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121 lines (77 loc) · 6.23 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (77 loc) · 6.23 KB

Geometry File Information

The files DetId_sensors_list.csv and module_info.csv are sourced from Tracker version OT800_IT615:

Sources for specific files:

  • allCoordinates.csv (renamed module_info.csv) is available at OT800_IT615 Layout
  • DetId_sensors_list.csv can be found linked from the homepage of the above URL.
  • The average_r_OT800_IT615.txt and average_z_OT800_IT615.txt files can be taken directly from the table at the top of the OT800_IT615 Layout page. These represent the average r positions of the Barrel layers and the average z positions of the Endcap layers.

Setting up the relevant environment

# Download and install Miniconda
curl -O -L
bash -b 

# add conda to the end of ~/.bashrc, so relogin after executing this line
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init

# (optional) stop conda from activating the base environment on login
conda config --set auto_activate_base false

# Add conda-forge as a priority channel for package management
conda config --add channels conda-forge

# Create a new conda environment with necessary packages
conda create --name analysisenv uproot pandas matplotlib jupyter graphviz iminuit scipy shapely root
conda activate analysisenv
conda install -c plotly plotly=4.14.3
pip install yahist particle graphviz pydot tqdm

# Note: After installation, activate your environment with:
# conda activate analysisenv
# To deactivate, use:
# conda deactivate

Compute Geometry (CSV)

The file computes both the sensor corner coordinates and centroid coordinates, as well as two orientation files used by the segment linking algorithm, using the,, and files respectively. This is the only file that you need to run prior to generating the module maps and pixel maps. Documentation for the individual geometry python files it calls are also given below, but do not need to be run in addition to compute_geometry.


Run: python3 for default file paths.

For custom paths: python3 [module_info_file] [sensor_info_file] [outputfile_corners] [outputfile_centroid] [outputfile_tilted_barrel] [outputfile_endcap]
Default module info file: data/module_info_OT800_IT615.csv
Default sensor info file: data/DetId_sensors_list_OT800_IT615.csv
Default output file for corners: output/sensor_corners.txt
Default output file for centroids: output/sensor_centroids.txt
Default output file for tilted barrel orientations: output/tilted_barrel_orientation.txt
Default output file for endcap orientations: output/endcap_orientation.txt

Computing the Module Maps and Pixel Maps

After running the file (see above) the following can be run.

Use the scripts:


This will place the modulemap output to the output/ directory and the pixelmaps to their own pixelmap directory.

Convert Outputs to Binary

After creating the module map and pixel map with the above scripts, you can convert the relevant files stored in output/ to a binary format for use in Tracklooper with the following command:


Compute Centroids (CSV)

The file computes the centroid coordinates of each sensor using the CSV files in /data


Run: python3 for default file paths.

For custom paths: python3 [inputfile] [outputfile]
Default input: data/DetId_sensors_list_OT800_IT615.csv
Default output: output/sensor_centroids.txt

Output Format:

sensor_centroids.txt - [sensor detid], [x coordinate of centroid (cm)], [y coordinate of centorid (cm)], [z coordinate of centroid (cm)], [moduletype (23 (PSP), 24 (PSS), or 25 (TwoS))]

Compute Corners (CSV)

The file calculates the four corner coordinates of each sensor based on the provided module and sensor CSV files. It uses rotation matrices to account for various rotations of each sensor and outputs the corner coordinates for each sensor.


Run: python3 for default file paths.

For custom paths: python3 [module_info_file] [sensor_info_file] [outputfile]
Default module info file: data/module_info_OT800_IT615.csv
Default sensor info file: data/DetId_sensors_list_OT800_IT615.csv
Default output file: output/sensor_corners.txt

Output Format:

sensor_corners.txt - "sensor detid": [Z, X, Y coordinates for each of the sensor's four corners (cm)]

Compute Orientations (CSV)

The script calculates the orientations (dr/dz and dx/dy slopes) of each relevant sensor based on their corner coordinates. It outputs two files: one for the slopes of tilted barrel sensors and another for the slopes of endcap sensors. Note that only the dxdy slope is given for endcap sensors because dz is always 0 in the current geometry for the endcap sensors. Additionally, for endcap sensors, the centroid phi value also appended to orientation information.


Run: python3 for default file paths.

For custom paths: python3 [sensor_corners_file] [centroids_file] [output_tilted_barrel_file] [output_endcap_file]
Default sensor corners file: output/sensor_corners.txt
Default centroids file: data/DetId_sensors_list_OT800_IT615.csv
Default output file for tilted barrel orientations: output/tilted_barrel_orientation.txt
Default output file for endcap orientations: output/endcap_orientation.txt

Output Format:

endcap_orientation.txt - [endcap sensor detid] [dx/dy slope of sensor] [centroid phi value of sensor]
tilted_barrel_orientation.txt - [tilted barrel sensor detid] [dr/dz slope of sensor] [dx/dy slope of sensor]