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Library Management System in C++ language on command line interface using Object-oriented programming concepts

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Repository files navigation

Library Management System (C++)

The mentioned application allows three types of users to register and login -

  1. Professor
  2. Student
  3. Librarian
    | __     __   ____   ___ ||  ____    ____     _  __  |
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-----------------------WELCOME TO IIT KANPUR LIBRARY-----------------------
Choose your role :
1.Professor (Press 1 to select this role)
2.Student (Press 2 to select this role)
3.Librarian (Press 3 to select to role)
Press any other key and Enter to exit the application...

After this we will be shown login and register options (which includes validation) -

-----------------------Welcome to our Library Management System!-----------------------

Choose one option:
1. SignIn (Press 1 to select this)
2. Register (Press 2 to select this)
Press Any key and Enter to exit

Let's register as a Student / Professor. The users can also add a bio in their profile section (while creating their account) :

Enter your name: Shreyasi Mandal

Create a username: shreyasi

Create a password: abcd


Add your bio and press enter when you are done: This is the bio section

Your bio is saved as: This is the bio section


Now lets see how to login and profile section -

Enter your username: shreyasi

Enter your password: abcd

You are successfully logged in:)

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       \/       \/          \/            \/     \/  

Username: shreyasi
Name: Shreyasi Mandal
Role: Professor
Bio: This is the bio section

------------PROFESSOR MENU------------

1. See Book List
2. Search Book
3. Issue Book
4. Check Fine Generated
5. Clear Fine Amount
6. Logout

As we can see from above, the profile of the user (including role) is shown once the user logs in, and the menu of the professor is visible.

I was only able to implement 1. See Book List, 2. Search Book, and 7. Logout options...

The books data is stored in books_data.txt

The book list is shown as follows -

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---------- 1 ----------
Title : Casting light on the dark side of brain imaging
Authors : Raz, Amir & Thibault, Robert T.
ISBN : 9780128161791
Publisher : London Academic Press 2019

---------- 2 ----------
Title : An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R
Authors : Gareth James & Daniela Witten
ISBN : 9780120161594
Publisher : McGraw Hills

---------- 3 ----------
Title : Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
Authors : Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner Meira Jr
ISBN : 9780521766333
Publisher : Cambridge University Press

---------- 4 ----------
Title : demo
Authors : demo
ISBN : 123456789
Publisher : demo

We can search the books using the title of the book as seen as follows -

      //`.: :'    `\\\
     ;; '           ;;'.__.===============,
     ||             ||  __                 )
     ;;             ;;.'  '==============='
      \\           ///

Enter Book's Name : Dat 

----------- SEARCH RESULTS ------------

---------- 1 ----------
Title : Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
Authors : Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner Meira Jr
ISBN : 9780521766333
Publisher : Cambridge University Press

      //`.: :'    `\\\
     ;; '           ;;'.__.===============,
     ||             ||  __                 )
     ;;             ;;.'  '==============='
      \\           ///

Enter Book's Name : JK

----------- SEARCH RESULTS ------------

███╗░░██╗░█████╗░████████╗██╗░░██╗██╗███╗░░██╗░██████╗░  ███████╗░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗███╗░░██╗██████╗░
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The Student view is also the same as Professor

Now, lets look at the Librarian view -

------------LIBRARIAN MENU------------

1. See Book List
2. See User List
3. Add Book
4. Update Existing Book
5. Delete Book
6. Add User
7. Update Existing User
8. Delete User
9. Logout

Here, I have implemented 1. See Book List, 2. See User List, 3. Add Book, 4. Update Existing Book, 5. Delete Book, 6. Add User and 9. Logout options

The book list is shown similarly as shown above.

The data about the users is stored separately in users_data.txt. Upon successful registration of users, the username, name and role of the user gets appended in the file. The user list is shown in the form of a table. To create the table in the terminal, external help was taken -

 --------- USER LIST ---------
|Username   |Name           |     Role|
|shreyansi20|Shreyasi Mandal|  STUDENT|
|admin      |Admin          |LIBRARIAN|
|demo       |Demo           |PROFESSOR|

Upon adding a book (by the librarian) the details of the book will get appended to the file books_data.txt

Enter Title of Book : Software Engineering

Enter Authors of Book : Demo Author

Enter ISBN of Book : 123456789109

Enter Publisher of Book : Mc Graw Hills    

Successfully Added a New Book :)

For updating any book, the librarian has to first search for the book (which he/she wants to update) -

Enter Book's Name : s

----------- CHOOSE THE BOOK YOU WANT TO UPDATE ------------

---------- 1 ----------
Title : Casting light on the dark side of brain imaging
Authors : Raz, Amir & Thibault, Robert T.
ISBN : 9780128161791
Publisher : London Academic Press 2019

Do you want to update this book? [Y/N] : n

---------- 2 ----------
Title : An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R
Authors : Gareth James & Daniela Witten
ISBN : 9780120161594
Publisher : McGraw Hills

Do you want to update this book? [Y/N] : n

---------- 3 ----------
Title : Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
Authors : Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner Meira Jr
ISBN : 9780521766333
Publisher : Cambridge University Press

Do you want to update this book? [Y/N] : n

---------- 4 ----------
Title : Software Engineering
Authors : Demo Author
ISBN : 123456789109
Publisher : Mc Graw Hills

Do you want to update this book? [Y/N] : y

Enter New Title of Book (Type `none` if you don't want to update this) : none

Enter New Authors of Book (Type `none` if you don't want to update this) : demo

Enter New ISBN of Book (Type `none` if you don't want to update this) : none

Enter New Publisher of Book (Type `none` if you don't want to update this) : McGraw Hills

---------------- BOOK SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED ----------------

Similarly, to delete a book the user has to first search for the "title" of the book and then choose y/n respectively.

All the changes to the data will be displayed in the .txt file.

The process of adding user is similar to the registration process.

Enter the user's name: demo

Create a username: demo

Specify the role of the user: student

Create a password: abcd


Add bio and press enter if done: this is the bio :)

The user's bio is saved as: this is the bio :)



Library Management System in C++ language on command line interface using Object-oriented programming concepts







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