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This repository contains the julia 1.9.0 code used for the publication LINK MISSING. Dimensionality reduction (time series decomposition) is used for the purpose of accurately identifying the saisonal trend of the following variables

SWC (soil water content), TS (temperature soil), TA (temperature air), SW_IN (shortwave radiation incoming), NEE (net ecosystem exchange), RECO (respiration of ecosystem), GPP (gross primary production),

of FLUXNET daily measurement series within 01.01.2005-31.12.2020 of sites

CH-Dav, DE-Tha, FI-Hyy, IT-Lav, RU-Fyo, BE-Vie, CH-Lae, DE-Hai, DK-Sor.


Using Diffusion Maps and Singular Spectrum Analysis, the feasability of extracting a seasonal cycle of sufficient accuracy - e.g. harmonic order of at least 2 - is ivestigated. The effects of noise are investigated by a FFT-based lowpass filter.

Repository structure

  • main functionalities such as required functions and imported packages are in 01_basic_functionality.jl
  • the struct used to perform multiple calculations in parallel are in 02_dimensionreduction_structs.jl
  • lowpass filter for the datasets are in 03_data_preprocessing.jl
  • executions of the calculations over the datasets are in 03_04_RUN_dimensionreduction.jl
  • processing of the results such as identifying harmonic modes and combining them are in 05_processing.jl, same as, saving the results
  • loading the results and preparing them for plotting is done in 06_load_figuredata.jl
  • 07_fig1_motivation.jl holds the code for the creation of the motivation figure
  • 08_fig2_results.jl holds the code for the creation of the individual example/scenario figures
  • 09_fig1_heatmaps.jl holds the code for the creation of the showcasing overview figure
  • 10_workflow_figures.jl holds the code for the creation of parts of the workflow schema

Code quickstart: analyzing a single time series raw and preprocessed

Everything is tailored for Float32 for FLUXNET precision and computation speed. This rather lengthy example consists of the subfunctions with main functionality for clarity. The following code contains all reasoning steps required for the understanding of the algorithmic structure. All numerical results of the publication can be obtained by employing this procedure sequentially on the individual timeseries. The material in the repository handles the dataset at once and tailors specific figures.

Dimensionality reduction

# load prerequisites
# example GPP series
time_series = load("example.jld2")["example"]
# number of measurements ( 5114 daily measurements ~ 14 a length)
N = length(time_series)
# embedding length (longest full year period: 7a)
W = Int(floor(365.25 .* 7))
# arbitrary number of extracted modes, here set to 48
k = 48
# creating a fixed struct for dimensionsality reduction holding the big matrices of the calculations
d = matrixholder(N, W, k)
# Set the number of samples per year
sampleyear = 365
# execute computation 1 (example without preprocessing)
  # Process the data (centralization), inject into the struct
  put_data_raw(d, time_series)
  # Compute epsilon
  # perform nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLSA), yielding EOF basis set
  # project the data on the EOF basis set
  # Save the nonlinear results (name of saving directory)
  save_results(d, "unfiltered_nlsa_results")
  # Perform singular spectrum analysis (SSA) using the same struct
  # Save the linear results (name of saving directory)
  save_results(d, "unfiltered_ssa_results")
# preprocess the example series by lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency off 6/a
cutoff_frequency = 6
time_series_lowpassed = lowpass_filter(time_series, cutoff_frequency)
# execute computation 2
  # Process the data (centralization), inject into the struct
  put_data_raw(d, time_series_lowpassed)
  # Compute epsilon
  # perform nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLSA), yielding EOF basis set
  # project the data on the EOF basis set
  # Save the nonlinear results (name of saving directory)
  save_results(d, "filtered_nlsa_results")
  # Perform singular spectrum analysis (SSA) using the same struct
  # Save the linear results (name of saving directory)
  save_results(d, "filtered_ssa_results")

Processing of the combined results

# load in the data from the computations and investigate the EOS basis set
p_unfiltered = extract_from_directory("unfiltered_ssa_results","unfiltered_nlsa_results")
p_filtered = extract_from_directory("filtered_ssa_results","filtered_nlsa_results")
# p holds         spot,W,vari,years,varname,igbpclass,freq_domain_N,freq_domain_w,freqs_w,freqs,signal,ssa_Eof,nlsa_Eof,nlsa_eps,ssa_rec,nlsa_rec,ssa_cap_var,nlsa_cap_var,spec_signal,spec_ssa_rc,spec_nlsa_rc,spec_ssa_eof,spec_nlsa_eof,gaussian_ssa,gaussian_nlsa,li_harmonics_ssa,li_harmonics_nlsa,ssa_trend_harm,nlsa_trend_harm,freq_ssa,freq_nlsa,ssa_harm_var,nlsa_harm_var,spec_ssa,spec_res_ssa,spec_nlsa,spec_res_nlsa
# from these, we only require the identified frequencies of individual modes to decide wether they belong to the harmonic strcture of the fundamental frequency

find out wether there is at least second harmonic order of seasonal cycle present (with a fixed threshold)

threshold = 0.15

# unfiltered data
freq_list_ssa = p_unfiltered[30]
freq_list_nlsa = p_unfiltered[31]
#two modes per frequency required: booleans - wether they are present
ssa_firstorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-1.0)<=threshold,freq_list_ssa)) >= 2
ssa_secondorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-2.0)<=threshold,freq_list_ssa)) >= 2
nlsa_firstorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-1.0)<=threshold,freq_list_nlsa)) >= 2
nlsa_secondorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-2.0)<=threshold,freq_list_nlsa)) >= 2

# filtered data
freq_list_ssa = p_filtered[30]
freq_list_nlsa = p_filtered[31]
#two modes per frequency required: booleans - wether they are present
ssa_firstorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-1.0)<=threshold,freq_list_ssa)) >= 2
ssa_secondorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-2.0)<=threshold,freq_list_ssa)) >= 2
nlsa_firstorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-1.0)<=threshold,freq_list_nlsa)) >= 2
nlsa_secondorder = length(findall(x->abs(x-2.0)<=threshold,freq_list_nlsa)) >= 2


  • Ghil, M., Allen, M.R., Dettinger, M.D., Ide, K., Kondrashov, D., Mann, M.E., Robertson, A.W., Saunders, A., Tian, Y., Varadi, F., and Yiou, P. (2002). Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series. Reviews of Geophysics, 40(1), pp. 1003.
  • Vautard, R., Yiou, P., and Ghil, M. (1992). Singular-spectrum analysis: A toolkit for short, noisy chaotic signals. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 58(1-4), pp. 95-126.
  • Nadal, M.E., Harlim, J., and Majda, A.J. (2015). Nonlinear Laplacian spectral analysis for time series with intermittency and low-frequency variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(13), pp. 3918-3923.
  • Coifman, R.R. and Lafon, S. (2006). Diffusion maps. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 21(1), pp. 5-30. Lahiri, S.N., Santhanam, M.S., and Chattopadhyay, J. (2015). Singular spectrum analysis and its variants: A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 7(4), pp. 268-283.
  • MultivariateStats.jl: Provides a collection of multivariate statistical methods for data analysis. The PCA class is part of this library. Reference:
  • ManifoldLearning.jl: Provides a collection of manifold learning methods for high-dimensional data analysis. The DiffusionMap class is part of this library. Reference:


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