  • Custom FOV command for the third person view.
  • Patch API for modders.

1.0 ~ 1.0.3

The first patch release, specifically for The Second Encounter v1.07.

  • Support for a variety of widescreen resolutions separated by aspect ratios. Additional adjustments for widescreen resolutions:
    • FOV & mip adjustments.
    • Scaling of menu elements.
    • HUD adjustments.
  • Custom FOV command that works in all gamemodes.
  • Borderless window mode.
  • Working server list with 3 different protocols: Legacy (GameSpy), DarkPlaces, GameAgent.
  • Game render in the menu background.
  • Toggleable red screen on damage.
  • Removal of "Waiting for server to continue" message from demos.