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StephenCleary edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 1 revision


The DeferralManager type simplifies the writing of "command-style" events. Regular events don't care when their handlers complete, so they work with async event handlers just fine. Command-style events need to know when their handlers are complete, even if they're async.

The DeferralManager type uses a pattern similar to WinRT deferrals: the event argument type provides a GetDeferral and can detect when all deferrals have completed.


// Manages the deferrals for a "command" event that may have asynchonous handlers.
public sealed class DeferralManager
  // Gets a deferral. The deferral is complete when disposed.
  public IDisposable GetDeferral();

  // Notifies the manager that all deferrals have been requested, and returns a task that is completed
  //   when all deferrals have completed.
  public Task SignalAndWaitAsync();

Platform Support

The full API is supported on all platforms.