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Tutorials for the optimization techniques used in Gradient-Free-Optimizers and Hyperactive.


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Optimization Tutorial

In addition to this README there is a (not yet finished) streamlit-based website with visualizations and more detailed explanations: Streamlit App

This tutorial describes the optimization strategies and parameters from the Hyperactive and Gradient-Free-Optimizers python-packages. All optimizer- and parameter-names correspond to version 1.0 of Gradient-Free-Optimizers.


The following table shows the expected results for each optimization strategy for the given type of problems:

- Convex function with fast evaluation time (<0.1s)
- Non-convex function with fast evaluation time (<0.1s)
- Machine learning model hyperparameter optimization
- Deep learning model hyperparameter optimization

Those recomendations are just estimated based on personal experience and can heavily change dependend on optimization parameters, exact type of problem and number of iterations.

Optimizer Classes and default Parameters


Hill climbing is a very basic optimization technique, that explores the search space only localy. It starts at an initial point, which is often chosen randomly and continues to move to positions with a better solution. It has no method against getting stuck in local optima.

Available parameters:

  • epsilon=0.05
  • distribution="normal"
  • n_neighbours=3
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • Never as a first method of optimization
  • When you have a very good initial point to start from
  • If the search space is very simple and has few local optima or saddle points


Available parameters:

  • epsilon=0.05
  • distribution="normal"
  • n_neighbours=3
  • rand_rest_p=0
  • repulsion_factor=3

Use cases/properties:

  • When you have a good initial point to start from


Simulated annealing chooses its next possible position similar to hill climbing, but it accepts worse results with a probability that decreases with time:

It simulates a temperature that decreases with each iteration, similar to a material cooling down. The following normalization is used to calculate the probability independent of the metric:

Available parameters:

  • epsilon=0.05
  • distribution="normal"
  • n_neighbours=3
  • rand_rest_p=0
  • annealing_rate=0.975
  • start_temp=1

Use cases/properties:

  • When you have a good initial point to start from, but expect the surrounding search space to be very complex
  • Good as a second method of optimization


The downhill simplex optimization works by creating a polytope from n + 1 positions in the search space of n dimensions. This polytope is called a simplex, which can alter its shape with the following steps:

  • reflecting
  • expanding
  • contracting
  • shrinking

Available parameters:

  • alpha=1,
  • gamma=2,
  • beta=0.5
  • sigma=0.5


The random search explores by choosing a new position at random after each iteration. Some random search implementations choose a new position within a large hypersphere around the current position. The implementation in hyperactive is purely random across the search space in each step.

Use cases/properties:

  • Very good as a first method of optimization or to start exploring the search space
  • For a short optimization run to get an acceptable solution


The grid-search explores the search space one step at a time following a diagonal grid like structure. It does not take the score from the objective function into account, but follows the grid until the entire search space is explored.

Available parameters:

  • step_size=1

Use cases/properties:

  • Very good as a first method of optimization or to start exploring the search space


Random restart hill climbing works by starting a hill climbing search and jumping to a random new position after a number of iterations.

Available parameters:

  • epsilon=0.05
  • distribution="normal"
  • n_neighbours=3
  • rand_rest_p=0
  • n_iter_restart=10

Use cases/properties:

  • Good as a first method of optimization
  • For a short optimization run to get an acceptable solution


An algorithm that chooses a new position within a large hypersphere around the current position. This hypersphere gets smaller over time.

Available parameters:

  • epsilon=0.05
  • distribution="normal"
  • n_neighbours=3
  • rand_rest_p=0.03
  • annealing_rate=0.975
  • start_temp=1

Use cases/properties:

  • Disclaimer: I have not seen this algorithm before, but invented it myself. It seems to be a good alternative to the other random algorithms
  • Good as a first method of optimization
  • For a short optimization run to get an acceptable solution


This powell's method implementation works by optimizing each search space dimension at a time with a hill climbing algorithm.

Available parameters:

  • iters_p_dim=10

Use cases/properties:


The pattern search creates a cross-like pattern that moves its center position to the best surrounding position or shrinks if no better position is available.

Available parameters:

  • n_positions=4
  • pattern_size=0.25
  • reduction=0.9

Use cases/properties:


Parallel Tempering initializes multiple simulated annealing searches with different temperatures and chooses to swap those temperatures with the following probability:

Available parameters:

  • population=10
  • n_iter_swap=10
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • Not as dependend of a good initial position as simulated annealing
  • If you have enough time for many model evaluations


Particle swarm optimization works by initializing a number of positions at the same time and moving all of those closer to the best one after each iteration.

Available parameters:

  • population=10
  • inertia=0.5
  • cognitive_weight=0.5
  • social_weight=0.5
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • If the search space is complex and large
  • If you have enough time for many model evaluations


Evolution strategy mutates and combines the best individuals of a population across a number of generations without transforming them into an array of bits (like genetic algorithms) but uses the real values of the positions.

Available parameters:

  • population=10
  • mutation_rate=0.7
  • crossover_rate=0.3
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • If the search space is very complex and large
  • If you have enough time for many model evaluations


Bayesian optimization chooses new positions by calculating the expected improvement of every position in the search space based on a gaussian process that trains on already evaluated positions.

Available parameters:

  • gpr=gaussian_process["gp_nonlinear"]
  • xi=0.03
  • warm_start_smbo=None
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • If model evaluations take a long time
  • If you do not want to do many iterations
  • If your search space is not to big


Tree of Parzen Estimators also chooses new positions by calculating the expected improvement. It does so by calculating the ratio of probability being among the best positions and the worst positions. Those probabilities are determined with a kernel density estimator, that is trained on alrady evaluated positions.

Available parameters:

  • gamma_tpe=0.5
  • warm_start_smbo=None
  • rand_rest_p=0

Use cases/properties:

  • If model evaluations take a long time
  • If you do not want to do many iterations
  • If your search space is not to big


Available parameters:

  • tree_regressor="extra_tree"
  • xi=0.01
  • warm_start_smbo=None
  • rand_rest_p=0

Optimizer Parameters


When climbing to new positions epsilon determines how far the hill climbing based algorithm jumps from one position to the next points. Higher epsilon leads to longer jumps.

available values: float

Used by:

  • HillClimbingOptimizer
  • RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer
  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomRestartHillClimbingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer
  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer
  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


The mathematical distribution the algorithm draws samples from.

available values: str; "normal", "laplace", "logistic", "gumbel"

Used by:

  • HillClimbingOptimizer
  • RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer
  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomRestartHillClimbingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer
  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer
  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


The number of positions the algorithm explores from its current postion before jumping to the best one.

available values: int

Used by:

  • HillClimbingOptimizer
  • RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer
  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomRestartHillClimbingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer
  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer
  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


Probability for the optimization algorithm to jump to a random position in an iteration step.

available values: float; [0.0, ... ,0.5, ... ,1]

Used by:

  • HillClimbingOptimizer
  • RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer
  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomRestartHillClimbingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer
  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer
  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer
  • BayesianOptimizer
  • TreeStructuredParzenEstimators
  • ForestOptimizer


If the algorithm does not find a better position the repulsion factor increases epsilon for the next jump.

available values: float

Used by:

  • RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer


Rate at which the temperatur-value of the algorithm decreases. An annealing rate above 1 increases the temperature over time.

available values: float; [0.0, ... ,0.5, ... ,1]

Used by:

  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer


The start temperatur determines the probability for the algorithm to jump to a worse position.

available values: float

Used by:

  • SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer
  • RandomAnnealingOptimizer
  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer


Reflection parameter of the simplex algorithm.

available values: float

Used by:

  • DownhillSimplexOptimizer


Expansion parameter of the simplex algorithm.

available values: float

Used by:

  • DownhillSimplexOptimizer


Contraction parameter of the simplex algorithm.

available values: float

Used by:

  • DownhillSimplexOptimizer


Shrinking parameter of the simplex algorithm.

available values: float

Used by:

  • DownhillSimplexOptimizer


The number of steps the grid search takes after each iteration. If this parameter is set to 3 the grid search won't select the next position, but the one it would normally select after 3 iterations. This way we get a sparse grid after the first pass through the search space. After the first pass is done the grid search starts at the beginning and does a second pass with the same step size. And a third pass after that.

available values: int

Used by:

  • GridSearchOptimizer


The number of iterations the algorithm performs before jumping to a random position.

available values: int

Used by:

  • RandomRestartHillClimbingOptimizer


Number of iterations per dimension of the search space.

available values: int

Used by:

  • PowellsMethod


Number of positions that the pattern contains.

available values: int

Used by:

  • PatternSearch


Size of the patterns in percentage of the size of the search space in the corresponding dimension.

available values: int

Used by:

  • PatternSearch


Factor to change the size of the pattern when no better position is found.

available values: int

Used by:

  • PatternSearch


The number of iterations the algorithm performs before switching temperatures of the individual optimizers in the population.

available values: int

Used by:

  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer


Size of the population for population-based optimization algorithms.

available values: float

Used by:

  • ParallelTemperingOptimizer
  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer
  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


The inertia of the movement of the individual optimizers in the population.

available values: float

Used by:

  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer


A factor of the movement towards the personal best position of the individual optimizers in the population.

available values: float

Used by:

  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer


A factor of the movement towards the global best position of the individual optimizers in the population.

available values: float

Used by:

  • ParticleSwarmOptimizer


Probability of an individual in the population to perform an hill climbing step.

available values: float

Used by:

  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


Probability of an individual to perform a crossover with the best individual in the population.

available values: float

Used by:

  • EvolutionStrategyOptimizer


The access to the surrogate model class. Example surrogate model classes can be found in a separate repository.

available values: class

Used by:

  • BayesianOptimizer


Parameter for the expected uncertainty of the estimation.

available values: float

Used by:

  • BayesianOptimizer
  • ForestOptimizer


Dataframe that contains the search data of a previous optimization run.

available values: dataframe

Used by:

  • BayesianOptimizer
  • TreeStructuredParzenEstimators
  • ForestOptimizer


Separates the explored positions into good and bad.

available values: float; [0.0, ... ,0.5, ... ,1]

Used by:

  • TreeStructuredParzenEstimators


The access to the surrogate model class. Example surrogate model classes can be found in a separate repository.

available values: class

Used by:

  • ForestOptimizer