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Abstimmungsdatenbank (ABDA)

Shiny app for ABDA tool (Abstimmungsdatenbank).

The ABDA application on the Website of Statistik Stadt Zürich shows the results of all popular votes since 1933 on communal, cantonal and federal level.

The data is obtained from the Open Data portal of the city of Zurich and is available here.


flowchart LR;
  f1[F1 text search]:::filter --> button[button start]:::button
  f2[F2 select date range]:::filter --> button
  f3[F3 select pol level]:::filter --> button
  button --> output1[(filtered data = \nF1 + F2 + F3)]:::data
  output1 --> results1[[Resultat Vorlagen]]:::result
  results1 --> f4[F4 selectVote]:::filter
  f4 --> output2[(output1 + F4)]:::data
  output2 --> results2[["Resultat Vorlagen \n(voteResult)"]]:::result
  output2 --> downloads{Downloads}:::download
  classDef filter fill:#ffff2f,stroke:#ffff2f;
  classDef button fill:#695eff,stroke:#695eff;
  classDef data fill:#edade6,stroke:#acb0b0;
  classDef result fill:#59e6f0,stroke:#acb0b0;
  classDef download fill:#43cc4c,stroke:#43cc4c;