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*Zen_Rat* edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

ZenFlood is an innovative low-bandwidth stress test tool designed to evaluate the performance and resilience of web servers under varying levels of traffic. It's built for network administrators, security professionals, and testers who want to simulate high-load environments to assess how web infrastructures handle stress.

Installation Guide


Python 3.x installed on your system. Network access to the target host.


Clone the ZenFlood repository:

  • git clone
  • Navigate to the ZenFlood directory:
  • bash
  • cd ZenFlood

Usage Examples**

  • ### # Basic Attack: ./

  • Custom Port and Socket Numbers: ./ -p 8080 -s 200

  • Using HTTPS and Verbose Mode:

./ -s 200 --https -v


  • -p, --port: Target port (default is 80).
  • -s, --sockets: Number of sockets (default is 150).
  • --https: Flag to use HTTPS.
  • --sleeptime: Interval between keep-alive messages.
  • -ua, --randuseragents: Enable randomized user-agent headers.
  • -x, --useproxy: Enable SOCKS5 proxy usage.
  • --proxy-host: Define the proxy host.
  • --proxy-port: Define the proxy port.
  • Troubleshooting
  • Connection timeouts: Increase the --sleeptime value or reduce the number of sockets.
  • Proxy issues: Ensure the proxy settings (--proxy-host and --proxy-port) are correct.


Can I use ZenFlood on any website?

  • ZenFlood should be used responsibly and legally. Obtain permission before testing websites you don't own.

Is ZenFlood detectable?

  • Like any tool, skilled administrators can detect abnormal traffic patterns. Use wisely.


  • We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests with your improvements or fixes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


ZenFlood is under the MIT License, which allows for flexibility and reuse while requiring attribution to the original source. See the LICENSE file in the repository for more details.