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Library that calculates geodesics (orbits) using any metric compatible with General Relativity.


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This code aims to facilitate research on dark matter by simulating any geodesics given a metric specified by the user and some initial conditions.


  • matplotlib
  • sympy
  • scipy
  • numpy


Clone the repository and go to the main folder geodpy_lib. You can use these commands:

git clone
cd geodpy_lib

In order to be able to import the classes and functions of this library, you will need to add the geodpy_lib folder to your PYTHON PATH. If you are already located in this folder, you can run the following command.


To add the folder permanently to your PYTHON PATH, run this command instead.

echo 'export PYTHONPATH="$HOME'${PWD/#$HOME/}':$PYTHONPATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc

or, for zsh terminals, run this.

echo 'export PYTHONPATH="$HOME'${PWD/#$HOME/}':$PYTHONPATH"' >> $HOME/.zshrc

Basic Usage

Example with the Schwarzschild metric

In the geodpy_lib/examples/schwarzschild folder, run any of the python files except for (since it acts as a module for the other files). For instance, you could run:


which will run a configuration of the Schwarzschild metric where the body in orbit is very close to the event horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole. A plot should be displayed on the screen using matplotlib.

Structure of the examples

With the last example in mind, here is a more detailed overlook of how the examples are structured. This section will make it easier to understand how you can customize the orbits to your liking and experiment with the code.

In the examples folder are many examples that simulate geodesics with varied metrics, including the Schwarzschild, Kerr and Schwarzschild de Sitter metric. All these folders work in the same way. Taking the schwarzschild folder as an example, inside it are many files, the main one being This script acts as a python module for the other files. Inside this code, there is a schwarzschild() function, which you can call with varied parameters to generate different geodesics. The other files in the schwarzschild folder are simple sripts who call the schwarzschild() function with different initial values. As it was shown in the previous section, the script, for example, yields a geodesic simulated near the event horizon of a non rotating Schwarzschild blackhole. You can run the other examples in the other folders the same way.

The README inside each example folders specifies the meaning of the constants and quantities used.

Advanced Usage

Seeing as you have added the project folder to your python path, you can call the classes and functions of this code from any location in your computer. Once you have established a workspace, create an empty scrip and start coding!

The basic strategy to yield results is described below as steps.

0. Hold on!

Before continuing with this section, if you wish for more control over your calculation than the previous section but less bloat to code than what follows, I suggest you look at the geodpy.basic function, which automates a good portion of the calculation. However, this is entirely optionnal as this function is merely a wrapper for the later steps of the current section. If you want to do this approach, complete steps 1 and 2, and initialize the dictionnary in step 4, then feed the variables you have made along the way to the basic function. See geodpy_lib/geodpy/ for the arguments you need to input.

1. Establish your coordinate system

If you venture in geodpy_lib/geodpy/, you will see that some coordinate systems have already been defined for easy use. If you wish to have more specific coordinates system, you will need to create your own class that implements the Coordinates abstract class located in the same file. I suggest you copy/paste an already implemented class and modify it to your needs. Note that the to_cartesian() and to_spherical() methods are optionnal if you do not intend to plot your data using the project's plotting tools.

Once that is done, you will need to unpack your Coordinates.coords attribute into 4 seperate variables (these are your individual coordinates). You will need them for the following step.

2. Create the metric

Create a symbolic sympy Matrix object for your space-time metric. The metric needs to make use of the coordinates (sympy Function objects) defined in the previous step. You must not parametrized the metric by any other sympy Functions. Your metric should only contain your coordinates and constants.

3. Compute the symbolic geodesics

For this step, import Geodesics from geodpy. Create a Geodesic object by feeding the constructor your coordinate class and the metric. Upon creation, the object will automatically start computing the geodesics, which are then made available to you through the object's attributes.

4. Compute the trajectory of a body

For this step, import Body from geodpy. Create a Body object by feeding the constructor your Geodesic object, as well as the initial position vector (python list of lenght 4) and the initial velocity vector (python list also of lenght 4). If the metric includes a coordinate time t, it is still considered a position, as in a position in space-time and not just space.

Afterwards, execute:


This method is basically a wrapper for the scipy solve_ivp function. As such, the parameters you need to feed solve_trajectory are the same as the solve_ivp keyword arguments. Below is a dictionnary of all the parameters to feed the method:

solver_kwargs = {
    "time_interval": (0,T),           
    "method"       : "Radau",          
    "max_step"     : T*1e-3,
    "atol"         : 1e-8,              
    "rtol"         : 1e-8,              
    "events"       : None,              

You can simpy unpack this as function parameters. Upon running, the code will solve the differential equation system established by the Geodesics object.

You can also calculate the norm of the velocity vector for each point using the calculate_velocities method of the Body object. The results will be store in the body.vel_norm class attribute.

5. Plot your data

The results are stored in the body.pos and body.vel class attributes. However, the raw results, directly given by solve_ivp are stored in the body.solver_result class attribute, should you need them. As you may have guessed, body.pos and body.vel are respectively the position and velocity vectors of your body following the geodesic. To get the proper time (also known as the "interval") for each point, call body.s.

This project can also plot your data automatically and according to your coordinate system. To do this, import one of the non-abstract plotter classes located in geodpy/ and instantiate it. The object will offer the following methods originating the abstract class BodyPlotter:

plot(title: str)
save_plot(file_name: str)

animate(frame_interval: list)
save_animation(file_name: str)

plot_velocity(title: str)
save_velocity(file_name: str)

show() # Shows all plots created up to now

In case you are working in a coordinate system that is NOT spherical or cartesian, then it is unsupported by geodpy for plotting. However, if you have correctly defined your Coordinate class from earlier, you may be able to convert your final results to cartesian or spherical coordinates. To do this, simply run:

cartesian_body = body.get_cartesian_body(**kwargs)
spherical_body = body.get_spherical_body(**kwargs)

which will create another body object with the correct position and velocity vectors in cartesian or spherical coordinates. The kwargs are the arguments of the get_cartesian or get_spherical methods from the Coordinates object. Indeed, transformation into another coordinate system may require additionnal parameters. You can then use cartesian_body or spherical_body to plot your data with your plotter object.

Depending on if you are using a 3D plotter or a 2D plotter, you have different methods available to add additionnal figures to the plot. For instance, you could add a black circle, representing a blackhole, if you wish. More info on these methods are provided in geodpy/


If you wish to see a more detailed overview of all the classes and functions at your disposition, be sure to checkout the located in the geodpy_lib/geodpy source code folder.


Library that calculates geodesics (orbits) using any metric compatible with General Relativity.








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