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Simplify.Templates Documentation

Provides ITemplate interface, Template class and TemplateBuilder class for working with text templates.

With Simplify.Templates you can easily load text templates, localize them, insert data and get generated result.

Available at NuGet as binary package

Quick start

Load the template from a file located in the current assembly directory:

var tpl = TemplateBuilder

The TestTemplate.tpl file:


Setting a data into the template variables:

tpl.Set("SomeVariable", "footext");

tpl.Add("Items", "1")
    .Add("Items", "2")
    .Add("Items", "3");

Getting the template text:

var str = tpl.Get();

str will contain:


Another ways of template loading

To choose how to load template use respective TemplateBuilder static methods:

  • Loading template from a string: FromString("some string")
  • Loading template from a file: FromFile("D:\SomeDir\SomeFile.txt")
  • Loading template from a file located in current assembly directory: FromLocalFile("SomeFile.txt")
  • Loading template from current assembly embedded resources by: FromCurrentAssembly("FilePath.Filename.tpl") or FromCurrentAssembly("FilePath/Filename.tpl")
  • Loading template from specified assembly embedded resources by: FromAssembly("FilePath.Filename.tpl", myAssembly)

Template localization

If you want a template to be localizable then you should create a xml file in the same directory as a template file.

Files should be named like FooTemplate.tpl.en.xml, if a template file name is FooTemplate.tpl. For embedded templates it should be named like FooTemplate.tpl-en.xml.

You can keep several files for each language, which you want to be localized, for example:


Localization file example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`
    <item name="LocalizableVariable" value="Test" />

Localization file FooTemplate.tpl.en.xml example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`
    <item name="LocalizableVariable" value="Test default" />
    <item name="LocalizableVariable2">
        <a href="#">localizable data default</a>

Template file FooTemplate.tpl example:


To perform localization use respective fluent methods: Localizable, LocalizableFromCurrentThreadLanguage

There are two language code parameters, first is the current language, and seconds is the default language.

At the time when a template builds, the current language localization file will be inserted into the template, after that the default localization file will be inserted. If some localizable values are not exist in the current localization file, then they will be inserted from the default localization file.

To use Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName language code as the current language code use LocalizableFromCurrentThreadLanguage method.

Output example:

var tpl = TemplateBuilder
    .Localizable("de", "en")

var str = tpl.Get();

str will contain:

<div><a href="#">localizable data default</a></div>

Building items list example

The MasterTemplate.tpl file:


The FooLinkItem.tpl file:

<a href="http://foolink/{ItemID}">{MyLinkLabel} {ItemID}</a><br />

The FooLinkItem.tpl.en.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`
    <item name="MyLinkLabel" value="My item" />

Building links list:

class MyItem
    public int ID { get; set; }


var items = new List<MyItem> { {ID = 1}, {ID = 2}, {ID = 3}};

var tpl = TemplateBuilder

var itemTpl = TemplateBuilder

foreach (var item in items)
    itemTpl.Set("ItemID", item.ID);

    // Adding our generated item data to the master template and rolling it back to initial, but localized state
    tpl.Add("Links", itemTpl.GetAndRoll());

var str = tpl.Get();

str will contain:

<a href="http://foolink/1">My item 1</a><br />
<a href="http://foolink/2">My item 2</a><br />
<a href="http://foolink/3">My item 3</a><br />

Model binding example

The MyTemplate.tpl file:


The model:

public class MyClass
    public string Prop1 { get; set; }
    public int Prop2 { get; set; }
    public DateTime Prop3 { get; set; }

Setting model to template:

var obj = new MyClass {Prop1 = "Foo", Prop2 = 5, Prop3 = new DateTime(2014, 09, 13)};

var tpl = TemplateBuilder

tpl.Model(obj).With(x => x.Prop3, x => x.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")).Set();

var str = tpl.Get();

str will contain:
